Montreal Escorts

How long will you wait?

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Wasn’t Georgia’s governor the nit wit who said he didn’t know there was asymptomatic spread all the way in April, lol

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Lol, my kid gave me one last week! Not too bad. Can’t u do a buzz?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
No buzz for me until I loose them naturally ;) My kids are too goofy I do not trust them!


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2006
Flyingby. Or maybe they would look at the available data and make an informed decision based on their risk tolerance and contact with others. Not based on fear.


Oct 2, 2009
I think the most optimistic we can be is that it will be another three weeks before things even start to move.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005

not so sure about that. the problem being mostly concentrated in seniors residences, the general population is almost un-infected. People are putting a lot a pressure to openn things up


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003

the general population is almost un-infected.

How would you know that without adequate testing ? It only takes one person to infect 50 within a week of unrestricted movement. The majority of escorts on twitter are not sure or are thinking end of May or early June before they return. Escorts who for the most part are young healthy women, with a fraction of a percent risk of dying are taking the present danger a lot more seriously than some of you 50+ men. Get smart !


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2006
Of course, in public, the escorts have to go with the government and mainstream guidelines or risk being targeted and ostracized by their peers and others.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2017
The majority of escorts on twitter are not sure or are thinking end of May or early June before they return.

ive read the same. some even stating the start of july at the earliest. also read some comments implying that girls who are still meeting clients are getting snitched on


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
How would you know that without adequate testing ?

80%-90% of deaths are in seniors residences, or something like that, and only 22000 confimed infections overall in quebec. Yeah probably the real number of infections is much higher but that would still put that at less than 1% of the populatiion is infected.

By the way, now the gameplan here and in other places is to build up herd immunity slowly. So basically we have to get 60%-70% of the population infected but at a controlled pace so as to not overwhelm the health care system, and still whilst protecting the most vulnerable. So i volunteer to be one of the first so I can get on with my life.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2017
So i volunteer to be one of the first so I can get on with my life.

contrarily to the fringe here who dont seem to have elderly relatives and are full behind the idea of getting covid, i believe most people wont be in too much of a hurry to catch it and risking passing it to people close to them for whom the outcome would not be favorabel

the entire idea that herd immunity will work with covid is pure speculation based on what has been observed with other viruses. there is virtually no large properly designed serological studies that have been done to determine how much of the population has already caught the virus and recovered, there is scant evidence that the immunity is lasting beyond one year or that it is protective. even with more benign coronoviruses there isnt much to indicate that herd immunity is possible or that it lasts

on this topic:


Active Member
Nov 11, 2017
It does not meter you believe in the herd immunity or not. There is a very high chance that you will be forced into it anyway. So, plan your meeting with COVID accordingly, with plan A, B and C.

actually what many others and i believe does matter. there is something here in canada thats called the charter of rights that says that everyone has the right to life, liberty and security. the governments may well be tasked to demonstrate their plans dont expose people to unnecessary harm

the governments will have to demonstrate that when they start opening things up, the resources will be there to help people who may be getting sick. so far the debacle in the retirement homes, the screw ups with the testing, and the lack of PE for health care workers proves otherwise


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
a there is something here in canada thats called the charter of rights

I believe the virus can’t read and thus has no knowledge of the charter of rights. It is not up to the government to decide on the herd immunity. The virus itself “will decide” either to die this summer or continue spreading until the herd immunity is achieved. As was stated zillion times on this board, government measures can flatten the curve but the area below remains the same.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2017
It is not up to the government to decide on the herd immunity. The virus itself “will decide” either to die this summer or continue spreading until the herd immunity is achieved. As was stated zillion times on this board, government measures can flatten the curve but the area below remains the same.

i know that you some of you have a though time understanding big words and scientific concepts but like i wrote before and has abundantly discussed by an expert on the subject in the article i linked, we dont even know for sure that protective immunity exists for this virus. the evidence that deconfinement will lead necessarily to herd immunity is flimsy at best

we all went into confinement to avoid an exponential growth in the number of cases and hospitalizations like happened elsewhere. for deconfinement the numbers would have to indicate there are fewer cases, fewer hospitalizations, fewer deaths. we're not there yet. we may be getting closer in quebec to a plateau in the number of daily new cases but thats about it. places like saskatchewan, manitoba and pei have truly reached a plateau, with virtually no new cases however flawed that metric is

nonetheless we dont have the luxury of time and of being able to wait for a vaccine to maybe being developed or more likely a treatment. sooner or later we're gonna have to go out more and get the economy rolling no doubt about it. how is that gonna be done, what will be opened, under what conditions, im watching for. id be surprised for things to get back to how they were before at this started until next year at best

which means that some people will get infected, some of whom will get really sick. are the resources gonna be there to give these chances the best chances to survive if their lives are at stake? many people including me will want to see how opening things up will be done and what measures will be in place to help the most vulnerable

right now, ive heard and read dick about it. and like i wrote before there are healthcare issues that point to the contrary

here are the kind of things that should be in place before deconfinement is seriously being considered:

as for seeing girls, which was what the op asked, i wont be seeing any providers in the near future, should my usual go to places resume business over the next few weeks. and certainly not until i see how the situation elvolves over the next 6 months at least. then it would also be a matter of who will be working. the girls who took a principled stand and bowed out early when the crisis started, id be far far more inclined to see


Active Member
Nov 11, 2017
I believe the virus can’t read and thus has no knowledge of the charter of rights.

no but the governments do. they cant force people into situations where little is done to minimize the potential for transmission. or that there are no steps taken to ensure that if they get infected while at work, the resources are gonna be there to treat them

like the schools. the provincial government cant expect teachers whose age or prior medical conditions put them at greater risk of serious health problems, to go back to work without taking steps to minimize those risks


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
Beer Factory
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Parts of the US & Europe r beginning to reopen their economies right now. In Georgia, any red blooded American will be able to get a haircut, go to the gym, bowling alley and end the night w/ a tramp stamp at the local tattoo parlor.

It is likely that decisions on when to reopen will not be based on science or public safety but dictated by the wealthy business owners and their political puppets.

While the rich can safely isolate themselves in their mansions, ranches or private islands, most people will not have that choice much longer. Either go back to work or lose your job. Not to worry, the Billionaires will get their journalists to write clever pieces on personal freedom and on why the cure cannot be worse than the disease. Although the first wave has yet to pass, best to get ready for the second wave of Covid-19 + Flu in the fall.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
in response to your post #122 Rinzler, what do you propose we do? stay in our homes until maybe a vaccine becomes available in a couple of years? I dont think we have a choice.

of course if you have elderly or compromised people in your entourage, you have to continue avoiding them for now


Active Member
Nov 11, 2017
^not staying indoors forever but certainly moving forward with a lot more restrictions like having to maintain social distancing. schools may have to run differently like splitting the classes in two and restructuring what needs to be taught as a result and looking at how theyre dealing with things in countries like tawain

possibly having to shut things down again if a big outbreak happens again like whats happening in singapore at the moment. id say that events that draw big crowds are out of the picture for the time being

reopening and resuming life as it was before by gambling on a hypothetical herd immunity is not a good strategy. it implies more and more people will get sick and i dont believe whats being put forward by the authorities so far adequately plans for how this will be handled

like i wrote before the debacle in retirement homes doesnt inspire confidence. if big outbreaks ensue in hospitals what are they gonna do? call in the army again?
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