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How do you get over the emptiness…


New Member
Aug 13, 2021
Joke if the year … don’t be so naïve.
I was skeptical at first and offered money etc in the beginning but she was not interested. She works for her family business. She found me because we have some common background and like her dad and uncle, I was the first generation coming to this land with literally nothing.

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
You know the expression shit or get off the can......well have a real serious talk with your wife and if she refuses to meet you half way then mention divorce and see how she reacts.
IMHO and according to his saying she would probably laugh all the way to the bank! I would!


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009

From what you are saying, your emptiness is not women and/or sex. Or lack there of.

You have no purpose. That is your problem. You need to go build/create something. I don't know... a business... learn a new skill .... a better body. You get the idea.

Women and sex in your case is just a temporary fix. Not going to fulfill you in anyway from within. Also you are exporting your happiness and fulfillment to an outside source. That outside source is women/SPs. Not a good idea when your source is women and especially SPs who are just fantasy pieces for you to empty your nuts.


New Member
Aug 13, 2021

From what you are saying, your emptiness is not women and/or sex. Or lack there of.

You have no purpose. That is your problem. You need to go build/create something. I don't know... a business... learn a new skill .... a better body. You get the idea.

Women and sex in your case is just a temporary fix. Not going to fulfill you in anyway from within. Also you are exporting your happiness and fulfillment to an outside source. That outside source is women/SPs. Not a good idea when your source is women and especially SPs who are just fantasy pieces for you to empty your nuts.
I hate to disagree with you but I have no choice. I swim 40 laps every morning and run 5 miles every other day. I have a demanding job that pays me close to 1 million last year and half a million this year. I have two passions in life - sex (with the right woman) and money. My wife already took one from me and I am on the verge of losing half of the other.
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Now that we know all this info about`s going to be easier to give you advice. What good is all that money if you are not enjoying it?
You should have gone to the Met Gala this past weekend and met all those rich and famous single women.
Or rent a yacht for a month and invite 3 of the hottest Quebecoise escorts to spend a month with you. Start with Lady Zoe who has a monthly rate and she is passport ready.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
I hate to disagree with you but I have no choice. I swim 40 laps every morning and run 5 miles every other day. I have a demanding job that pays me close to 1 million last year and half a million this year. I have two passions in life - sex (with the right woman) and money. My wife already took one from me and I am on the verge of losing half of the other.
Well then hopefully some luck comes your way and you find a Fight Club to join.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Why the acid tongue? Thought we belong to the same pervert club.
You mentioned money and sex are your two passions. BAM. Thanks for mentioning those because in all honesty they do nothing for you. These two things actually make things worse and magnifies that empty void inside you.

That is why you need a Fight Club. I mean not the one you see from the movie where you beat each other senseless and go blow things up afterwards. Oh boy many including yourself found it snarky. LOL. Maybe it is but wasn't meant that way.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Thanks. This was exactly what I was planning to do and not out of spite. Mainly because I do not have many good years left. But after all, I am not such a tough guy as Patron or you.
Actually not tough at all, I kind of know what you mean but for different reasons.
I lost my wife after a lifetime of being together to cancer. It took me 4 years to even think of looking at another woman.
Luckily I reached out to an amazing young SP who I have been seeing ever since. She is gorgeous and thoughtful, she has been like an angel to me and we have become friends but it is not the same and doesn’t even come close to being with the one you love.
Love is not all about sex it is being able to trust and depend on that person it is about family and children and grandchildren, it is an unconditional commitment of putting that person first in everything in your life.
You will never have this with someone you are paying to see no matter how good the sex maybe, however gorgeous she is.
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New Member
Aug 13, 2021
Now that we know all this info about`s going to be easier to give you advice. What good is all that money if you are not enjoying it?
You should have gone to the Met Gala this past weekend and met all those rich and famous single women.
Or rent a yacht for a month and invite 3 of the hottest Quebecoise escorts to spend a month with you. Start with Lady Zoe who has a monthly rate and she is passport ready.
Came from a very humble background. What you described is not vey interested to me. But I am planning to visit Montreal for a couple months next year in the summer if my situation does not have meaningful improvement.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
You raise many interesting points as usual and you describe situations well.
No I was never denied anything ever, I had a fairy tail life, spoiled rotten I guess by someone who was as much in love with me as I was with her.
As you have mentioned, I don’t believe I would have tolerated denial treatments and that type of hostage situation at all not for any reason, relationships like that are not worth continuing they are toxic, demeaning and completely selfish.

Money would not have mattered, you can always make money. That is one thing people who start with nothing are good at.
You are also correct that the older one gets the pickier they get and the less tolerance they have.
I have tried with women in my age bracket some that I have known since they were 17, I would say probably in looks they would fit into the top 5-10%, unfortunately since I don’t have any kind of feelings for them and they definitely don’t come close to some of the gorgeous young SP I have been seeing it ends really quickly and I have stopped this waste of time activity.
These women unfortunately sometimes also carry a ton of baggage and are burdened with insane grown up kids that you would want to avoid like the plague.
In my case the fact that I see SP helps fill the void somewhat and I suspect having found one in particular who is not only gorgeous but is kind and treats me more like a friend has helped.
These are things where it is almost impossible to give advice as we are all different, handle rejection differently, and have different values and outlooks on life.
Only thing I can say is any relationship in my opinion where a woman can deny sex for a period of 18 months is not worth pursuing and personally I would run like hell and be grateful that it is over, but I am not the one who was or still is in love with her.


Dec 31, 2011

You did mention that it was mostly your fault to begin with. Have you apologized? and asked for forgiveness and how to atone? Have you considered even biting the bullet and even accepting that it may (in her mind) be all your fault? Or is it something else in the subsequent fight(s) that she still holds against you? Sounds like she still holds a grudge, and if you can't work past it, you may be better off going separate ways. And if, as someone else put it, she's the type who will go laughing all the way to the bank, I think you'll be better off without. You can make more money; filling (or learning to live with) the void is much harder.

Oh, and I hope this all isn't because she learned of your activities related to being here. lol

Biggie Smalls

Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2019
This may be crass, but it will work: allow me to spend a night with her. Dinner, dancing, sex.

She will be so offput by me that she'll be dying for her Don Juan to make love to her again daily. Have your lawyers send mine an agreement complete with your financial offer.


New Member
Aug 13, 2021
This may be crass, but it will work: allow me to spend a night with her. Dinner, dancing, sex.

She will be so offput by me that she'll be dying for her Don Juan to make love to her again daily. Have your lawyers send mine an agreement complete with your financial offer.
Sorry pal, not gonna work. I would worry about your safety if I left her with you. She is 115 lbs but sometimes I feel she could rip my head off with just one hand. She is also getting a gun. No, she is not gonna shoot me, not yet at least. She is dangerously moving to the right politically. I digress.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Sorry to say but if half of what you write is the truth then you don`t want to end things or even mend things. Status quo with a little pussy on the side suits you well. I don`t know why you even started this thread unless you wanted pity or were bored out of your mind.


New Member
Aug 13, 2021
Sorry to say but if half of what you write is the truth then you don`t want to end things or even mend things. Status quo with a little pussy on the side suits you well. I don`t know why you even started this thread unless you wanted pity or were bored out of your mind.
It is all truth. I started this thread at a moment of weakness. Now I realized I just wanted to get it out of my chest cause I could not really share it anywhere else. You are right, a man has to face his own demons. Anyway I do not consider it was a waste of time though. It is another man’s life.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
She is 115 lbs but sometimes I feel she could rip my head off with just one hand. She is also getting a gun. No, she is not gonna shoot me, not yet at least. She is dangerously moving to the right politically. I digress.
She sounds like a real peach now I know why you are so reluctant to let go of her.
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New Member
Aug 13, 2021
She sounds like a real peach now I know why you are so reluctant to let go of her.
Well as I said before, we were from a different culture. Have you seen the footage of women under communist regime? Replace the body with your favorite Asian actress. That would be my wife.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Well as I said before, we were from a different culture. Have you seen the footage of women under communist regime? Replace the body with your favorite Asian actress. That would be my wife.
I don’t know what you are getting at both my wife and I were born under a communist regime so I don’t know what that has to do with it.
She was the sweetest kindest person I have ever met in my life.
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New Member
Aug 13, 2021
I don’t know what you are getting at both my wife and I were born under a communist regime so I don’t know what that has to do with it.
She was the sweetest kindest person I have ever met in my life.
Well clearly you had a great marriage. But not everyone is so lucky. When I replied to another post which was less decent, what I tried to say was that my wife is a strong willed woman. She would never leave me voluntarily at least or look for another man no matter what I do. The communist culture we lived through somewhat played a non-insignificant role in how our generation view marriage and family.
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