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DFK - Am I the only one who dont mind the no kissing?


New Member
Jan 20, 2017
Of core GFE services (BBBJ, DATY, DFK, MSOG), DFK has always been the most YMMV of them. If you are a guy who it's make or break that you have it, you have no idea how badly you are fucking yourselves in the ass, because some girls do come around on it after they get to know you. Highly YMMV and any well experienced person knows this.

I got no choice but to agree. It is indeed YMMV. I prefer asking first and if I get a clear no, I'll probably seek someone else. I don't want to impose my desire to someone of they don't feel ok with it.

From a meeting, I seek warmth, kindness and sensuality. Usually, I can tell after a few words on the phone or a couple emails if it has chances of happening or not. DFK is one thing I do want, but I will overlook that if I feel the rest will be there. I see it as a great headstart for an enjoyable encounter. But, as I said, if the other person is not ok with it, I'd rather book with someone else as these meetings are always a lot more fun when both parties are enjoying it and are confortable with each other.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
If you are a guy who it's make or break that you have it, you have no idea how badly you are fucking yourselves in the ass, because some girls do come around on it after they get to know you. Highly YMMV and any well experienced person knows this.

EB this is interesting to me but no sure I fully understand. Do you mean not to ban girls who did not DFK on the first encounter because if you go back to see them, and show that you like the girl, you kind of develop a good relationship and then good and natural kissing will simply magically be part of the show?



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Every girl I saw from Euphoria offered DFK.. Bianka, Chelsea, Laura, Jessica....

Girls from other agencies, its 50% for me.

Ha Bianka Bianka!!! True got to say she did kissed me but we were so damn busy with such a crazy session that we had no time...

Speaking of Bianka is kind of a thing of the past as she is moving on to a great job. Only her knows exactly why she will forever remember me, and that I will NEVER forget her ;)


Rusty Staub

6x All-Star selection
Jul 10, 2008
To each their own but in terms of the acronyms DFK and LFK are at the bottom of my list

Two main reasons: 1) In "real life" DFK is foreplay that leads to the main event. In the hobbying world, the main event is a foregone conclusion and X% (let's say 30 or 40%) of the girls are going to use lube for sex anyway. I am under no illusion that my kissing skills are going to turn her on where she is dripping wet (or at least commonly) as to forego the artificial lubrication. Her kissing me is not going to make Mr. Johnson any more hard either.

2) CIM seems like a pretty common thing theses days - obviously depending on SP but let's say 60/70/80% - and more SP's seem willing to do BLS and rimming. If a given SP is advertised between say 12PM and 8PM and my schedule happens to allow booking her at mind cannot help but wander to think about what the previous hours have entailed.


Sep 24, 2009
This hobby is always like a blind-date gone wild ... so ... I always assume DFK is YMMV for me and her. Come on, have you not met a lady with a great body but paired with an awful face?

I have. I never take it personally and I hope the girls that I have not found pretty (all in the eye of the beholder sweethearts!) did not either.
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