Montreal Escorts

I gotta ask the ladies in here....


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Many other things then the age can be surprising !
I remember booking a 18 years old for a 80 years old
And he kept asking is she really 18 ,like it mattered that much since he was 80 .:confused:
His nickname from the SP's was the toothless wonder !:lol:




Oct 21, 2011
Top of the mountain
Yes very uncommon and that was the reason why it was so surprising ,plus the fact he had no teeth ,lets say he had a lot going for him !:D


why ... he couldn't bite ;)

Love as no age
What is more acceptable an old sailor 80's with a young girl or an old woman with a young men ...
who is the luckiest
the one who is loved

i have no age discrimination when i meet a courtesan , i always choose older because of better experience ....


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
I'm in my mid-40's and I have to tell you that feeling guilty about the age difference is always floating around in the back of my mind. It doesn't stop me, of course, but it's there! And then I have to remind myself that, for example, Humphrey Bogart married Lauren Bacall when he was 44 and she was 19, and this has gone down in history as a great romance, not as some old guy taking advantage of a teenager. I'm always happy to meet beautiful young women, of course. Most women that I see who are in their early 20's have their shit together much more than I did when I was their age. That's always an impressive thing to see.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
It seems that every 6 months a thread pops up with a perspective John asking "is it OK for 40-50 year olds to session with SPs from 18-25 years old." I rarely participate in these threads. I just shake my head in disbeleif.

Today I break my silence.

Of course it is OK. In fact, if it were not OK there would be no sex industry! We (40 to 50 year old males) are the back bone of this industry! Why? Because of or large disposable income and our inability to pick-up young chicks without paying of course...that and our loveless relationships back home.

Like Gurge85 above, I am sometimes overcome with guilt when I am with a real young ones (18-20ish). In fact, during my session with Christina I can remember repeating over and over again "I'm going to hell. I'm going to hell." I found myself saying that with Tiffany the next evening. She said "You were with Christina yesterday and she is only 18. You are really going to hell for that one." As if to say, don't worry about me because I am in my 20's.

God I love Montreal. I may be able to get back in the June/July frame and make one more great run before the semi annual fall visit....and yes, I like the young ones.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.

And what if some of those 20's y/o ladies ARE actually attracted by middle-aged men?

Why do we straight ahead think it is not possible or strange? or a safe business saying? or a daddy-issue thing?

I've always been attracted by middle-age men, since I'm 17 I believe... (don't read that as a business marketing/strategy bullshit!)

A 70-80 y/o man meeting a 18-19 escort is an extreme example. Very uncommon.

What is really grossing us out? Dirty whatever-age men. Arrogant whatever-age men.
That's it.

Just generalizing in my previous comment. I am pretty confident in my statement that a very high majority of young SP's would prefer not to be with men over 45, nothing to do with any daddy issues or anything. We are tolerated because the ladies act like professionals....


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
SolT, I don`t fully agree.
Some popular young sp`s when starting out, had age restrictions.
Later on as the acclimated to older fellas...they became quite comfortable and even preferred them to younger guys.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
SolT, I don`t fully agree.
Some popular young sp`s when starting out, had age restrictions.
Later on as the acclimated to older fellas...they became quite comfortable and even preferred them to younger guys.

Again, I just generalized. And to find out if the 18 yr olds preferred older guys, you asked? You expected an honest answer? A car salesman tells you it was driven by an old lady to church on Sunday only, you believe him ( not saying it is not true but ). The only reason most ( not all ) accept us is because we are the majority and have excess money. I can not picture a young person in the hobby as there are so many liberal girls out there, my son is average looking in good shape and was told to treat ladies with respect and he gets laid a lot.
Now this is just me.... I see an escort for sex, not to cuddle or love. I enjoy good conversation before the encounter and if there is a common ground I will chat after if time permitting. I have never ever mistreated an escort in any way and laugh or not but always thank them for the encounter after. I really really appreciate the escorts for the service they provide and for putting up with old men.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
, you asked? You expected an honest answer? .

Its not by asking that you get an honest answer....Its by observing their happy reaction reaction when they see you a second time, or at the VIP GT.
Its when they playfully ask you why it took so long for you to book them again.
Its the last kiss , and not the first kiss, that tells you how much they enjoyed themselves and want to see you again.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Its not by asking that you get an honest answer....Its by observing their happy reaction reaction when they see you a second time, or at the VIP GT.
Its when they playfully ask you why it took so long for you to book them again.
Its the last kiss , and not the first kiss, that tells you how much they enjoyed themselves and want to see you again.

Very well put. Her actions/reactions, gestures and body language tell all.


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
I'm just under 30. The SP I've encountered don't seem to care about my age, although I presume they weren't expecting someone so young. On the flip-side, I would never be able to see an SP over 40ish (42+). At that age, my bias that we'd have nothing in common would be too strong for me to call. Also, over 40ish is more like a woman I'd see myself marrying. Frankly, I would feel intimated. * I kind of presume an SP of 40ish would require (if not implicitly demand) an expensive gift, fine/elegant dinner, very extensive/deep intellectual/worldly/emotional conversation, and extremely slow courtship. I'd expect they would only book 4-5 hour sessions, and recent a 1 or 2 hour session. If I'm not married in 7 or 8 years, I may end up seeing such SP. However, I hope to be married by that point since I want kids. Also, I generally try to stay away from SP between 18-21 for various reasons.


Okay, I'm just kidding solidsnake. If you're still in your 20's, I've got to tell you something that you'll discover soon enough -- everyone thinks of themselves as young. Our bodies may age, but we're all 25 years old at heart. A woman in her 40's might be more worldly, experienced, cynical, whatever, but that exciting young woman that she was twenty or twenty-five years ago is still burning inside of her. It's not like we turn 40 and then want to sit on a park bench feeding squirrels for the rest of our lives.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

It's not like we turn 40 and then want to sit on a park bench feeding squirrels for the rest of our lives.


... everyone thinks of themselves as young.

From what I noticed in people there is an age when you admit feeling older but it sure is long after 40.

On the flip-side, I would never be able to see an SP over 40ish (42+). At that age, my bias that we'd have nothing in common would be too strong for me to call. Also, over 40ish is more like a woman I'd see myself marrying.

I've known a number of young guys, guys who had the looks and physique to have ample choices with younger or older women make the same firm claim about preferences in the same way...for a while. Then they meet a certain someone and all of that thinking changes. In one particular case a guy changed his more typical preferences right around.

Young might be speaking from a view that was organized while you were younger and were coming up with ideas of what ought to be right for you without having carried any serious life experience baggage. Once you get older and have dealt with greater and greater complications then you sense of order of things and your comfort zones will most likely change significantly.

If I'm not married in 7 or 8 years, I may end up seeing such SP. However, I hope to be married by that point since I want kids. Also, I generally try to stay away from SP between 18-21 for various reasons.

You are probably still in a thought mode with a certain order of goals, hopes, and opinions. Even if those do work out for a while the likelihood that experiences as you live through the years will make you views evolve and probably turn around to some degree is strong.

* I kind of presume an SP of 40ish would require (if not implicitly demand) an expensive gift, fine/elegant dinner, very extensive/deep intellectual/worldly/emotional conversation, and extremely slow courtship. I'd expect they would only book 4-5 hour sessions, and resent a 1 or 2 hour session.

No no no NON! Require? No. Absolutely prefer, but not require. Your view has the air of seeing a fair part of this hobby as something like courtship. It's a nice style to use but this is still a business, and by that I mean escorts are very willing to do business for 2 hours without all the finer points to earn more, except they won't compromise on clients being clean, decent, and respectful. They'd love all the rest but on the average they usually consider it a bonus, preferred but not typical.

Good luck,


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Its not by asking that you get an honest answer....Its by observing their happy reaction reaction when they see you a second time, or at the VIP GT.
Its when they playfully ask you why it took so long for you to book them again.
Its the last kiss , and not the first kiss, that tells you how much they enjoyed themselves and want to see you again.

My comment was towards your statement that they preferred older guys. I was going to reference your comment towards Anastasia where you said she preferred older men but it now says likes.
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