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How to quit the Hobby/Addiction?


Active Member
Jun 24, 2009
Pour moi, les femmes dans "la vie réelle" ont été décevantes. Et presque toujours très mauvaise dans le sexe: ne voulant pas faire ceci ou cela, ne savant pas quoi faire, libido diminué, sans la vraie passion, ne se tenant pas bien en forme..

Lire ce genre de propos me fait sourire.

La "déception de l'homme" m'a pour ma part, comme plusieurs, plongé dans ces activités. Oui il y a l'argent, mais il y a plus...Il y a ce besoin de se sentir désirable, même si je me retrouve moi autrefois dans tes mots. Ce que je vais dire est directe, mais bien ré si vos femmes aimaient le sexe, mais pas avec vous ? Je sais ce qu'il y a en ce moment dans ta tê justement, tu as raison.

Ne plus désirer son mari, c'est extrêmement pénible pour une femme, vous n'avez même pas idée. Et pourtant...

Je ne connais personne qui fait le choix du mariage, ou plutôt de l'engagement, dans une optique de souffrance.

Mais est-ce que c'est nous qui sommes décevantes ou vous qui l'êtes ? Car si tu fais de bonnes recherches, ce n'est pas ce qu'on dit de moi escorte...pourtant, je suis la même femme.

J'ai eu la chance de rencontrer un grand homme ici, qui n'est plus dans ce "hobby". Je me demande même ce qu'il avait à faire ici, probablement m'apporter toute une leçon de vie au moment ou j'en avais vraiment besoin (j'aime le penser, suis romantique). Je me suis rendue compte la question n'était pas si lui était décevant, mais plutôt si je l'étais.

L'extérieur à moi...lui....malheureusement, je n'y peu plus rien et peut-être, voir probablement pour ça que je suis tjrs ici.

Bonne continuité,

Melyssa xx


Active Member
Jun 24, 2009
Ça me fait penser à un client.

Après des années d'inactivité dans son couple, sa femme a décidé d'aller voir un sexologue.

Le drame...

Tu aurais du le voir réagir, on dirait un minou qu'on veut mettre dans le bain, ou un chien qui sait qu'il doit aller chez le vétérinaire.... Nonnnnn !!!! Pitié ! Pas ça !!!!

Finalement tu sais quoi ? Il a trouvé leur premier rendez-vous plutôt chouette.

Je m'attends a le perdre d'ici quelques temps, mais c'est ok c'est l'histoire de ma vie d'escorte ça (je sais, je l'ai pas pantoute l'affaire). Mais bon, j'ai été payé pour et je m'y attends tjrs, contrairement à l'amante.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Here is a post I alway enjoy reading, I am about to post a comment from a fellow former hobbyist, he was considered a marginal poster, at the moment, I will give an anonymous credit

I am not the author of what's following, I can't take credits.

Here is his version of the addiction to the hobby:

The Five Phases of Hobbying
Here are the five phases of hobbying as I see them:

Phase #1: From Porn to Escorts sites

You are tired of watching porn all day. You wanna have sex with a hottie so you run a search on Google for "Montreal Escorts" and presto you find a website full of pics of beautiful ladies.

Phase #2: From Lurker to Dipper

You decide it is time to meet an escort because you can't take it any longer. This is a difficult decision because deep inside you know you shouldn't be cheating and you know you shouldn't be paying for sex.

Despite your ambivalence, you decide to take the plunge. Unfortunately, you go for the ladies that look good but do not have authentic pics.

After getting burned by a few bait & switch operations, you start reading the reviews to try and make sense of this jungle they call Hobbyland.

You start reading reviews, getting to know which players are worth reading and who is full of shit. You pay attention, take careful notes of who are the respectable agencies and which ladies are worth meeting.

You register your handle on both Montreal escort review boards and start actively writing reviews on SPs and MPs

Phase #3: The Manic Phase

This is the most dangerous phase. You become completely engrossed by this activity. It consumes every fiber of your living being.

You start writing glowing reviews on every single lady you meet. You experience a whirlwind of emotions and an adrenaline rush as you move from one masseuse to another escort, always trying to get another "fix" to surpass your last "fix".

You deny that you've become a full fledged addict but your actions, your finances and your thoughts all point to a different direction.

Phase #4: From the Brink of the Abyss to Sobering Reality

Right before you hit rock bottom, you pull yourself together. You stop hanging around with people who remind you of hobbying. You stop trying to help SPs, realizing that all they care about is $$$ and themselves.

As you learn more about Hobbyland, you become totally disgusted with all the lies and bullshit that permeate it.

You still hobby, but not as intensely, realizing that you will never find anything of value in Hobbyland.

Phase #5: You See the Light and Wither Away

The final phase is a long one, but most guys see the light and wither away. They realize the banality of this activity, accepting the that their physical and emotional insatiability will never be quenched by this inherently vacuous activity.

For the lucky few, they rediscover the virtues of true love and move on.

Again, I can't take credit for that post, I am not the author of that post.

Hehehehehe..... General Gonad at his usual moments of sad primal conflicted guilty emotional bliss. Luckily what he has does not relate to everyone who get into this hobby.


Jun 9, 2015
Phase #3: The Manic Phase

This is the most dangerous phase. You become completely engrossed by this activity. It consumes every fiber of your living being.

You start writing glowing reviews on every single lady you meet. You experience a whirlwind of emotions and an adrenaline rush as you move from one masseuse to another escort, always trying to get another "fix" to surpass your last "fix".

You deny that you've become a full fledged addict but your actions, your finances and your thoughts all point to a different direction.

Wow. I'm at phase #3 right now. Good thing is that I am aware that I am addicted and it doesn't have that much of an impact on my finances. But yeah, I think about my next escort everyday and I can't wait to add another name to my list. I don't drink, I don't do drugs and I'm a hard working guy....but to say that I am addicted to escorts would be the biggest understatement of all time. :lol: :( :(


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
The so called Phase #3 there is nothing manic about it or even dangerous. It should really be called the Candy Store Phase. This is when you first arrived at the hobby and absolutely engrossed by the selection and number of hot SPs that are available to you whenever. Yet after so many encounters you hit a plateau and things really taper off. This may last weeks, months, a year or two max. That constant chase and craving are not going to last for sure. Only thing that I see would take a serious hit is your bank account!

When I lived in Montreal I wasn't hobbying mad like I thought I would. The hobby became something like what a native New Yorker would treat the Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building or the Twin Towers when they were around. You know it is there but you have no screaming urge to visit because you have all the time in the world to visit them. Same applies to the hobby for me. When I did have the urge it was for the long term with a selected few when I wasn't seeing any civie girl.


Active Member
Jul 31, 2011
I agree that there is a huge connection between porn and seeing escorts. Some might say that porn can act as surrogate for escorts but I don't think it is that simple... It's about limiting (not eliminating!) one thoughts from straying to sex generally...


New Member
Jul 29, 2011
What about this citation: ``REAL MEN don't need to see escorts, they can simply have a REAL WOMAN!``... OUCCCHH!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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What about this citation: ``REAL MEN don't need to see escorts, they can simply have a REAL WOMAN!``... OUCCCHH!!

Reciting an aphorism doesn't make it true.

Real men age; Real men are always going to be attracted to young women => They have to pay for it eventually.


New Member
Jul 29, 2011
That's a fact, we are aging. :(
That's the sad part... And to have to pay, sad, sad, sad for me.
Maybe I am not made for this!

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
A dampner on my activities is being transfered to Ft.MacMurray on a 3 year contract, my 5-6 months off will change to 1-2 months off. I checked Ft.Mac backpage and see that I have missed Heidi Van Horny by a couple of weeks ( if by chance any SP's will tour through Ft.Mac it will be appreciated ). The only plus is that I can retire in 3 years and continue if I decide to stay in Canada.


Jul 15, 2015
Hobbying in Fort McMoney must be very very depressing, and very very expensive...(I have never been further than Edmonton myself) .I suggest you retire as soon as possible and return to the real world!
But if you really want to get rid of the hobby addiction, I suggest you retire in Yellowknife!


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Sex is like appetite... more you eat, more you are hungry.... same with sex...

Ha ha. I see this hobby/sex like an itch. You scratch and you scratch hard. Everything dissipates and you move on. Get that out of your system you head back to your projects/hobbies with even more creative passion. After a few months or so that scratch comes back.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Fort McMoney must be very very depressing, and very very expensive...

Checked backpage out and from what I found IMO a good one but $250 HH and $400 Hr. There are some $160 HH but looks like B&S material. On a side note there are many great looking older ladies in the pubs out here.


Jul 15, 2015
On a side note there are many great looking older ladies in the pubs out here.
My respect to the older ladies and have fun in the pubs, We'll take care of all our beauties here in Québec while you are away...and don't get too depressed on october 19! Things are going to change for the better allover!


Active Member
Jun 24, 2009
Quand le sexe prend toute la place

Je suis tombée là-dessus.

«Ils utilisent le sexe pour se détendre, se calmer, surmonter le stress, se confirmer qu'ils sont à la hauteur, mais jamais pour la bonne raison. Chez les dépendants sexuels, il n'y a pas de satiété, ils ne sont jamais satisfaits parce que ce n'est pas un besoin sexuel qui est en cause. C'est comme une pulsion, et ça finit par prendre toute la place dans leur vie»


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Perfectly stated, Melyssa. Parfaitement indiqué, Melyssa.Like everything in life, no money, no honey. No female (GF, wife, or family member) wants a broke-ass dude. Once the money runs out, the addition may subside or vanish, if not then . . .


New Member
Aug 1, 2011
guys, relax about the guilt, it's just a release! On a la chance de baiser des filles que l'on ne pourrait sans doute pas séduire régulièrement, c'est très bien.
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