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How to date an Escort


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Sure, the quality is crucial, no question, but what about the quantity?

I think this dating thread was meant for the younger crowd lol.
At the same time I doubt they actually want the same quantity that they manage in order to maintain their lifestyle.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
At the same time I doubt they actually want the same quantity that they manage in order to maintain their lifestyle.

That may be so, all people are different. I actually had a chance to ask this question of a very nice girl just before her retirement (she was about to embark on a 'civilian' career) -- how she was going to get by? She obviously thought of that as well, being a smart and thoughtful person. I was amused to see that she recently came out of her retirement, even if for a few brief days. I wish I could make it to Montreal back then...


Active Member
May 7, 2018
It's about attraction. I remember back then I was a bit of a jerk with her and initially I didn't really cared. Because I acted like a jerk she was so scared to loose me and ended up growing deeply attached to me. In general, don't cover a girl with gifts and attention, worst strategy in my opinion. I have gone out with a few escorts and it was always because I was a bit of an ass.
I remember giving her my phone number and initially she said she couldn't take it I insisted told her to save it in her phone and to text me. I wasn't expecting to get news from her the next day at 8 or 9 am I got a text message and we went for breakfast and a walk. We met at 11am ans by 2 or 3 pm we were walking down the streets holding hands. My game was sick back then.
I was vibrant and full of life. These days I'm more serious and far more rational because my occupations are shaping me in such way. I try to fight that as much as I can.


Active Member
May 7, 2018
agree, but it depends on the person. I know I can't take seriously a girl who fucks around. To me it will just be temporary, I won't get attached. Some guys can, but for most people it's not worth it.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
There are men who are very capable of dealing with that though. Many sex workers are dating or even married with supportive partners. I guess these guys are just more confident and have more respect towards this job... (I understand not necessarily wanting to date one of us, but to say you "can’t take a sex worker seriously" while also being a client says a lot more about you than it does about any sex worker lol)


Active Member
May 7, 2018
dating a woman who fucks around is emasculating of course. Anyhow there is no point in breaking your balls dating a sex worker. FYI, I don't think much of being a client.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Emasculating?? Really! Ha Ha

Dude the younger generation of girl are way past the importance of the male role... This ain't the 60's anymore. At least not in Quebec.



Active Member
May 7, 2018
Emasculating?? Really! Ha Ha

Dude the younger generation of girl are way past the importance of the male role... This ain't the 60's anymore. At least not in Quebec.


Yeah, of course men are useless these days even to procreate and for everything else there are the different services the government offers. I still like to feel like a man when I'm with a woman. I've never dated quebecois women for that reason, I must say there are exceptions. I guess it's a cultural difference.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I guess first we need to understand what kind of dating we are talking about.Casual dating for a good time with an interesting and gorgeous escort, no problem.Dating as a long term serious relationship or living together, sorry I wouldn’t be able to handle it, I don’t believe in cheating on someone I am in a serious relationship with and I would expect the same.As far as how to, just be yourself, treat her like any other date, make her feel wanted and respected.


Active Member
May 7, 2018
Fradi, I don’t see how casual or long term dating makes a difference if you already know she’s an escort. How can any guy see an escort & be ok with it but not be ok with coming home to that same escort every night? I would personally feel privileged.
It is genital excitation vs long term projects. I don't agree with you but your point of view is interesting.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^ Have you actually thought about your comment? Probably 99% of the people who have sex with an escort would not get in a relationship with them if they kept on working. Nothing hypocritical about it.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Yeah, of course men are useless these days even to procreate and for everything else there are the different services the government offers. I still like to feel like a man when I'm with a woman. I've never dated quebecois women for that reason, I must say there are exceptions. I guess it's a cultural difference.

You see Krack a men that fuck just about every girl is seen positively. A women that does the same is seen as a slut.

Fuck that i prefer to be a men that is strong and can perfectly get along with a girl that fuck around, as you wrote. If i can do it she can too.



Active Member
Jul 7, 2013
On how an escort is good enough for someone to have sex with but not be in a relationship with seems hypocritical or how people tend to act hypocritical on occasion?

It's not a matter of escorts "not being good enough". Where did you get the impression that anyone here is saying that escorts are "not good enough"? I do not believe that anyone here thinks that they are better than SPs. It's simply a matter of not being comfortable dating an active escort. Those are two very different statements. I respect SPs like I respect any other human being but I wouldn't be able to date one while she's active. This doesn't mean that I feel she's beneath me... It just means that we're not compatible. There is absolutely nothing hypocritical with seeing an escort that provides a service and not being interested in dating an escort.

Similarly, I know a woman who isn't able to date police officers because of the anxiety it would cause her every night not knowing if her potential boyfriend/husband would come back home. Whether she is thinking rationally or not is not the point. My point is that she will go to the police when she needs their services, but isn't able to date a police officer for personal reasons. This does in no way make her a hypocrite.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Nothing hypocritical about it as laid_back_alex very nicely pointed out . There is quite a distinction between someone not being comfortable dating an active escort vs someone thinking that they are not good enough. Big difference


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
You see Krack a men that fuck just about every girl is seen positively. A women that does the same is seen as a slut.......

When I was younger I know I probably couldn't deal with it so I understand Krack's point. It's hard to explain but over the years I feel differently about this. Everybody is fucking around on everybody anyway. She's doing it professionally.

What's funny is that an old friend of mine was telling me that he was seeing one of Eleganza's stars. According to this him, she was jealous if he saw another escort. Of course she would work her shifts. Can you imagine that?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.

That's the point, you do not start dating them so it is not hypocritical at all. I have taken escorts out to dinners not as dates but for company as dining alone in a city where you know no one sucks. I am also guessing that many would leave the profession if someone has the funds and kept her amused enough.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
Need an SPs perspective here of course, but wonder if the line gets blurred when they are with a BF versus a client, and that is what then tarnishes an actual attempt at relationship. Also wonder, for those that are simply mechanical and derive no real emotional pleasure from the act with a client, how they give it up, sometimes 3 or 5 times a day, 3 or 5 days a week to be with one BF .... Think if you had a fleet of amazing cars, from exotics to huge trucks, each different and unique in their own way ... would you want to give them up, the variety that they each offer, just to drive your Smart car?

Sometimes easy to get 'hooked' on a SP, especially a MILF who has life skills as well as sex skills .... but certainly know that anything coming from that long term would be fraught with peril.
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Active Member
Jul 7, 2013
Dating a police officer is a nice example laid_back_alex. This point makes more sense with the added context.

Imagine someone expecting you to leave your job to date them though. If you start seeing a police officer & ask them to give up their job because you’re uncomfortable with it seems hypocritical. You knew what they were doing when you got together.

I think the word hypocritical is being used to loosely here. The only scenario where it would be hypocritical is the following:
I meet an escort - we like each other and want to date - I expect that she leaves her job as an escort while I continue to see other escorts

The scenario above is hypocritical because I am engaging in the same behavior or activity for which I demand her to stop engaging in. One would obviously assume that the reason we do not want to date active escorts is because we want to be in a monogamous relationship. I don't think anyone here is suggesting of having a one sided open relationship (continuing to see escorts while asking her to stop). This is different from what you just stated because your example indicates that they already started dating. We are saying that our decision to date an escort is conditional on her leaving her job. I see absolutely nothing wrong with that. It's basically saying "If we are to date, we need to be in a monogamous relationship". I don't think that is an unreasonable ask. Of course, many people (men and women) end up cheating on each other, however this is a whole other topic that is not relevant to the specific point that we're discussing.

To address your point about FIRST starting to date a police officer/escort and then asking them to give up their job to hopefully save the relationship. This is still not hypocritical. It would only be hypocritical if you wish to continue to see escorts while asking her to stop escorting. As for the police officer analogy, hypocrisy doesn't apply at all in this case because the woman is not engaging in the same behavior as the police officer. Perhaps, if the woman had an even more dangerous job than her boyfriend police officer and asked him to leave his job while she kept hers, that could be seen as hypocritical to some extent... otherwise this is not a case of hypocrisy but rather a realization that she can't deal with constant worry. I worked with the RCMP for a little while and can tell you that the seperation/divorce rates are extremely high and a big part of it is the constant worry from the spouses end. I totally get it. It sucks but I get it.

Initially, someone might have thought that they'd be okay with dating an active escort or dating a police officer because they hadn't experienced that type of life and assume that they can take it. After some time they might realize that they will not be able to continue the relationship because of certain factors, practices, values that are simply not in line with their own. This is perfectly healthy and normal. I see nothing wrong with that.

Finally, there's a difference between me demanding the escort/police officer to leave their jobs VS me telling the escort/police officer that I am personally no longer comfortable with this lifestyle and recognize that I might have to walk away because I respect you and your job, however it's taking a huge toll on my life. I thought I'd be able to live with it, but I just can’t . One can argue that it's unfair and that it sucks, but it certainly is not hypocritical.

Hope this clarifies things.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Reading this thread I’m just wondering how many of you are in relationships with wives who approve of you seeing escorts and being on merb.... haha... I think *that* is the only hypocrisy at hand here... You’re all ok with the idea of cheating as long as it’s you commiting the cheating and not the other way around lol... (btw it’s not cheating if you know and it’s a job)
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