Why I dont seduce normal girls
A thing that hampers me from going and "seducing" a girl is that there is so much bullshit revolving around it.
Just the other night, i was approaching 2 girls from B.C. and good grief, i dont think I ever met so much retardation wrapped in nice packages.
Or i remember trying to chat up on this gorgeous mixed asian girl( I remember that moment because she was simply that gorgeous), but the bitch shield was up. I dont think i ever met someone that could exude so much stuck uppishness and snobbiness ever EVER. Strange thing, is that she was awfully nice when you manage to get to talk to her, but you had to tread lightly.
Or again, a premed student. Babe, for sure. But damn, did you need to be sharp witted or else youd feel like shit after talking to her.
On the other hand, SPs are a different game. Its more of an illusion than anything else. You come in, and you come out and it felt like a dream. The girls there dont create petty and trivial bullshit and all for a pretty low pay. The other night, i go out with my buddy for a few drinks at a strip joint. I get pretty darn tipsy and i go with my favorite dancer before leaving. Simply out of grinding, she came twice and made me come. Theres something wretchedly beautiful about making a woman grimace buckle and collapse in ecstasy in a dark corner, with loud music, and bunch of people going about their business. I tell you what, coming hard after getting really really tipsy really really fast makes for a really really painful migraine. The trip back home walking in the dark night of winter compounded the surrealism of the night. And fact is, all those crazy nights i had, as regretful i may be about it. They were awesome if they werent so stupid. I remember telling an SP once that ive done enough stupid shit this night, and tonight was another penultimate to add on my track record. And she simply replied: "Its called experience".
But whenever i approach a normal girl, well its not so surreal anymore. Its not as beautiful. The settings dont mesh so well. I dont get to glimpse on the more bared expression of human nature. Alot of times, it simply comes down to this. Im a bit of an egomaniac. We all are to a certain extent, especially if we are involved in this hobby. At its basic definition, egomania is the concern over the individual rather than that of society.
Whenever i meet a SP, i meet her as an individual and all the petty notions of society are absent because I am meeting in a way a reject of society. So its so much easier to simply talk about what life. What feels good in life, what feels bad. What we find beautiful, what we dont. etc.
On the other hand, a normal girl completely entrenched in the mediocrity of society's expectations and its systemic value based on trash, well the conversation is completely different. Im ready to kill myself. Example:
If i were to discuss that everything we perceive is a mental fabrication.That when you close one eye, you perceive a 2d image. And when you look through the other eye, you perceive another 2d image. Your brain processes these 2 images to create a 3rd dimension. But space is curved, so our visual processes isnt even correct. Making the world alot deeper and beautiful than the current mental construct that society portrays it to be. (It also explains as to why Picasso is awesome also)
If i were to say that i can draw what a normal person sees on a paper with only lines to recreate a precise black and white representation of a setting or a person ( and im pretty darn good at it with no artistic training), and that physic's string theory is the same idea. That instead of drawing lines on a paper to transpose the world. The world itself is a canvas and the lines are strings and that the paper is basically a mirror. That einstein himself viewed it as such also that a person was crumpled geometry ( like in the last scene in the matrix where Neo sees everything in a binary representation). In the end, that life is simply downright awesome.
Id pretty much only get blank look of "man, youre weird".
(I get that the last two paragraphs were probably one of the worst long run sentences that were grammatically incorrect)
What most girls, like what most guys want, is the suave jamesbond version of a monkey with a big house at least 2 floors, a BMW and a porsche in the garage, and bla bla bla trivial plastic and rocks and some charming mini monkeys. I dont seduce, because for the most part, most of them are not even worth my god damned time.