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Hobbying Pet Peeves


TERBite Undercover
Oct 30, 2005

Yeah I can see that being a turn off for some guys. I personally don't mind them if they are small or sexy. But you are right sometimes these "work of art" can be quite daunting and eye catching in a bad way. LOL But to each his own, because I know some guys really really dig that shit. But definately a valid one for the list.


New Member
Jan 9, 2006
General Gonad said:
Any thoughts on my ultimate pet peeve of sharing information you shouldn't be sharing?


I think that unless the client is dangerous, poses a risk or chronically no call/no shows, there is no need to share information. Even when girls ask for a reference for a guy, I generally only say whether I would see the guy or not. No qualifiers, no reasons, just a yes, or a no. Period. I cannot even imagine a situation where a clients information would come up? Why would anyone do that?

I guess GG, I am asking, this has happened to you? Who shared your information agency, girl, indy? I know that many guys feel that all we girls can do is chit-chat amongst each other about this client and that client, but truth is, SPing is very isolating and is not something we talk about much, even amongst each other. I would think that the majority of talkers in this business are the guys (be it clients or agency owners), which is why I would NEVER work for an agency owned by a man.

RK - What should I name myself now? Well, at least Annik has retired... now the name is MINE - ALL MINE!! lol!

Kaemp - I don't think that tatoos can be considered a pet peeve - it is more like a preference, no?

LS - Leaving the money on the table issue... you cannot please everyone all of the time, so guys feel that picking the moola up ruins GFE, others, feel like it is irritating... what can you do? If the guy goes to the bathroom, I will put the moola away, if not, I will leave it there, no big deal either way.

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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Just-ass-weet said:
I guess GG, I am asking, this has happened to you? Who shared your information agency, girl, indy? I know that many guys feel that all we girls can do is chit-chat amongst each other about this client and that client, but truth is, SPing is very isolating and is not something we talk about much, even amongst each other. I would think that the majority of talkers in this business are the guys (be it clients or agency owners), which is why I would NEVER work for an agency owned by a man.


Let me explain what happened to me this morning. I get a PM from someone I have never exchanged anything on before and he writes me that even though an SP I have met in the past appreciates the nice reviews, she also does not like reviews, especially if they are too revealing. (this same SP was telling me that it would be nice to have a positive review on Merb).

Anyways, then he writes that she told him SPs also keep in touch and review clients so be careful.:eek: Now, I do not know this guy and I am not sure what the point of his PM was, but I do not feel like contacting this SP even though I should. Again, I doubt she would do this and I do not know if this guy is just trying to peeve me off. The main thing is that any SP who does not want her name on these review boards can have a no review policy.

I would never share personal info on anyone on this board, on private messages or in my encounters. I have slipped up in discussing an encounter with an SP but nothing that is too personal or can harm someone. In fact, if she brings up my past experiences, I try to keep it general and all my reviews are never posted unless the SP accepts me to post something. There are women that I have seen that I have not reviewed here.

Now, as far as men running agencies being blabber mouths, I couldn't agree with you more. This is why some agencies bug me. I suspect that they keep databases on clients with personal information. This is why I am almost exclusively into independent SPs. I like many agency women but the risks of sharing personal information are lot higher.

Ultimately, the only way to protect your privacy is never to partake in this hobby. But that is not a fun option!:(


Mike Mercury

Sep 10, 2005
When I`m told the sheets are freshly cleaned and there are crusty spots on them.

I was not born yesterday so I expect to be lied to 50% of the time.


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
Also, it bothers me when the money isn't off the table within the first couple minutes (while I'm looking away or whatever). Not really a case of 'out of sight, out of mind,' but I feel almost a bit pressured if only because I think it should be dealt with first. But that's personal preference, and I suppose some people prefer doing it after.

Loving Spoonful>>> Thank for the heads up! I often leave the $ there till the end of the date. Two reasons: I find it feels greedy to grab it right away... and second of all if thing head south and I feel like I am in danger, I can just grab my things and leave... leaving the $ behind makes me feel safer, like he is not going to come after me for his money... I think I will have to re-evaluate my thinking on this matter... perhaps move it under my purse or something similar...


Oh yes another pet peeve>> people who call thinking they can use me as a free phone sex service...


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
naughtylady said:
Oh yes another pet peeve>> people who call thinking they can use me as a free phone sex service...


Phone sex? Sure, as long as they provide you with a credit card number! I like the idea of slipping the money under your purse.

Ronnie, do you find that SPs share personal info on clients?

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New Member
Nov 9, 2003
Share info>>>
Bad dates....Yes, and I report them to Stella so that they can get printed up in their monthly bulletin.

Good dates....If I am sending a client of mine to another SP, I will tell her something if I think it is important for her to know, for example if he really enjoys a back massage or if he has a latex allergy or if he is unusually ticklish on the thighs and if she is not aware she might get kneed in the head :eek: (once again my strange sense of humour has crept into my posts :D )


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
naughtylady said:
Share info>>>
Bad dates....Yes, and I report them to Stella so that they can get printed up in their monthly bulletin.

Good dates....If I am sending a client of mine to another SP, I will tell her something if I think it is important for her to know, for example if he really enjoys a back massage or if he has a latex allergy or if he is unusually ticklish on the thighs and if she is not aware she might get kneed in the head :eek: (once again my strange sense of humour has crept into my posts :D )



Knees to the head? LOL! You must be really good if you induce these types of reflexes! I was not aware of Stella's monthly bulletin. Is it on-line or only for SPs?



New Member
Nov 9, 2003
You can find Stella web site here:

I believe the bulletin is available on request.

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