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How to react when after 30 minute service SP says your time is over, pay me full hour

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Well it happened to me once ... I had a very rushed service, and she kept telling me to "hurry up" in a more discreet way but i could still understand it. When i came, we where all done and all in 40 mins... (shower and all) she left... I didn't like it at all... Back then i was not sure... i reported it here, booker gave indication on he would make it to me... but bah... i tried booking there again a couple time, didn't work , anyway i let it gone. Thanks god those days are over for me, as i have better agencies now and i wouldn't see that happen again...

But if it did... lets say...

Good solid service, 35-40 Mins and she has to leave... would i be a bit disapointed? Maybe, but i won't go for a second service in 20 mins... as i need at least 10 mins to recharge and the shower usually happen at 50 mins... I only take second service if i happen to cum too fast, but the thing is, its rare... im controled on that now, and im too much of a chatter box, i usually "waste" 15 mins on talking at the beginning... its too long but oh well... I need to correct that eventually... In any case would that happen, ill pay, mention it on merb tough, and all the rest would depend on various things, like the reason for quiting, who is the girl, wich agency it is... i mean if one time this happen, but the agency gave me 5 solid booking before... i would let it go...

But if the girl give me bad service...AND is ready to leave after 30 mins... wow... again the agency and girl in question would matter... but if its a new agency, new girl, i would probably call right away the booker and try setting explanation with him. And no "discount" on next call... Agencies come and go, girls come and go, and i book only once a month or so... so im not counting on that too much... We all know how it goes... agencies get a cut of the girls pay, so if she is 200, wanna leave after 30 min... and agency want to make it up for us... lets just let us pay partially... why discounting in the next call? Yeah to forget about it... or get you again. So i would say let the agency and girl discuss this together.

I used to think bookers where 250 lb gorillas like most beginners, but the reality is otherwise... and i doubt they would come gun blazing at your hotels door either... Especially for 100$ or so...

I think as good customers, we have to pay what we own them, and im not encouraging people to try to cut the price if the service is not as hight as they expect... but if the service is uninspired, like not even GFE(when advertised as) and the girl want to leave after 30 mins(consider you even had introduction on this... so you had maybe 20 mins of sex) now thats just laughing at us the customers...

But again there is so much different degrees of bad, and different degrees of good... and when you use good agencies, read reviews and such, your unlikely to have craptastic services. I had in the last 2 years 2 booking i think wich where not too good. But the girls at least where hot... and the agency gave me tons of excellent bookings, and the girls stayed the full hour. For the first booking there was not much that could be done to fix... yeah she could had NOT look at her phone that much but well... exept that, the rest didn't work because of bad chemistry...

Second booking was partially my fault, partiall the girl's fault, and partially the equipement faults...(lol damn lube) and therefore what can i say... Maybe i would give this girl another chance, cause physically she is extremely hot, and i think it could be better... but she is not my first choice ...but if ocasion happen, yeah maybe.

In any case all of this is relative... and there si so much we can say, but what would happen on the moment...? who knows...

Im aproching the 40 bookings i think... if i have not met it yet... and over the years i would say i had maybe less than 5 booking wich where not "good" ok i had repeats with some girls... one wich is 7 you all know that lol, but still... even when it was not totally super fun i still had a decent time... i mean sometimes the girl is disapointing look wise, sometimes she don't BJ as good as you had hope, sometimes you taugh a service was ok, but its not, but there is other things to make it up for and usually i still have a good time.

Oh and i must say, personally i am single, i don't care if my hobbying is revealed... actually i reveal it myself most of the time... lol so the only confrontation i could fear is a physic fight, not a nervous person, but well you never know what can happen.... accident or such... so to avoid is better. But i doubt any serious booker would come menacing somebody over for 100$... that would be so stupid...


New Member
May 24, 2011
However, I do think that if you feel a girl delivered service that was so bad that you feel compelled to post a bad review, then you owe it to yourself and to others to name the girl and the agency. You don't have to be mean or vengeful--just state the facts and let the chips fall where they may. But I don't see the point of posting a story with no names. Would anyone think of posting a bad review of a restaurant or a movie without identifying the name of the restaurant or the title of the film? I don't think so. This is not the Montreal Secret Confessions Board--it's the Montreal Escort Review Board. There are plenty of other Web sites where you can post stories.

I'm going to disagree with posting details of a bad encounter with a MERB agency, for two reasons.

1) Most of us, I presume, are professionals at our job, we have responsibilities in our lives, we might have wives and children. Escorts know what we look like, possibly know our phone numbers. Part of describing the encounter means identifying yourself, and pissing off someone who quite frankly could do a lot of damage with the right motivation. Everybody should be aware that this is a quasi-legal hobby, and certainly one that is not socially acceptable. I guarantee you that while we might be able to ruin someone's MERB reputation, that's not the trump card in this equation.

2) Have I been ripped off for $180 with shoddy, rushed, and/or unhygienic service? Yes. By girls working for MERB agencies? Yes. Even agencies that do well on the polls every year? Yes. In my experience, while girls may try to rip you off the bookers just want a happy customer that calls them back next week. They want business. 100% of the time they appreciate the feedback, and more than half of the time are willing you to offer a discount for next time. Complaining about their agency on MERB isn't good for business, and will have the opposite effect. In fact, if there's an SP who is truly awful and enough people complain to the booker then she'll get dropped.

Just my 2c, as always. :)

Lily from Montreal

I do not know about agency etiquette but the way I see it as a indy is if you refuse a girl at the start you do not ''owe ''her anything on the fee, a 20$ for her travel time is nice and plenty, if she's the one to shorten the meeting ,I never done it but it could happen I suppose, then she has no business asking of the full amount or any...
But if you are the one to abort once the action starts and you just have to leave early like it happened to me once (my friend got a call from his wife...snif) then yes ,I would expect the full hour ,especially since I do not offer half hour so it is not even a option...

Lusty Pig

New Member
Mar 18, 2005
They bring a gorilla to the door show them you have nothing to hide and hold up your cell phone and in front of him punch in 9 -1-........and tell him to stick around for the cops. And the if all this happened and the booker promises a discount for the next time you got burned NOW so don't accept it.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Like i said i don't understand why a discount for next time is an accepted situation most of the time. If it happen AFTER then yes, we all know the booker won't come to your hotel just to hang you 50$ cash back... But if the girl is still there, ready to leave, and insist to get fully pay, after only 30 min, DO CALL HIM, let the girl do as she want(leave or stay) but refuse to give her the full price... Tell her you are gonna discuss it with the booker. And best advice, be polite with the booker as much as possible. If you go trash talking him you won't get nothing good. Explain the situation, calm, and why you don't think you should pay the full ammount and see what happen. He could understand and just say its ok to pay half. If he propose a discount for next call.... LOL thats like accepting to ship an item to a guy in the states on his good word he will send you a payment on reception....(i say the states here, but i meant it as a far place... could be europe, alberta whatever)

Just propose to change the discount on next time to a discount NOW...

Im taking exemple of an agency you don't use much, that you gave a shot... not an agency you know and trust...

Red Paul

Active Member
Jun 6, 2003
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Hey im in my 20s and new to this 'escort' thing. Never seen an escort before but im tempted to try. I've been lurking for a few days and couldn't help to comment on your topic.

In my opinion you are the exact definition of what they call a 'girly man' or a 'sucker' u know the one who lets other stomp all over him and take advantage of him. This is probably why the escort or the 'booker' got away robbing you blind because they sensed that you are a weak individual who gets easily taken advantage of.

So newbutsmart admits that he knows nothing at all and has contributed nothing to this board. But now he has to speak -- or, as he puts it, he "couldn't help to comment on your topic." Why must he speak? Not because he has anything useful to say, just because he sees a chance to dump on somebody who has never done anything to him.

newbutsmart, I hope you go away.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Just use a timeclock with your iphoneand show that to the Sp at the begining of the session,it will be more easier for both of you.

That is kind of tacky to do that at the beginning of a meeting, service could suck after a move like that. Personally I have never been scammed for time but I know the time when we meet and I would not pay full hr for 1/2 hr visit, there would be a $40 to $60 discount.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Just use a timeclock with your iphoneand show that to the Sp at the begining of the session,it will be more easier for both of you.

Yeah, thats the kind of move that could be taken as "agressive" as you start already with a "don't screw me on my time" ... well you know what i mind... lol. I like when the hotel room has a clock, when she knock i check the time before she i know exactly wich time she walked in... so if she ask during the session when she arrived... i can tell her and she know i know my shit...

Some girls put the alarm on there phone, and never look again at the timer... this is pretty cool but of course she got to be honest lol. They usually set it at 50 mins or something like that so she can excuse herself to the bathroom before leaving.
Feb 12, 2005
It is nice to see a healthy discussion going on.
Had I told in the beginning the name of the girl and the agency, it could have stopped right there.
So I have come to the conclusion that I should post it in the review section.
Please have some patience. Meantime, more point of views please.

Thanks everybody for a healthy discussion


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
WBB - I appreciate the honest review. there is nothing worse than an SP that is in a race to get out the door. Even if it is just 5 minutes early. You can see they are racing and they cannot hide this. It ruins the mood. A very highly rated SP did that to me last trip and it was the biggest turnoff. I was forced to write a review like yours and I hated every minute of it. Than it turned into a bit of a pissing contest with the booker (who had some good points) and some of her fans. That was bad but the worst part was she left me feeling empty. So thanks for the honest review and prepare yourself for the fallout from her fans. However, I also received PMs from hobbyists that privately agreed with me but posted otherwise. I think some were afraid of repercussions.


New Member
Jun 21, 2003
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Thanks for the reveiw.

We need more honest reviews because everything can't all smell like roses.

One of the reasons why I stay away from incalls is the revolving door of clients which makes it difficult for the girl to be passionate with all clients, and if she did, she would get burnt out very quickly.


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
WBB - good for you for telling your story. When you are paying for a certain amount of time with a provider you deserve to receive that time. As a provider I know that we don't always have exceptional chemistry with every client, that's just not possible, but it is up to us to make the experience the best it can be and to put forward that effort for the entire time agreed upon. I think that for certain girls, they have so many appointments and see so many men that they lose sight of the fact that their job is to ensure that these are special and memorable experiences for their customers. You gentlemen are spending your hard-earned money and look forward to these's up to us to delight, not disappoint.
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