Montreal Escorts

How much will that taxi cost?


Mar 26, 2004
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This may be of some interest to those wondering how much a taxi will cost... I ran one test and it gave the correct answer.

  • Number of taxi license holders in Montréal: 4,445*
  • Number of taxi drivers in Montréal: 9,699 (as of December 31, 2004)
  • Number of male drivers: 9,563
  • Number of female drivers: 136
  • Average age of drivers (male and female): 48 ans
  • Number of restricted licenses: 80
  • Number of taxis that work with a call centre: 3,650
  • Number of independent taxis (taxis that do not work with a call centre): 795
  • Number of taxi owners with one license: 3,389
  • Number of taxi owners with more than one license
    • 0 – 10 licenses: 331
    • 11-20 licenses: 10
    • 21 licenses and more: 1
* Each taxi license corresponds to a taxi cab.
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New Member
Apr 24, 2005
My beef with Montreal cab drivers are:

a) Not having change. :mad:

b) I have to give them directions, and I'm the tourist! :eek:

c) Talking on cell while driving! :eek:


New Member
Nov 17, 2008
my cousin has 10 cabs. we actually had this conversation not too long ago. he was telling me back in the days a licence would only cost about $15000, in today's market it can go all the way to $250000. the reason it's that high because there not giving anymore permits so they buy them off people who actually own them now. what a return on your money if you actually bought it in the late 80's.


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
bond_james_bond said:
My beef with Montreal cab drivers are:

a) Not having change. :mad:

b) I have to give them directions, and I'm the tourist! :eek:

c) Talking on cell while driving! :eek:
Not just Montréal, believe me!

On another continent:
- Cab driver talking on cell phone hands-free and having a very heated argument (the guy was extremely mad!) in a language I had no clue of, with some F*** placed around, yelling, all while I'm sitting in the back. And the driving followed the tamper...
- Cab driver getting upset because me and my buddy were chatting in the back and interfering with his cell phone conversation.
- having to give direction to a cab driver who you can barely understand and then hoping he'll take you where you want to go because 1, you don't know if he understood and 2, you can't read any sign post.
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