Montreal Escorts

Humpchies Bullshit?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2011
girls advertizing on humpchies plan de cul

all these girls advertizing plan cul all want to get pauid by google play cards or seam cards they tell you to go buy at depaneur before meeting them is that a scam or his it legit as anyone done this thanks for the help


Apr 29, 2014
J'ai confirmé les fraudes en textant de 2 numéro diferents. Elles donnent des incall a deux villes differentes en fonction de l'endroit ou tu es. Elle demande de gratter les cartes et d'envoyer en photo les cartes pour avoir l adresse ou le no de chambre. Si tu hésite elle te donnera le telephone de l'un de ses clients a qui tu pourras parler. Tu parleras a un africains.
Voici le thread. J'ai confirmé plusieurs no de telephone. J'ai dénoncé a humpchies, mais aucune reaction.
Comme j'ai l'impression d'etre le seul a denoncer jai abandonné humpchies. J'ai passé environ 15heures pour confirmer chacun des numéros comme etant frauduleux


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2011
beaucoup de ces filles annonce plan de cul et elle te demande de payer par google play cards ou steam cards elle te demande aller acheter carte au depaneur avant la rencontre est qu il y en a qui sont passe par la est ce une fraude ou cest fille sont reelle est ce que quelqun a deja payer par carte google play et a vraiement eu une rencontre par apres ???


New Member
Oct 22, 2011
I got lucky a year ago on humpchies... with the ads now i would not try that chance again

fini ce site


Active Member
Aug 3, 2015
There is someone using robots to post ads on humpchies and other websites for bait n switch both pictures and service... my salary didn't double this year so I don't have money or time to waste over there anymore


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2016
Moi à 2-3 reprise j'ai contacté Humpchies qu'il y avait des annonces d'escorte frauduleuse qui s'annoncais dans plusieurs ville en même temps (Fermont, Sherbrooke,Longueuil etc.) les annonces ont disparu et Humpchies m'a remercié pour l'info que je leurs ai fourni. Si on peut les aider, j'ai même fait la même chose avec Annonces Intimes.



Active Member
Mar 10, 2018
D'apres ce que j'ai pu voir, Humpchies depuis l'avalanche d'annonces frauduleuses, a rehausser sa securite. Mes annonces etaient autorsees instantanement mais maintenant ca prend minimum une heure avant qu'elles soient affichees. Ils m'ont dit que toutes les annonces sont verifiees manuellement maintenant.


Feb 27, 2019
I think some credit is due to Humpchies for implementing some meaningful changes lately to diminish the prevalence and impact of deceptive ads on their site.

This past week, I noticed the site now includes "other ads by the same user" at the bottom of each ad. Doing so allows you to quickly see whether the advertiser is putting out consistent information and photos.

They now also allow users to leave comments on the ads, which link not just to the individual ad, but to all the ads posted by that same advertiser. Those who are able to identify the ads as bait & switch or some other scam can la El them as such.

I've been leaving some comments on ads that use fake pictures, identifying the porn star or instagram model in the pictures, sometimes with a link to the instagram from which they were taken. (Thank You, Google Image search). In every case, the ads were taken down hours later after moderators had reviewed my comments. Not too shabby.

Now, if they would just allow for more advanced searches, it might actually become something that a lot more people would want to use.


New Member
Jul 7, 2010
When one SP exaggerate the others have to do the same to compete. They must figure that one the guy gets there he will take her anyways. That use to happen often in the pre-internet days when it was just words on print. They would tell you 25 yr. old 140 lbs. When you get there she is more like 45 years old and 190 lbs.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
What amazes me is members here that bitch when they get scammed on Humpchies, personally I would be too embarrassed to admit to being an idiot.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
^^^ Yes, me too. But I'm glad that guys are willing to write their personal experiences - both bad and good- so others can learn from them. I don't want to shame anyone that posts on this review site. However, we all know that you can expect a certain level of performance if you book an appointment with a MERB advertiser that is well reviewed or at least works for an agency that is a MERB advertiser and is well reviewed. When you deal with Leolist/Humpchies I'm assuming they are all equivalent to the old BP/CL: You enter the wild, wild west and there is little recourse. Approach with two loaded guns.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Humpchies is far worse then Leolist. At least with Leolist they have girls with verified pictures.

Nope I do not agree at all. At least for the listing in Montreal. Maybe different in other cities. Leolist does not advertise many providers. True that they have verified pics but that does not mean anything if the service and attitude is shit. And most girl on LL falls in that category.

Annonceintime and Humpchies advertise far more ladies. But the good ones are in there. You need to be able to find the needle in the haystack. It does take experience and good Merb contact. But it's possible. I have found quite a few and still have memorable encounters out of these sites.



Jul 25, 2019
Mr. jalimon, we have our first disagreement.

Let's get the obvious out of the way. We both agree on the fact that ANY girl can be a hit or a miss, correct? A girl who chooses to use REAL pictures rather then fake Instagram pictures may turn out to be just as worst as a any random unverified Humpchies escort. So verified/unverified does not equal success. If we establish this concept then the next best thing we can move to is credibility.

How credible is she to be looking real and provide HONEST and good service? If a girl on Leolist is verified, then it makes it safe for a guy to somewhat trust her being real as opposed to other escorts using non verified pics. You eliminate the risk of being surprised at the door. So if she's honest about pictures, she's more likely to be honest about services then the total non verified girls who you have no idea what they even look like!

So then, we have to ask ourselves what's the risk of getting bait and switch with mis-representative pictures?

Risk of getting bait and switch of services (because the action of posting dishonest pictures easily translate to providing dishonest services)?

Risk of wasting your time, gas, and opportunity of seeing someone worth it (established and/or proven)?

Risk of putting yourself in a dangerous encounter (dishonest operator of fake ads are more likely to be dangerous, pimps, etc)?

What's the issue with posting publicly or providing privately REAL pictures if no face/tattoos/nudity is shown? If an escort cannot do that, then she's likely got something to hide... and likely not looking to be honest.

I bet the first thing a gentleman would do before booking any escorts is to look at the girls pictures! She looks good? Great, let's move onto service... When booking a Humphies girls, you are walking into a wild jungle, you could find treasure or get yourself eaten by a fucking tiger! At least with leolist you get to see her real pics if she's verified. It's all about probability when you TOFTT on these two websites. Maybe in Montreal there are allot of bad providers but in my city I found the verification on Leolist to be pretty good. In any case, you must do your due diligence and TOFTT smart! I'd advise people to use the guide below if you are new to hobby.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I get you are from Ottawa. Leolist varies from cities to cities. I do not trust it much in Montreal. But when I visit Vancouver I do use it. Must be the same in Ottawa.

In Montreal yes you get more verified pics on LL but that only save you from checking the pics yourself on Humphies or annonceintime. No big deal.

The thing is if you are not a local STAY away from LL, Hump or AI. These sites are for locals who over time learn and know what they are doing.

Ho one thing if I am interested in meeting an indy from these sites from whom I have no intel here I will give the girl a real phone call. Serious girl will answer or get back to you.



Active Member
Jul 7, 2013
What amazes me is members here that bitch when they get scammed on Humpchies, personally I would be too embarrassed to admit to being an idiot.

If you are isolating specifically the ones who complain and bitch when they get scammed or B&S, then I agree with you that they should not be bitching about it and feel entitled. They knew very well what they were getting into and that is part of the price to pay to find gems. If one decides to venture through humpchies, one has to be willing to take the loss and move on.

Where I don't agree with you is the idea that we should keep those horrible experiences to ourselves and not share them in the review section of this board. I feel that this is a very selfish mindset. Did you know that many reviewers do not share their experiences here because they get judged, bullied, criticized and called idiots when they should be thanked for TOFTT. Sure, they didn't exercise proper due diligence, they didn't research properly, they thought with their dicks instead of their brains and they got screwed. These guys are sharing their bad experiences here so that other members become aware. To me that is commendable, not to mention the ability to put their pride aside.

What I don't get is when someone reports a bad experience, some members here are always so quick to tell them "Always go for reputable providers, seek top agencies only, never go on humpchies, etc". I find that quite funny because when we report good experiences from humpchies, we don't hear these comments. We actually get bombarded with PMs and thanked for TOFTT from the same people who said to never go on these sites. If we were to completely avoid humpchies, leolist, annonceintime and annonce123, where would we find these rare gems that everyone talks about? Did you know that some providers on this board started from humpchies and some guys just TOFTT and they gained popularity and are now top providers. If we follow the mindset of many guys here of NEVER using ad sites, these girls would never have been discovered.

How do you think that a well-reviewed indy provider who doesn't advertize on merb end up becoming well reviewed? How does a gem end up coming a gem? It has to start with some "idiot" taking the risk. What's funny is that he will be called an idiot if it was a bad experience but will be praised if it's a good experience. It seems that there is a very fine line between an idiot and a Boss and luck is often the determining factor. It's people like UncleBob and Jalimon who take these risks so that you don't have to. The point is that they should be thanked even if they got scammed because they just saved thousands of members from doing the same mistake. Writing what you wrote will discourage some people from sharing their negative experiences (unless I misunderstood you, then please feel free to clarify).

The point here is that there is behavioral inconsistencies from some members depending on the type of experiences reviewers share. It is not true that we should completely avoid booking through humpchies. This is bad advice. We should rather point the less experienced reviewers to an excellent post that was done by our fellow member bobbiz called "Guide to TOFTT". That way they will be more equipped to make better decisions on these sites going forward.

It's important to create an environment where it is encouraged rather than discouraged to post horrible experiences and not to feel ashamed about it. Trust me, the shame was already felt while walking out of the session.

100% of my experiences from Humpchies, LeoList, Annonceintime and annonce123 have been TOFTT. 80% of them were using real pictures and provided good service for the low price I pay. 10% were using fake pictures but still offered decent service and the remaining 10% offered horrible service that I just want to erase from my brain. But all in all, great average with proper due diligence.


Jul 25, 2019
jalimon I can agree it's much safer to use merb rather than H or LL. My point is that in my experience you get a much better time with verified escorts then going in blind with non verified escorts. Haven't seen a LL girl in Montreal yet. Why would I when I have merb! Though I do remember seeing a few local Twitter girls from Montreal that would also advertise on Leolist..

I also agree with Mr. Laid_back_alex. The guide is very useful. It's made by bobbiz who is very experienced in TOFTT and Leolist!

Merb is very low risk, almost none. Verified and real girls offering great services! I've never had any issues with merb agency girls or independents! Leolist and Humchies on the other hand is very high risk but high reward! I found one girl once on Leolist (Lexus Luvv) currently not working anymore that I know of. She offered me greek cim, cof, rim and dfk all for no rush 120/hh and had the body of Casey from Euphoria. I found a gem! In fact, I've found quite a few like her and have many reviews of my TOFTT adventures in Ottawa! Although the Ottawa thread hates me there! Most are white knight idiots and they would hate it when I use the word "slut"... Anyways, getting off tangent here, but ya people need to be careful using those sites! And it's always a good thing to review, no matter how good or how bad, reviews are crucial!
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