"The danger for people who see escorts the same age as their daughters is that they may have a nasty surprise one day..."
Hello Siocnarf,
Somehow this reminds me too much of the boogie man parents use to keep kids in line. By the same logic the middle-aged clients in this hobby should be worried that one day they might run into either their girlfriends, wives, or sisters if they stuck to escorts nearer to their own age. By that reasoning why participate in this hobby at all. You get the point. There really isn't a measurable risk of this scenario at all...in my opinion.
The bottom line is that all escorts who include GFE in their profiles should be prepared to answer the question as to whether they will be comfortable offering true GFE to the client. And this question should be put to them a few minutes after entering the room. They should be truthful and if the answer is “restrictions” then give them cab fare and send them on their way. In the end, in all truthfulness, that is the bottom line.
A very good suggestion, except each parties motivations would make doing so problematic. The client now has a presumably hot lady in the room. He is likely anxious and "warmed-up" to move on, and not too willing to spoil the mood with such questions that might cool off the mood of the whole meeting. The lady needs the job and probably figures either that she is close enough to GFE or will be hot enough for it not to matter is she isn't a true GFE, and so a little fib won't mater either.
Then there is the problem that what services fulfill he term "GFE" are still not universally defined, and so either side can justifiably look at it in a slightly more conservative or liberal perspective and be arguably right.
It all comes back to the point where the best indicators are multiple reliable reviews and/or confirmation from other hobbyists one trusts more.
I don't understand what age has to do with sex with an escort. She is over 18, she is legal. You are as old as you can be, you can get an hard and have the cash. What else matter?
It shouldn't matter, but it's understandable. It would seem very normal to have at least some minor concern about a big age difference since both natural instincts for many and social norms would generate some discomfort.
Your daughter probably would'nt give a shit if she knew, she might actually be proud of daddy!
I very seriously doubt this.
Happy choices,