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How long will you wait?


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
If border is open and my go to gal is available ... game on.

Can't wait to the start of Ramadan and if IF the same level of lock down is thrust upon that religious group as was the Jews and the Christians during Holy week leading up to Easter ... and if IF that religious group abstains from congregating in groups of 5 or more ... I have my wager placed - what shall your's be? Significant population across Canada ... will "your turn" now come?

Mistral is spot on with his position and his remarks ... but the torch bearers come a marching.

Border open, go to gal or ANY on banner on this great site is available ... wham bam thank you ma'am!


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Flyingby, I am perplexed why you wouldn't see your favorite if down the road when back to normal, she revealed she had privately seen an established client or two during this time.

When I eventually get back to Montreal, and I see a lady and I somehow learned this from her, I wouldn't blink an eye.

Of course you wouldn’t blink an eye. You are doing it currently

For your question. If I found out now. I would be pissed and definitely would not see her after it was over. If I found out after the social distancing norms were reduced. Who knows. I guess we’ll find out then.

The minority of people are causing headaches for the majority by not respecting social distancing

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I’m not perplexed by Willis’s answer. Not @ all.

To some it’s not about themselves, it’s about someone else. It goes to the question “who r u staying home for?” Who do you have in your life that you want to keep safe? He said it himself, he’s got kids. Other people have elderly relatives they gotta take care of. Others grand kids and for some it’s even about their fav SP’s.

I guess some people might find it tough to understand the whole non pharmaceutical measures the entire world is undertaking cause for them there’s no one but themselves?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Everyone should remember that there are risks at any age and there are still mysteries about this virus.
Immunity ? yes or no and for how long ?
The virus doesn`t just attack the lungs, but in some cases can trigger an auto immune reaction that makes your body attack healthy cells
It attacks the kidneys, liver and the brain causing damage that may not reveal itself for weeks, months or years.
There are just too many unknowns to feel safe for anyone in an attempted herd immunity scenario.

The only similarity between covid19 and a cold is a scary scenario indeed....that there may not be an effective vaccine and it may become seasonal and return every year .
What`s really scary are the world leaders and ordinary people who don`t believe the gravity of this plague . Like the autocratic dictator of Belarus who decreed that there is no covid19 and will arrest anyone who mentions those words.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
The minority of people are causing headaches for the majority by not respecting social distancing

Funny ... isn't that what many are embracing - letting the minority rule and cause headaches instead for the majority ... take LGBTQXYZPDA stances on student locker room use for example .... fits your definition captured in quote. Trying to have it both ways?

If Mistral is banging the gong now ... good for him - he is keeping the economy afloat through an essential "service". If were in town - would be doing just that too with any of the Ups that are out and honing their craft!


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Funny ... isn't that what many are embracing - letting the minority rule and cause headaches instead for the majority ... take LGBTQXYZPDA stances on student locker room use for example .... fits your definition captured in quote. Trying to have it both ways?

Your comment contradicts your thoughts.
If you are pro lgbtq2+ ( educate yourself on how to properly word it). Then you are encouraging the headaches that a minority makes for a majority
Or you are against lgbtq2+ and thus are pro majority. So you agree with me that the minority is causing headaches for the majority. And in this case you are trying to have it both ways


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Fly don't waste your breath on this racist. Nothing remotely logical will sink into his stubborn head . His previous handle was banned several years ago but it looks like he created at least 1 more back in 2011.


New Member
Sep 18, 2011
I see different options which I consider to have different safety levels.

1- When the government says its safe to resume our normal routines. (Safe)
2- At least 14 days after the government says its safe to resume our normal routines which accounts for those who may be asymptomatic. (Very safe)
3- At least 14 days without a single new case of COVID-19 being reported which is more strict than just waiting for the government's go. (Extremely safe)
4- Wait until a vaccine has been used as much as flu short are being used in society. (Bulletproof safe)

I would personally prefer to wait long enough for option 3 to apply but I think society will be gradually forced back into "somewhat normal" based on option one. I mean, people can't refuse to go back to work once the government says so; they have bills to pay and the government probably can't withstand such economic pressure for a year either so they will try to restore economic activities as soon as they can while balancing that with an acceptable amount of health risks.

Problem is doing that will almost certainly make option 2 inapplicable and 3 impossible, new cases will arise if people mix up again like it happened in China when they tried to resume their routine and I think the government will tolerate that as long as the health system can cope.

As far as activities that are incompatible with social distancing are concerned which obviously includes the hobby, I will wait for either option 3 to somehow be applicable and if not I will wait for option 4.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2006
That sounds similar to my friend's situation. She is not eligible for any government support. She barely made the rent last month but it won't happen this month, and she has to prioritize buying food.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2006
I wanted to followup on social distancing.

The social distancing guidelines have several components. In addition to banning group social gatherings, keeping public distance, wearing masks, working from home, etc. most guidelines have provisions for limited individual contacts. These vary by country and region. One can treat the situation seriously without treating it like Armageddon.

It is incorrect to say that someone who sees another individual is not practicing any social distancing. Or is just thinking of themselves. You don't know what other things these people may be doing in consideration for others. Some of these views on people choosing to see another individual, especially single people, seem rather sanctimonious and lacking in respect for others.


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Mistral. Maybe if it was an open relationship couple. But then if it was the case. Let’s hope at least one person in that open relationship would be smart enough to say. “Stay at home”


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
That sounds similar to my friend's situation. She is not eligible for any government support. She barely made the rent last month but it won't happen this month.

She like the other SWs got a choice. Grocery stores, Wal-Mart, and security agencies have a huge demand for employees. Call centers also have a big demand. They can seek employment there in the meantime. I know the pay is nowhere near the same and they not free in the same way but for the moment there is no other choice.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

It might go much longer depending on how much fear mongering the media is successful to spread.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015

It might go much longer depending on how much fear mongering the media is successful to spread.

You really believe their is a media conspiracy here? You think they are not reporting what Legault's team is saying? Last I heard they are the one taking these decisions.
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