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How GFE Term originated - I was one of the first users of the term - History.

Dave in Phoenix

Active Member
Mar 21, 2003
Phoenix AZ USA
How GFE Term originated - I was one of the first users of the term - History.

Dave, founder of, was one of the originators of "GFE" before websites for the general public became available in 1994. This used dial-ups at the fantastic speed of 120 cps (without a k), and it took many minutes to download a single message.on the usenet group. In a few years, we upgraded to a bit faster 300 baud dial-up modems. GFE meant treating the escort/dancer/massage gal as a real girlfriend with intimacy and caring as a person more than just a body for sex acts. Even if it was just for the hour and a cost for her time, that is far more enjoyable for some men than just the typical sex acts. Detailed history on GFE at

My old website has not been updated for years has my GFE history discussion from 2001.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Dave, I remember discovering your website back in late 1999 or 2000. That was around the time Canbest & later Big Doggie were around & were the popular Mtl boards at the time. Were it not for Canbest i likely would have never discovered this great world. I was reviewing stripclubs on various boards at the time & a fellow reviewer told me about Canbest one night & to check it out since there were several people reviewing stripclubs there. Then i noticed the escort reviews section, got hooked on them & curiosity got the best of me & the rest is history! Lol

What i remember the most about your site was your infamous ‘list’. I remember you had a list of all the agencies & escorts in Mtl….info gathered from your personal experiences & reviews from others like myself. There had never been anything like it & still hasn’t to this day! It was such a fantastic referencing tool & so incredibly useful for any serious hobbyist! And you’re quite correct in saying that this is where & when the term GFE originated. I later came up with a few terms myself that others began to use in their reviews. I still remember one evening having supper at a restaurant with two agency operators & a few other people & trying to come up with different terminology to describing differences in rates & types of agencies, etc. Even things today that we take for granted on this board were some of my ideas. Like agencies posting their daily schedules on this site, for example. That was one of my ideas that came to fruition. But your site & especially the list you came up with & regularly updated was a trailblazer in the local industry. For me personally your LIST was by far my favorite referencing tool at the time & it ain’t even close!
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Dave in Phoenix

Active Member
Mar 21, 2003
Phoenix AZ USA
Dave, I remember discovering your website back in late 1999 or 2000. That was around the time Canbest & later Big Doggie were around & were the popular Mtl boards at the time. Were it not for Canbest i likely would have never discovered this great world. I was reviewing stripclubs on various boards at the time & a fellow reviewer told me about Canbest one night & to check it out since there were several people reviewing stripclubs there. Then i noticed the escort reviews section, got hooked on them & curiosity got the best of me & the rest is history! Lol

What i remember the most about your site was your infamous ‘list’. I remember you had a list of all the agencies & escorts in Mtl….info gathered from your personal experiences & reviews from others like myself. There had never been anything like it & still hasn’t to this day! It was such a fantastic referencing tool & so incredibly useful for any serious hobbyist! And you’re quite correct in saying that this is where & when the term GFE originated. I later came up with a few terms myself that others began to use in their reviews. I still remember one evening having supper at a restaurant with two agency operators & a few other people & trying to come up with different terminology to describing differences in rates & types of agencies, etc. Even things today that we take for granted on this board were some of my ideas. Like agencies posting their daily schedules on this site, for example. That was one of my ideas that came to fruition. But your site & especially the list you came up with & regularly updated was a trailblazer in the local industry. For me personally your LIST was by far my favorite referencing tool at the time & it ain’t even close!
Wow, thanks for the comments. Yes, the big doggie days, Canbest, etc. Maybe you were also like me on Fred's prior site (forget the name if you or anyone recalls) that pre-dated Terb, etc. Thanks for the memory lane and the comments.

I was also big on the TER forums (not to be confused with Terb) I was the one the founder who went to prison for hiring a hitman to go after me for exposing his rape (by letting escorts tell their story) on my Phoenix private list, and he also talked to the hitman about the murder of an escort who had filed a lawsuit against him (Elms). Fortunately, the hitman was an undercover cop. I got a shocking call from the police major crimes unit on a Sunday afternoon. I called 911 to confirm they were REAL police. Yep, and I met with the head of the unit and "hitman," who looked the type the next day at my home. After escaping to Iran with a gun-toting wife, Elms was lured back and arrested at the Canadian border and convicted at trial.

He also had already "2 felony strikes" in CA, but the AZ charge didn't count in CA; otherwise, he would have had close to life in prison. He threatened an escort with a gun in CA and other charges. He also asked escorts to "service" him at his CA or he would take down their good reviews and ads. The nice looking cop heading the Phoenix sex crimes unit posted on a Las Vegas (where Elms was active) board asking escorts to come forward for other rape charges. The LV board owner called me "is she real"? Yep and she ID's herself as LE on the board and would guarantee immunity to testify against him... She also called me to ask Phoenix escorts to come forward. He was convicted on hiring a hit man to break my legs and sentenced to I forget 3-5 years. The murder discussion was too vague to charge him on. But PD wanted more Phoenix escorts to file complaints for other rape charges

Pardon that long digression.... It reminded me I keep having to remember TER vs TERB.

I had lots of exciting experiences long ago, including a case where local TV was anxious to beat others to an interview and reported by the NY Post (still up) when I worked with PD to help capture a guy who was almost killed in escort sessions at least 12 escorts I tracked down to file complaints. He was convicted by DNA from a condom (believe it or not) I got the escort to save, and was sentenced to 100 years in prison.

Ironically, I just had a post on Terb remembering my Montreal spreadsheet he stored in Excel from 2021. I started it sometime in the 90s. I think I did it in a table format so he must have converted.

With your and the person on TER comment, I wanted to look at my old site but it doesn't come up but I am sure it is still on the server so will have to check. But it has not been updated for many years. I also see (also includes Victoria, BC) is blocked, and I have no idea why - I have to look into it since it would be nice if could see some of the old stuff. They do have valid https certificates. I need to find a trusted web person who supports sexwork! I started sites reading HTML for Dummies and used the old Front Page which was wonderful. I have never found a replacement and have no time or desire to learn more modern coding. works but I haven't updated I think the last two years of Toronto reports. I closed in 2009 due to legal issues in the US but just reconnected it on the server. These and other events are on that site, which is huge, and my old-fashioned HTML coding with now not used FrontPage extensions.

Anyway, you remind me I need to check on some of the old websites. I appreciate your comments and reminders that old stuff used to be interesting and helpful. On terb, I have a signature with some of the Canadian-related links, but I think it was not allowed here on Merb many years ago.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
It is a scary thought that there may actually be references still for that far back lol. I know likely everything from back then disappeared by today, or has become so diluted in all the content created since then.
*thinking back to everything that I had done back in 2001-2002 before disappearing into a civi life. Curious if anything still exists.
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Dave i also remember TER quite well. Didn’t they get busted by LE & forced to close shop? I don’t recall hearing about the story you told about the hitman. Wild! They should make a movie about this!

I remember back in those days an indy sp who worked in Mtl & NYC/NJ telling me how she she had seen a certain client in NYC a few times & one day she woke up to the news that a serial killer of escorts in the NYC area had been captured & when she saw his picture in one of the NY papers she recognized him as the client she had seen a few times & was scheduled to see again that week! She was convinced that she was going to be his next victim & was totally freaked out. If i remember correctly that’s what led her to quit working as an escort & if i remember she became an agency owner. I think she wrote a book & mentioned that episode in her book about the business. Supposedly she mentionned me in her book however i never met her in person so i figure people probably thought she was referring to me & she was actually referring to someone else.

As for me i was once interviewed by a writer for Maclean’s magazine, once by La Presse & the last time by Le Journal de Montreal. The interview was about the sex business in Mtl & the myths it involved. Why tourists flocked to Mtl & if the sex business was the #1 reason, etc. I was a bit disappointed with the last interview since it was written by a female reporter & she had promised it would be accurate & neutral. I had been hesitant to cooperate since i figured it wouldmne the same usual b.s. again like young women being exploited by horny old men from elsewhere, We corresponded for a few weeks & i even offered her to witness an encounter with an sp (as a voyeur) to give her an idea of how the typical encounter went. She refused my offer. Lol. Anyways the article came out around the time the GP was held in it contained half truths & things i said without the context. I guess making up stuff sold more papers, who knows. Another time i was contacted by a NYC tv producer who wanted to meet over dinner & talk about the business & especially the reviews i had written. He’d be in the city to scout talent at the Just for Laughs festival. When i finally agreed to meet him he had to cancel his trip to Mtl at the last minute & we never spoke again. And there went my dreams of one day becoming a writer for tv shows or movies! Lol

As for your masterpiece…the spreadsheet…the last time i saw it was on the now defunct website/merb clone called Merc. I remember the website’s operator posting he had obtained the rights (or whatever) to your list & his website was where members could go to access it. That website went under a few years ago.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2007
@Dave in Phoenix and @Doc Holliday: thank you both for these remarkable "insider" histories. Fascinating. I was active on TER and, to a lesser degree, the Big Doggie from about 2000 to 2007 or so. (Since then I've mostly stuck to Montreal.) The local boards on TER weren't anywhere near as active as MERB has been, but I did hang out on the Las Vegas board quite a bit. I remember when TER went sideways with that Phoenix legal mess, around the time that I was phasing out. It was kind of spooky. I'm astonished that you were involved, Dave!

TER was the big review website back then, and it had the advantage of being international, but the big flaw was that you needed to be a VIP member to read "the juicy parts," the parts that mattered. My memory is that there were two ways: you could pay for the upgraded membership or you could get a few months free upgrade if you wrote reviews. Paying was always a bit sketchy (do I want that on my credit card?) and the company was based in Holland or somewhere in Europe so mailing a check wasn't reliable. The upshot was that a lot of people wrote fake reviews to get the upgrade, significantly compromising the integrity of the reviews. I remember once writing a review of a Vegas SP and was surprised when she contacted me on the site, wanting to confirm that I was legit. I reminded her of my visit with her and it was fine--and I was actually glad that someone was keeping track.

Sometimes when people complain about MERB I think: you should have seen the scene before MERB ... and before TER and before the internet. Some cities had local weeklies with ads, which were hard to verify, but otherwise: open the phone book, look for the most responsible-looking ad, call from the hotel phone, and hope for the best... Suffice it to say that it was not always the best.

Anyway, thanks again to you both. I greatly enjoyed reading your memories--and I appreciate your contributions to the cause!
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Dave in Phoenix

Active Member
Mar 21, 2003
Phoenix AZ USA
With your and the person on TER comment, I wanted to look at my old site but it doesn't come up but I am sure it is still on the server so will have to check. But it has not been updated for many years. - I have to look into it since it would be nice if could see some of the old stuff.
Replying to myself. AH HAW, Thanks to a moderator here who read my post he/she found my montreal site with so many reports and information from long ago. Montreal was one of the first Canadian sites I did and is under my domain not I assume Montreal was before Victoria BC which is at vs my old Montreal site which is thanks to Mod pointing out is at

I can't even find my own sites, I have I believe 19 different domains on server., including business ones .My cost is only $29 a month on a reseller account, but they are all mine and I still have a huge amount of unused capacity.

I still have to figure out why seems blocked by my anti-virus and I will be in Minneapolis soon for a week to cool off. Ironically while it is still 105-110 F in Phoenix it will get down to the 90s as highs while I am GONE! The first time highs of been that cool since May.

Nice PM from Moderator also says I can put my Terb signature here . I thought there had been a problem doing so like a decade ago when tried.. but have a lot to do before my Mpls trip
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Sometimes when people complain about MERB I think: you should have seen the scene before MERB ... and before TER and before the internet. Some cities had local weeklies with ads, which were hard to verify, but otherwise: open the phone book, look for the most responsible-looking ad, call from the hotel phone, and hope for the best... Suffice it to say that it was not always the best.

Anyway, thanks again to you both. I greatly enjoyed reading your memories--and I appreciate your contributions to the cause!
The internet did affect & change the entire business there is no doubt about this. I’m 100% certain that i never would have been tempted into discovering the hobby were it not for Canbest, which was the first sp board i discovered & started contributing to. My very first handle was ‘Vincent de la Vega’ & i switched it to ‘Vinny de la Vega’ & finally to ‘Vinnie’ when i saw my first sp. I remember when i told this to my first sp (Monica of Heartbreakers) her eyes brightened uo & she exclaimed “you’re Vinnie? Really? Wow!” She had told me she followed the board a lot. She had some other handle that she would use when she’d post something. Then Big Doggie (TBD) started a Montreal section which led to Canbest going down. I then created my own site called “Doc Holliday’s Saloon” which members could use to post pictures & we’d meet regularly in the site’s chatroom & we’d invite special guests which were usually sps & agency owners. It’s through this site that I eventually met fellow hobbyists & some of the ladies who were either members or showed up. I remember one gorgeous sp who came out of retirement in order to meet me. Those were great times & the business was very different back then. I remember one member from the Bay area who later became a good friend telling me one night: “Doc, you won’t believe this but one board that i’m on in SF called Redbook had people talking about your site & referring people to it!” I could barely believe it! At one time i had up to 800 members on my site!

Then on Big Doggie i was approached by a moderator & a VIP Gold member & told my name had been put into consideration for entrance to their VIP Gold club. This meant i had access to back channel stuff & access to sections the non-paying members could access. There were other perks & being a member of that club had its benefits & privileges. Anyways a few weeks later i was admitted into that club & the membership fee was voided. And a year or two later Merb showed up on the scene & due to its tremendous popularity TBD disappeared from the scene & i didn’t care since by then imhad a falling out with the board’s administrators & i had voluntarily left it. Long story. As for my own site i had relpaced it with “Rick’s Cafe Americain” and eventually cancelled it since it was taking way too much of my time & it wasn’t fun anymore.

Dave in Phoenix

Active Member
Mar 21, 2003
Phoenix AZ USA
TER was the big review website back then, and it had the advantage of being international, but the big flaw was that you needed to be a VIP member to read "the juicy parts," the parts that mattered. My memory is that there were two ways: you could pay for the upgraded membership or you could get a few months free upgrade if you wrote reviews. Paying was always a bit sketchy (do I want that on my credit card?)
Thanks for the comments and your history. After the TER hitman incident, I was given a free years membership in TER - I have no idea who now controls TER. Someone was certainly aware of who I was and nice but of course not Elms since he was in prison.

BTW Elms is out of prison now for a few years. I was tempted to check with his probation officer like to know if he is in Phoenix and if I should be concerned. However, a trusted contact told me he has totally changed, not involved in sexwork and get this., working at a school! I have not been able to verify but am not going to waste any more time on him but hope he is a changed man. Also have been told he is now off drugs. He also, especially Madams, wanted to be supplied drugs, and his face had marks I am told are typical of drug users. I have no clue since the only non Rx drug I have every taken is caffeine.

I joke I don't smoke, drink, or do drugs, but I do enjoy women,

I never did any reviews on TER after a few I did submit in the early days were rejected since I am not juicy enough. Since I am more into intimate sensuality vs "Juicy" stuff and am not about to report on anything illegal on a site so widely known for prostitution. I have seen it mentioned in the many prostitution court cases I followed.

I just found it on Wikipedia and it notes it was mentioned in a superseding indictment in the backpage case. It also references the NY Times article about me at

On the costs, I no longer carry cash in "normal life", only use credit cards and have no problem. I have not seen anyone in Phoenix for many years - pre-2009 when all the legal issues broke. However, I did (and out of curiosity, renewed recently). My TER membership just charged about $120 a year. I was active on some of the forums and will post occasionally if something is of interest.

If I ever see an escort, of course, I would use cash. For strip clubs including in Phoenix, I have one of those old big wallets to carry cash. I am very active on a US strip club site, also has Canada and all over the world. Only do strip clubs in Phoenix due to legal issues.

I have a separate bug wallet for US and one for Canada and I have a spreadsheet of each domination and carry and refill certain amounts of certain bills in both my US and Canada wallets I, especially in the US, like giving the rare $2 bill to servers, etc.

I have researched a lot of reviews in the US/Phoenix but am very fussy and have not contacted anyone in years, vs so much better in Canada. If I am seriously interested in someone from reading lots of their reviews, I search for other boards with their reviews. Yes, some are fake, but for those that get many reviews, you have some good clues about whether they are real or not. In Canada Terb/Merb/Perb is much more reliable
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Dave in Phoenix

Active Member
Mar 21, 2003
Phoenix AZ USA
OK for those of you still interested in true stories, after Doc posted so much good info here is more of my story and more response to Doc:

Warning long when I get going:

Doc, yes, TER shut down for a few years after FOSTA, but the FBI did not shut it down like backpage TER reopened maybe a year ago.

You certainly have interesting stories. Related to the NYC serial killer, she was, of course, lucky. In my case with the guy that almost killed 12 escorts, one of the victims who agreed to testify was terrified and called me about 3 AM from Los Angeles, where she was staying and was scared from threats by phone she was getting. I called the jail where he was to be sure he didn't have a phone (no, not allowed.) The next day, I talked to the prosecuting attorney's office. They told me to tell her that if she returned to Phoenix, they would give her police protection in a safe place, etc. She was worried but decided to stay in LA until his trial.

OK, you're leading me into a long book-like story you reminded me of with your attempt at good interviews - I love the idea of letting reporters watch a session - and your NYC story..

Fortunately, my TV interview was me not a reporter; she had good questions, and the NY Times article was accurate primarily. The humorous Phoenix New Times/Backpage article was not perfectly correct, but not bad. The problem is the horde of single guys trying to contact me about my Libchrist Phoenix Couples Group. Since couples tend to only want to be with other couples, this was sort of my starting to get interested in escorts etc, for the needs of single men.

On back story of almost killed 12 - When Madam Rose (very popular) called me about a hysterical escort who had the condom. I called the escort who knew me from my Private E-mail List and begged her to save the condom. I wanted her to contact the police, but she was too terrified of the police since she was an escort and too scared to ever go back to Scottsdale where it occurred at her hotel room incall. Other later known victims were in both Phoenix and Scottsdale.

This is serious, and no one is willing to get PD involved. I am not directly involved; how do I explain to the police since I am not directly a party and we are talking about potentially illegal sexwork. This is why criminalization is so risky for all.

With fear, what am I going to say? I called Scottsdale police. They referred me to the sex crime unit and talked to a nice person who, as I suspected, told me I had to have the victim come forward to file a complaint, which I knew she was too scared to do.

About 10 minutes later... I get a call from the head Lt of sex crimes who overheard part of the phone discussion. Whatever I said, he took very seriously. I explained how scared she was to even go back to Scottsdale. The PD had a special building that just looked like a regular office used for sex crime victims that you would not even know was a police station. They would send a female counselor to pick her up at her apartment and bring her to the office. The Lt gave me his personal number and told me to have any victim of this guy call him day or night. The DA would provide immunity for any sexwork crime as this was far more serious.

I was able to convince the escort victim to do this. She later told me they treated her wonderfully, and charges would be filed if they could get a DNA match, leads from him making the appointment or other leads.

Then another escort friend and I went through the sexwork ads from the then big New Times/Backpage of Phoenix, and I put out a bulletin on my Private E-mail List. We found 12 escorts that had the same experience in Phx and Scottsdale. There may have been many more. The attacker put them in choke holds till they began to pass out, which, if continued, could have killed them. It turned out that he was trained in art.

The police found who he was sometime after midnight by tracing his car etc. They had a police car sit in front of his home (or down always) as they waited for a judge to issue an arrest warrant. If he came out before they had the warrant, they were to detain him as a person of interest.

He was tried and convicted and sentenced to 100 years in prison. He turned out to be the son of a famous restaurant chef in Scottsdale. Several years later, I got a lovely note from the Chef. Since his name is well known, and it was a few years later, for the sake of the family, would I take down his mugshot or at least his last name from my website? He had no idea his son was doing any of this, and he felt terrible, but it might be unfair to this family, which had nothing to do with it. I agreed...I forget if I took his last name off or deleted the mugshot in the story.

Continued on Part 2 about local TV bouncing on me for interview and more for those interested.
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Dave in Phoenix

Active Member
Mar 21, 2003
Phoenix AZ USA
Continued Part 2 of my long history
Since I am making this story very long, if anyone is still reading it, A local network affiliate TV station found my name referenced in the police report. A reporter confronted me with a camera and sound crew at my office.

I did not want any story about me as I may have conservative clients and do not want my name or ID in local media. After they assured me my last name would not be used, my face would be blurred out, and my voice distorted, I agreed to be interviewed.

The next day I got a frantic call from the reporter. She said, please don't give your story to any other station, and that the boyfriend of a station worker (from another TV station?) was in the editing room with my story on the storyboard table and was concerned he would leak it to the other station. I forgot who had the other station contact, but this station wanted to be exclusive.

It aired that night. The New York Post picked up on it, and a friendly editor contacted me. Again, I wasn't interested in media, but he agreed he would not use my last name. A few days later, they ran the story, and when I looked it up, it was still available through a Google search. They referred, as I recall, to with me as founder but did not use my last name as they promised.

To make a long story longer... Even though I had nothing directly to do with the case, I was on the trial's witness list. After some continuances, it just happened to be scheduled when I had a long-ago booked trip to Victoria, BC and flew in versus taking the beautiful ferry ride I had on prior trips. I contacted the DA, and they said to take your journey and they didn't need me at trial.

As unlucky would have it, I was pulled for secondary screening at the Victoria Airport for the first time ever. They kept thinking I was someone from Florida. When I was maybe 10, I was at Disney World in Fl, but I have not been since. They went through all my stuff and found papers related to the trial since I wanted to read the minute entries, as I have access to court records, etc. So I explained all that which got them interested/concerned about sexwork, i.e., "prostitution" and my involvement.....

I told them the story that the Sheriff of Saanich, where many escort agencies thrived, were warned they would crack down but would be welcome in the City of Victoria. One of the agencies moved with a big incall to the main drag of downtown Victoria.

I then suggested I only do outcalls, which is perfectly legal under the Canadian Criminal Code. This was before the Ontario Supreme Court in one of the longest opinions of the Court, declared the Charter of Rights under the safety of persons etc. provision made the law unconstitutional and in detail addressed why she ignored all the friends of the court briefs as irrelevant that argued how all sexworker are abused victims. No woman in her right mind would go into sexwork unless abused, etc... Then the Supreme Court of Canada upheld the ruling. But outcall was always legal, just not incalls and living of the avails. So, my outcall intentions were perfectly legal.

There was an older customs man and a younger one. Ironically, I have the Canadian Criminal Code on my computer but not the laptop I had. The older man went in the back, and I assume he had the Criminal Code back there.

In the meantime, the younger man looked through my laptop and noted the link to TER !!!!. He asked why the link wasn't open. I replied that I was not connected to the Internet. I explained a bit about the forum, including all the legal aspects.

The young man asked, if you actually talk to prostitutes on TER, what do you talk about? These are just ordinary things: reviews, warnings about bad clients, what they had for dinner, or usual stuff in life. He was intrigued, and I bet he got on TER for his interests later. Maybe he is reading this :)

The older man came back and, I assume, found out I was right, although I was concerned they could deny you entry even if you were doing nothing illegal. But he seemed impressed by my openness and knowledge and set me on my way to my hotel and enjoyment of Victoria escorts.

Due to BC ABC rules, there are no good strip clubs and no massage places of interest vs. Toronto, Vancouver (I at once but didn't like it as much), Montreal, Niagara Falls and Hamilton (back then).

By the way, I understand that the Victoria PD checks the agencies a few times a year. Still, their only concern was registering and paying a small annual fee to be sure they were not underage or illegally in Canada.

Last I heard, there had been only 1 case brought by the FBI under FOSTA in an extreme child sex trafficking case. FOSTA was a big deal to satisfy pressure from conservative Christians and politicians but has never been actively enforced.

Under pre-FOSTA laws, a lengthy court battle of Backpage founders in Phoenix ended in August 2024 with a guilty verdict and prison terms.

My Phoenix Couples Group was once on the front page of their Phoenix New Times "What were you doing on Sunday Morning?" They had a long, hilarious, but mostly factual article about the couples group of a few hundred I hosted in my home. I think it is still findable by search but without the front-page funny graphics as I recall, and somewhere on my site.

I was concerned about all the legal issues in Phoenix, ground zero for going after sexwork. Agencies were charged with criminal enterprise felonies with "Donald Advisements" of like 100 years in prison if convicted, more than for murder. Every money transaction was a separate money laundering felony. So, the long sentences were if each count was considered separate. I reported extensively on the Phoenix Goddess Temple's long case in over 200 reports, attending most of the pre-trial conferences and trial. Once, after I had not been in Court for a while, at a break, the judge told me, "we have missed you."

Getting off topic but another in my story, which is not on any websites, I was long ago raided in my home by the FBI, breaking the door down (I was in bed sleeping) with SWAT's guns drawn. My security camera has the footage.

The issue was if a corrupt police officer was giving me information about upcoming raids and stings of sex workers since I had posted about another upcoming "take them to the Church" (long story) sting. No, my info was not specific as to the exact place etc, and it came from another escort telling me that she heard it from the University group anti-sex work led by a professor and Ms. McCain, wife of AZ Senator, that Trump trashed since he was a fool for being in the military and getting captured and held prisoner. "Heros don't get caught," Trump said.

The leads were two female FBI detectives backed by about 10 FBI SWAT agents who searched my home and took my computer (it took a long time to return; I had so much on it). I have never owned any guns.

I have police scanners as I have helped in various situations of traffic control, including once where someone was shooting cars going by and killed a cop in his car and a visitor to Phoenix riding a bike was shot dead. The police officer was able to hit the panic alarm in his squad before passing out. The police or ambulances could not get to the bike rider for a long time, even with swat. The big swat van was in for repairs, and eventually, they rode the side of a big dump truck to recover the bike rider (not knowing if still alive) to block from the shooter.

I was diverting traffic since no police were at an intersection that, if you turned left, would be in front of the house where the shooter was. Across the street, lots of cops with rifles, but no police were blocking that intersection until they finally came. I was a reserve officer long ago in MN and with a radio in my hand and looking like I knew what I was doing, got traffic to turn the other way. I am an amateur radio operator, FCC licensed (HAM), and when I was in Minnesota, only hams (which I was and am) were allowed to have police scanners vs citizens. But this was in Phoenix with no such restrictions. BTW, I attended a nice meeting of the Mississauga (Toronto) ham club a few years ago and briefly spoke.

The lead FBI woman was amiable, and we talked for hours (while others searched the house but were neat, not tearing things apart like on TV. We spoke about all my police activities, Private List warning about clients pretending to be cops to get free services, police interactions with the guy that almost killed 12 escorts, how I helped police when TER founder hired a hit man and many other things I did all legal. They even wanted to confirm the head of sex crimes I had contact with was legitimate. I showed her his official police report. I had a copy that named me but explicitly said that I was not involved in any illegal prostitution.

I did retain an attorney, but now, many years later, nothing more since nothing I did was illegal. But it was a shocking ordeal.

End of this chapter of my story
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