If a man has already decided that he will be sleeping with other women or seeing escorts prior to dating a woman and not letting her know, then I could agree why some may call him a hypocrite. However let's be honest here and admit that most men do not have the intention of cheating on their date//girlfriend/potential wife when they meet them or while they're dating. From what I know (older folks, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong here), most men and women start their infidelities later on in their relationships. Usually following their marriage and after having children. For some it happens within months, while others after a few years. The point is that these people did not have the intention of cheating in the first place. Everyone thinks they're the exception until they end up cheating, right?
The reasons behind cheating are almost endless and are very psychologically complex. Once you understand them you might empathise and sympathise with a lot of them, especially when you hear their stories... both men and women. Or you can simply call them cowards (up to you).
I'm sure, given the nature of your work, you know that most people who cheat are not happy about it. I'm sure you know that there is a feeling of guilt, shame, embarrassment, treachery, deception, betrayal for the person committing the act, both men and women... At least in the beginning. If I recall, in your early days as an escort there was this dude who almost cheated on his wife with you and walked away right before the action started which you found super cute. Cheating is typically a symptom or a manifestation of many underlying issues in a person's life. For many, it’s a sort of coping mechanism for bad shit in their lives. A symptom of unhappiness that cannot be simplified as just being a hypocrite. There's a lot of complexity involved and I think you will start to understand them once you get a little older or having children/family of your own. And I don't mean to say this to patronize you at all, quite the opposite actually... I was once your age not too long ago and had a very strong views about certain topics until I realized that there context is extremely important and that there are certain things that you can only learn through aging and I believe that this complex subject is one of them.
Personally Julia, I'm much closer to your age than most people on this board so I might not be the most well versed and informed person when it comes to the topic of cheating... I still have a lot to learn about this topic. But my point is that I don't think it's right to say that a person who at some point in their life ends up cheating is by definition a hypocrite if it was not planned prior to committing to the relationship. If the intention was initially to remain faithful and that person remained faithful until a certain point (due to various factors which many will argue that are justified), that does not make them a hypocrite. It just makes them someone who cheated. Also, just because a person ends up cheating does not negate his/her view about not wanting a partner who is an escort. You make it sound that since most people might end up cheating at some point in their lives, then all these people should be okay with dating escorts by default. That doesn't make sense because the reasons people cheat have nothing to do with the reasons why don't want to date escorts.
That is very different from "Hey, just letting you know that if we decide to date, you can no longer be an escort, but I'm going to continue seeing escorts while dating you at the same time".
That would be highly hypocritical, but I don't think anyone here agrees with that selfish and unrealistic mindset...
TL;DR: Both men and women cheat for various reasons. Just because they cheat doesn't mean that they have to be okay with dating escorts. The reasons why people cheat usually have very little to do with their reasons for not wanting to date escorts. Therefore calling them hypocrites is an oversimplification.