Montreal Escorts

How do you go about finding an escort?

Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
Based on REVIEWS only?

Going through lists of profiles on several sites?

On merb?

Are you happy with pictures and don't bother reading rest.

I realize the search itself is part of the excitement so..
What's YOUR ritual when you are searching?

Just really curious


New Member
May 2, 2017
I do it based on reviews only. Although somewhat newcomer to being a hobbyist...

The forum is a great place to have the experience of those before me, and most really have good advice and opinions. Some of these guys are pros in being the "customer"!
Love it when others can share their experience since there is nothing better than that...


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2011
Reviews are a part of it, but i take them with a grain of salt. Sometimes too high, sometimes too low. You can smell when something is too extreme, positively or negatively. It's all relative. But, when there is an overall consensus, that's a good sign.

With well-known agencies, pictures and short descriptions are enough for me. For indys, i like when they present themselves, but i have a limit. I don't read walls of text, i just skip them. I'm looking for informations, not lifetime stories.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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(1) Pics, (2) Backchannel discussions with reliable sources, (3) discussions with agency owner if I know and trust him/her. I rely very little on reviews. Most reviews posted on MERB these days are self indulgent hype, with a few exceptions here and there. I use reviews, if at all, primarily to analyze comments on appearance and body type of the SP reviewed.


Sep 4, 2006
(1) Pics: something that strikes the right balance between polish and not being overly edited. I also look for selfies on Merb/Twitter. Its become more important to me in recent years because professional photography alone can be misleading. I like the combination of the two
(2) If she is with an agency, then the agency rep is important to me. For indies I actually do read the entire ad and read twitter feeds to try and get a sense of what they are like
(3)Backchannel communications
(4) Reviews are the last thing. Like EB said many are self indulgent self-aggrandizing. Over time a person knows which reviewers align with their tastes and puts more weight in those reviews.


Jan 16, 2008
With the amount of boot lickers and social justice warriors on this forum, you don't know who to trust anymore.

There are a lot of factors to weigh in and I won't give them all because we don't know your intentions. Here are a few:
1) Price
2) Pictures
3) Types of bodies


Apr 17, 2017
I base it on price.

May sound like a jackass, but it has nothing to do with how much a SP is worth by the hour. It's about how much I'm willing to shell out regardless of a positive/negative experience. Photos and reviews are nice, but you can spend hours doing research that'll end up being a waste if you have 0 chemistry with the SP. It's just simpler to spend the money and then make an assessment. Most SP in Montreal are beautiful so I'm not so worried about being duped.

I also rely on a SP's recommendation. It's a huge sign of trust when a SP recommends another one because not only is the recommended SP's reputation on the line but also the SP doing the recommendation so they wouldn't randomly suggest anyone (applies to both indy/agency).

Same with agency recommendation. The want recurring clients so they wouldn't suggest a SP that wouldn't match your requests.

Used to do the whole search thing but now I keep it simple: Keep a rotation of my favorites and add new SP into the mix against my rotation.

The search for me was never fun and just gave me blue balls.

Oh and Happy Holidays!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Surprising that "reviews" are so really not important for people using a review board, but refreshing.

The true value of MERB for me is the PM function enabling b/c with trusted members. In the early days of MERB, when I actually posted a lot of reviews and one time even got voted reviewer of the year on another board, reviews were much more reliable than they are now. I don't read them much any more except to get a general idea of the physical profile and if I am interested, I go to posters who are for real, or the agency owners themselves, several of whom I know personally.

Self indulgence in reviews went into overdrive with the advent of the annual reviewer of the year award. It recently has become comical, to the point where a guy later exposed as a shill almost defeated Reverdy as Reviewer of the Year a few years ago, finishing second as I recall. Some posters passionately defended the dude when it was obvious he was a shill and was getting some deals on his reviews. He later was banned for shilling and using multiple handles and all of those who defended him went suddenly speechless.

In recent years some posters have campaigned for votes for reviewer of the year, which kind of shocked me. It's not clear if it's an ego thing or if they want that award in order to gain discounts and freebies, of which there is a fertile history on MERB among guys who are/were very prolific reviewers. So I basically don't consider reviews on MERB all that helpful. Backchannel is where the real intel is at.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I suspect the process is completely different for out of town people versus us local...

As a local I see a lot of indies. I check to make sure pics are real. Then I make a real phone call. If no answer no go.

For agency girl most girl I have seen them first in 3-4 some with my friend Detour/SSJ/Olivier and recently Mrprofiteroles ;)

For one one I would say I ask advice to Cloudsurf, Gaby, Cobra but mostly SSJ. So ya merb backchannel is number one source. Just recently I have started to give own advice to ppl who write me.

Agency pics are hardly a factor at all for me. I much prefer the selfie forum!! Those are much closer to reality pics and aroused me much more into making a decision.


p.s. ho ya review are important. Especially for the smaller details that some poeple seems not to notice. For example a girl that sing in the shower... (like Cloudsurf latest review). How can an encounter go bad when the girl sing in your shower!!


New Member
Jul 25, 2015
Many of them are overstated, and sometimes I even doubt they get paid for reviewing.

Yup, I look at reviews only to be sure that the girl isn't a waste of time/money. After that I look at her rates and pictures.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I also want to publicly thank some of the posters who have given me great intel backchannel, who include:

Randy Johson
Doc Holliday
Special K
Thor Jr.

Thanks to all of the above posters, and to some other posters whose handles I can't think of at the moment, who helped me with MPs and other advice.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Many of them are overstated, and sometimes I even doubt they get paid for reviewing.

I strongly disagree with such statement.

And yes you need to read reviews with a grain of salt. There is no way on earth the chemistry between 2 human being can apply to all.



Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
1. Prices (Budget is Max 200/H for me which is quite rare on merb now... so I stick to Ad's site and my ATFs, I might go beyond in rare occasion but never over 220-240 and it's a no repeat)
2. Physical Stats, Pictures, Selfies prefered. I reject immediately: Fake tits, > 25 yo, > 125 lbs. (There are exceptions but not much).
3. Reviews and WHO did the reviews. I don't read lenghty reviews or I read diagonaly.
4. Gut Feeling at one point...
May 23, 2016
Yes Bookers reviewers reviews pictures all good.But my best source to decide is other Sp's.I do alot of multiple people sessions.Lots of girls ask me if this girl can join our next session.Usually they know what I like.They already have chemistry with girl they know it would be a good match.Often they will show me a facial picture and telling me they are alot of fun.Met alot of amazing girls that way never been disappointed.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Why??? There are many cases that the reviewers turned out to be their pimps or agencies. As EagerBeaver also points out some more cases in his post #12?

EB is pointing out to one case. But that does not mean there are many cases. I now know quite a lot of people here and never heard personally about that from merbiste and/or girls.

Why many admit they use PM instead? Why not in public reviews?

Because you develop affinity in regards to type of physique and personality you like. And because you can write some details that cannot be revealed publicly.

I do, but sometimes fall into trap. Can you explain to me why a SP with many of full page of review with a lot recommendation, when I actually saw her, I just wanted to cry (I was actually speechless): I were not upset about her, but the reviewers that gave too high rate on her. Even though I told myself I would not expect that much, but it was ways below my expectation. I paid more than cancellation fee she asked for, just to run away.

Not sure what to say. Either you are way more demanding then others or just not lucky. I do enjoy reading reviews but they are not often a decision maker for me.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Actually there has been more than one case through the years and I brought up the case of the banned shill who finished 2nd in the Reviewer of the Year contest, because it was the most extreme example. And at the time of the poll it was already put out there that the dude’s reviews were suspect and were being made under two handles. It wasn’t until after he almost won the poll over Reverdy that the Mods banned him for shilling and duplicate handles.

Jalimon, although I believe you are well intentioned, you haven’t been around here long enough to form valid historical conclusions about Reviewer histories on MERB. I have actually observed and lived the history. There were many prolific reviewers through the years who were either banned for shilling or exposed for receiving discounts in exchange for reviews. To deny that history is to be ignorant of it, which I find annoying because you were not here, unless you yourself posted under a prior handle. We do also have a few people here posting under “second life” handles, apparently with Moderator knowledge, because they agreed to stop using the first handle when it ceased being useful or pegged them as a shit disturber or bad client or other community undesirable. I have never run away from another handle like these pussies.

My only point was that I believe the Reviewer of the Year award may have promoted or incentivized the phenomenon of the self indulgent and self aggrandizing review, which has been far more prevalent in my opinion than it once was on MERB. Most senior posters didn’t tolerate such reviews and chastised their authors. Now criticism of any review is virtually forbidden in the board’s culture and this has in turn promoted this type of review. Again, I am offering my own historical perspective having actually lived the history for better and worse.

Anyone with a half a brain should take all reviews with grains of salt and be aware of posting histories and trends. Reviews are a resource but IMHO not the best informational resource, in many cases.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
To answer the question

1) Parties / Social setting

I find there is nothing best than to meet the provider in person first. You can have a sample of the chemistry with her altough obviously talking and having sex is 2 very different activities. I tend to have a much better time with provider where i connect socially. Also i can ask a few questions. And of course, seeing her in person is MUCH more accurate that seeing pics.

2) Reviews

I tend to have my favourite reviewers and also look at reviews as a whole. For instance currrently there is one lady who has lots of reviews but they are very 50/50. Some are good, some are bad, some mention you must meet her on a "good day" to have fun. Its the kind of risk i won't take. i can't hobby enough to take a 50% chance of having a bad encounter. I know even a fully positive review provider could end up being a disapointement for various reasons but i prefer to keep the odds on my side. Usually providers who have only positive reviews rarely disapoint.

3) Backchannels

From time to time i have a few guy providing infos, always welcomed and help.

4) Pictures

Pictures are importants (especially when i can't meet her in a party in person) cause obviously they are kinda the trigger of wanting to see someone in most case. But i was burned a few times in the past on seeing someone rather new on pictures only. Not physically, they almsot turned out as hot as i expected, but in term of chemistry/service. Nowadays even if the pictures look awesome, ill wait for the reviews and/or the backchannel infos.

5) Agency reputation

There is a couple agencies i won't do business with, no matter if the girl looks very hot or even get good reviews. Can be cause of there bad reputation or they burned me one too many times in the past. I have my prefered agencies as well wich i find easier to do business with as well either cause they are more on time or easier to talk to.

6) Services

GFE is a must. Condom for FS only in my case. BBBJ/Kissing (can be LFK) is a must. Unless rare exeptions i also try to go with providers who offer either CIM or COF. There is many great ladies in MTL who allow one of the 2 so i see few reasons to book somebody who does not. And yes i don't mind paying an extra for it. I apreciate when the booker is open to discuss such services/extras or the indy herself. I don't like to go in a meeting blind, even if review says a service is offered, we all know YMMV can apply.

7) Prices

Without going into details yes the price do play a part.

I think that covers pretty much all. And yes the build up to the meeting is almost as fun sometimes in a way as the meeting itself. You fantasm on how its going to go by etc lol


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
In Montreal I used to look at the agency web site for "who's on tonight" and then I would go back to the main web site to see all of the photos of the girls. Next I go to the reviews on MERB and start reading. I pick two or three and call the agency.

All that changed with all the GTs that have been thrown over the past few years. Now I go to the parties and talk to the girls and if there is chemistry I put them on my list. I also was able to meet several hobbyists at those parties and compare notes. Sometimes a hobbyist will say "you have to see girl [XYZ]" and so I will call her. I can honestly say, I am still working through my TDL from the parties. There is even a girl on my TDL from the very first party I attended. Developing a report with a good booker is also a good way. I met a few over the years at GTs as well.

In the USA, when I know I will be in a specific area of the country, I do a search on TER by one of the many search functions. I add the girls to my favorites and when I am to be in that part of the country, I will send an email or PM and introduce myself and tell them what I want and try to make an appointment. I also have found the "Other Cities" thread on MERB very helpful. ISG is great for outside of North America.

Like EB, I have acted on a lot of advice from MERB members. So many, I may have lost track but Patron and Smuler could be travel agents. Inside Montreal, Cobra seems to have his thumb on the pulse. There are so many more guys that have made suggestions over the years such as Iggy, Rumples, Special K...

Without the parties and without meeting several SPs, Agency owners, and fellow hobbyists, I would have to say that cross-checking reviews and photos was a pretty good way to have success in this city. We have had our share of shills but so have several other review boards. I think this problem is a bit overstated. One shill was asking for the 20$ discount for member of the Eleganza Club and John flew off the handle at him and reported him to MERB. For the amount of business this guy did with Eleganza, he should have been given a free session or two a year. But the board had a field day with this guy. What I don't like is the guy that was writing fake reviews and then it turns out that he was also the booker for that girl and stood to make money everytime the girl had an appointment.

The Jess

New Member
Dec 27, 2017
Best way for me is meeting and chatting with them at parties. Recall the one last October provided me a list that I’m still going through :)


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Jan 28, 2004
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I like to check on annonces 123 or backpage and will then do a search here to see if there is a positive or negative review. Every now and then I take it upon myself to book and take the plunge. I am sure to ask in text whether or not the pictures in the ad are accurate and when this is confirmed I have no reason to feel guilty if I walk away ( which I do more frequently these days) .
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