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How to quit the Hobby/Addiction?


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2003
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Avec mon ex, la mére de mes enfants, on avait du sexe très intense et on s'embrassait comme des ados même après 18 ans....mais elle est finalement partie à cause de mes multiples escapades et aventures... suis comme toi...amour et sexe sont dans 2 différentes sphères...par contre quand tu as les 2 avec une même personne alors là c'est le feu d'artifice!!

Et pour revenir au sujet de comment faire pour quitter le hobby...comme l'a décrir cloudsurf.. il faut soit crever...soit devenir aveugle...soit pour des hommes de mon âge, arrêter de prendre soin de soi-même et devenir gros, laid et pas propre...donc c'est comme se laisser mourir

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Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
I totally agree with my North Shore bros Jalimon and Sibar on this. It has always been easy for me to seperate romance from recreational sex and I have had my share of heartache as a result. The heavy metal band Body Count once wrote a really accurate song about it called "Evil Dick". As for quitting this hobby why the hell would anyone hanging out in this forum even talk about that? I am having a blast! You want me to quit you will have to carry me out in a box lol


Oct 4, 2018
Even I can seperate real romance from the sex with escorts, and I'm pretty up there in terms of rdvs for affection/intimaxy as opposed to just raw unbridled lust. What I find harder, and this only applies if I've seen someone alot (it's happenned teive) is competely sealing away any sense of familiarity and attachment. I get really snippy and snide as I do. I think it's because I find the the necessary dividion a macabre juxtappstion, which I find hard not to mock.

Anyway, I think a great way to help you taper off is to take steps to limit your options. *This is assuming you only want to purchaae a certain quality of service and attitude. In my case, I can navigate the rsndom announce sites very very effectively, but I have no more urge. I actually know of hidden gem ir 2 right now. As for merb Indy,, I assume a handle with more years and a dozen reviews would be more "trustworthy" than my current six month one babbling scorched Earth.Glad this one is all I got now

Dont think i even have a reference anymkrr. Like, if I did, I would instantly go see Alyssa Minx this weekend. She looks like she taste delicious. Sigh. Agency is hatder and i haven't come up with a solution beyond my willpower and just turning off ny phone. Lol.

Haha! It's ridicukous the kind of first world problems we have. I'm thankful this and beliving/ hoping to find real love is my biggest problem. Fhank god I'm Canadian.

Joe young

Sep 29, 2018
Dans mon cas, j'aime bien les gens mais je ne pense pas que l'Amour et moi sommes faits pour nous rencontrer. J'ai rencontré de bonnes femmes, mais ça ne fonctionnait pas. Pas vraiment de l'Amour. Du désir, de la routine, mais pas de palpitations. Même avec mon ex-femme, avec qui j'ai eu un merveilleux fils.

Pour moi, ça va finir d'une de ses façons:

la mort
l'incapacité physique
l'incapacité financière

À ma défense, j'ai été choyé. J'ai presque toujours rencontrer de charmantes jeunes femmes, qui l'instant d'un moment, m'ont fait à croire qu'elles étaient bien avec moi. Et puis après la rencontre, la vie continue jusqu'à la prochaine rencontre.


Oct 4, 2018
I give up. I told my parents. Was too ashamed to say I was booking prostitutes and so said it was gambling addiction. Giving them control of my chequing and savings, and redirecting my pay cheque to their account. They already manages my stocks. You need treat this serious, like any other addiction.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
This is the best addiction I have ever had and one lady in particular I will probably always be addicted to.

Then again I have had a lifetime of being with the woman of my dreams and children, that I will always have.
There is nothing comparable.

It is not such a bad addiction to have, it just all depends on how you manage it and at what stage of your life you get addicted.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
I give up. I told my parents. Was too ashamed to say I was booking prostitutes and so said it was gambling addiction. Giving them control of my chequing and savings, and redirecting my pay cheque to their account. They already manages my stocks. You need treat this serious, like any other addiction.

how old are you? if you are really young, maybe not a bad idea.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Guys true addiction is a disease. It needs to be treated. Easy to say it's your own fault... Until it hits you.

So no sorry but it's not a vomit-inducing psycho-babbe... It's a constant fight when by nature you are unfortunately prone to it. Lucky are the ones who are immune to excess. But do not bash on people who are not. So many factors can make you fall for it and believe me those factors are by no means related to your intelligence or your wealth.

I am saying this very humbly because I perfectly know myself I am often on the limit to fall over the obscure addiction side. It's a fight. Luckily it's not cancer so at least the control is mine.

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I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Patron you have the word decide or decision at least 5-6 times in your latest post. A person afflicted by an addiction has lost all sight of making decision. His brain his sick and needs help to get on track to be able to make those decisions.



Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
His brain his sick and needs help to get on track to be able to make those decisions.


Nothing better for a sick brain than a heavy dose of pussy, it has magical healing powers.
I was not in a good state when I first saw the most gorgeous escort I could find, after looking through hundreds of web sights.
This lady not only turned out to be gorgeous but the most fabulous and kindest human being.
I have been seeing her ever since and will continue to do so as long as she will be active.
Best thing I could have ever done, I will take pussy over seeing a shrink anytime.

I guess you can call me addicted by choice, but I am smart enough to keep it under control.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
i have not read this thread so i may be repeating what others have said.

it has clearly been shown that things like food and sex addiction share common pathways in the brain as substance addictions like alcohol and opiates. However, because food and sex is a natural and very strong drive, it gets tempting to dismiss these as addictions. But make no mistake, your brain gets addicted to the release of certain rewards chemicals when you indulge your desires (like dopamine and seratonin), and craves them when you dont. With substance addiction there is an added element of physical addiction.

In my case, it is clear i have augmented the frequency of hobbying over the years. When I started, i of course really enjoyed hobbying, but was really ok when i was not hobbying. Now, i need my fix regularly. But i also rationalize it by saying to myself that this is the best addiction and one that makes the most out of life, because I get to meet and be intimate with so many beautiful and (sometimes) interesting women. It is puchased and packaged love and affection and sex. It is what gives me most pleasure in life.

The only downside is spending more than i can afford. i have taken on commercial projects on top of my regular job just to generate more income just so i can spend it on this hobby. :)
Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
The confusion is with calling normal physiological needs a disease and not the true problem of impulse control. The crux of the matter is just that. The psycho babble is part of the problem, no part of modern medicine can cure impulse control If one has not made the decision to control his impulses. The number of people who have cured their weight control problem by going to psychologist is zero. So I agree with Patron it is all bullshit. Eating and fucking are part and parcel of our genetic neuronal make up, it is not a disease. Impulse control is the hard part and yes you can loose yourself in eating and fucking too much. But it is not a disease damn it.


New Member
Mar 23, 2019

C'est idem pour moi Joe! Nous sommes sur la même longeur d'onde!
All the way and the life goes on! :tea:


Oct 4, 2018
Patron, it's not about the money to me. Thinking it's all about money is unanimous among escorts, but that's not the issue. No. The problem is I feel like I'm slowly letting that mentality creep into me. I don't like it. It's like the longer I pay sp, the more appealing it is to view normal interactions through a lens of financial negoation. Some may say you always pay for it one way or another; I have read that enough times. However, I don't dig it. Yet, if you keep exposing yourself to that, it is hard not to grow into that mentality. I don't have a wife to counter balance me.

Today was rough. I was jonesing really bad. Hard as a rock. But I didn't go through with it. Been almost a month.


Oct 4, 2018
Bec people don't really change baring tramautic events, and even than It's a fight to maintain control over one's self actualization. I want to quit, but I'm still a horny guy who needs to release for mood management and human nature. Likewise, I want it a certain way when i want it without much hassle. For that reason, I might as well keep informed on the best use of my dollar. In the end, I guess I hope my words will help someone else, whereas I am too impulsive and ingrained to embark on a soul search, whilst abstaning from paid pleasantries..
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