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How do you get over the emptiness…


New Member
Mar 19, 2019
guys I like to cook different food in boring time. For example, it was cool burgers. I used recipe template usually for making recipe cards. Its quite funny to collect own cooking recipes.lmao Who knows, haha but one day I will write my cooking book. Sometimes I have thoughts about it.
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Jan 31, 2021
I was married almost as long as you when my marriage crumbled. It was me who lost interest in sex and marriage. I wasn`t in the mood for escorts , but I was in the mood for spicy flings with married women as long as they were young and hot.
Within 3 months I started a long term relationship with a much younger very sexy and beautiful (single) Quebecoise lady. We were both looking for love and along with the emotional gratification came great sex. I didn`t see my first escort till that relationship ended 10 years after we met.
I think that`s what you are looking for. BTW I never saw a marriage counselor.

You know the expression shit or get off the can......well have a real serious talk with your wife and if she refuses to meet you half way then mention divorce and see how she reacts. Unfortunately covid has put a crimp into socializing but travelling and putting your golden tongue to work is your best bet to meet a new love.
Where did you meet this lady? Work? Social club? I'm in the same situation now as you were then.


Active Member
Dec 7, 2018
Try not to find love or any emotional attachment. Do it for the physical aspect only. Go see pse girls. Gfe girls. Agency. Indy. Whatever. Book time for sex only. If you only bang an hour. Book an hour. Don’t get to know the ladies too much or any of their lives. Those are their lives to keep to themselves.
fyi. I knew where your story was going the moment you wrote you found a 21 year old you liked.
my recommendation. Find one you like. And see her every other session. Don’t repeat twice in a row without seeing another girl in between
Second fyi. Irrelevant but. Seems like 50% of sp are nurses. And they all come from the north shore
Doesn’t surprise me at all that so many nurses are escorts. The personality type fits, nurses have to be social/compassionate individuals, they have to not be squeemish and they tend to be more open minded. Also they get paid like poop for what they do.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
A wife your age for food, laundry and cleaning

This thread is a bit old but it was revived for some reason, and then I saw this, and... just... This isn't 1915 anymore... If this is all that matters then no wonder she doesn't want sex with him lmao!
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