Montreal Escorts

I hate my job too!


May 31, 2008
UHGL c'est vrai désolé c'est Montréal Monk qui a nommé les 3 escortes. Ne m'ne tiens pas rigueur stp.

Alors Montreal Monk j'espère que tu as compris qu'il y a plein d'escellentes escortes à Montréal, pas seulement les 3 que tu as mentionnés, et que plusieurs autres pourraient en nommer d'autres!


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
thebitchelor said:
sometime i read comments from merbites and sorry guys but some of your comments make me laugh so much...when you write "i didnt feel any passion in her eyes"..well, maybe some girls are able to do that cause they love their jobs..but some merbite dont seem to realise that sp are with a perfect stranger..usualy with somebody that she dont want to be..or like me..are just one's guard....dont ask me why i did this job 8 month...maybe cuz i though it was just "normal" to hate our job...
Hello guys,

Do a lot of the ladies hate their jobs? Imagine guys that you are a sex provider to whoever may call. Your boss sends you to a local hotel to meet a stranger and on the way you wonder what you will be dealing with this time. You get to the room and a 40-53 year old very plain, out of shape woman, with clothes a bit unkempt, and not as freshly washed as she could be invites you in. You manage a smile, but your first thought is...ish, here we go again..."I don't get paid enough to deal with this". You sit down as she offers you some wine. The conversation is pleasant enough, but all the while you are thinking this stranger who you would never have the least attraction for in the real world is going to have her hands and lips all over me in a few minutes then want to fuck me very soon. Then, she moves close and starts touching. The first touch feels like something crawling over your skin, but you steady yourself and get used to it. Now it's time to "serve" this woman who starts grabbing, lunging at, and climbing on top of you. Suddenly she asks if you do something that is unnatural or if you are willing to go bareback for extra money. You say no, but in her frustration she becomes more vigorous and you wonder what kind of risks you are facing with a person who would ask for such things. Finally she's riding you, moving you into various positions and obviously completely unconcerned with how you feel as she takes her time bouncing you around the room. You did I get into letting strangers do this to me?????

Now this may not be what it is like all of the time, but I am sure this feeling happens frequently with many escorts. And certainly this isn't the worst scenario a lady faces. So when you are in a room with a pretty lady with your lust all worked up and eager to begin, be happy you aren't the lady in the room with you the average stranger you wouldn't be caught dead with if it weren't for the money; and then in thinking about this don't be too surprised if an escort sometimes says she "hates her job".


Apr 16, 2005
All not created equal!

All things considered, it is probably true that in the normal course of events women tend to choose men they find attractive and closer to themselves in age. I am not so sure that this applies to quite the extent that is stated here.

First, women don't tend to view men in quite the same way that men view women. Men are more visual than women are. Perhaps a half million years of evolution has something to do with it. Women have slightly different priorities. That is why escorting and stripping are not evenly divided along gender lines. Also when choosing mates women have a very different agenda. Often an intelligent, personable, very successful, average looking, older male can be found with a very attractive young spouse on his arm (and choosing a good provider is not necessarily “gold digging”).

Second, certain occupations tend to attract certain types. Sales positions are often populated by what we refer to as “people persons”. These types are more adept at going beyond the visual. They are capable of exercising an effort of imagination where people are concerned and tend to focus on the inner self. They enjoy people. They have to or sales would be hell on earth. This is true of any occupations in what we refer to as the “service industries”. And not to put too fine a point on it I think escorting would fit quite nicely here.

Finally to go hand in hand with the second point some people can be quite shallow in their thinking.

I find Maria Divina's approach to escorting to be be quite a mature one and though I have not had the pleasure to experience her charms (yet) I suspect that she is a “people person” and has a great attitude toward it all. That is not to say that escorts don't find some men more attractive to them than others and that they have some days that are better than others. Escorting is not for every woman. Perhaps it is what makes the difference between an escort who gives a warm experience and one who hates the client and the job.

This thread kind of reminds me of the movie trailer I saw where two detectives are on the trail of a serial killer preying on escorts. As one lifts the trunk of a car he remarks to the other, “Holy crap! I've never seen so many dead hookers in my life!
Whereupon the other looks wistfully into the distance and says, “Lord knows I have!”
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May 31, 2008
De rien Arianne! J'ai juste voulu démontrer à Montréal Monk qu'il exagérait quand il disait qu'il n'y avait que Kim, Tamara et Vicky de mémorables dans le milieu, et que les autres n'étaient que des bums!

Il y a autant de raisons de faire un travail que d'individus sur cette terre. L'important, c'est de rester professionnel (le), et toutes celles que j'ai nommés (et d'autres sans doute) le sont, quelles que soient leurs motivations pour faire ce travail!


Dec 5, 2005
Ariane Valmont said:
I think it's no secret that a lot of escorts don't like their job.

Precisely, and to quote Mod 5 from a related thread… "Not all experiences are positive for any escort. These Ladies get abused from time to time, and made to feel worthless. Some clients are aggressive, and only wish to act out their fantasies without considering the feelings, likes or dislikes of the escort they are seeing. Just because one pays the donation, does not give one a license to make selfish disrespectful demands on the provider. Something all Hobbyists should consider."
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New Member
Jun 14, 2008
Wicked Las Vegas
Korbel said:
Hello guys,

Do a lot of the ladies hate their jobs? Imagine guys that you are a sex provider to whoever may call. Your boss sends you to a local hotel to meet a stranger and on the way you wonder what you will be dealing with this time. You get to the room and a 40-53 year old very plain, out of shape woman, with clothes a bit unkempt, and not as freshly washed as she could be invites you in. You manage a smile, but your first thought is...ish, here we go again..."I don't get paid enough to deal with this". You sit down as she offers you some wine. The conversation is pleasant enough, but all the while you are thinking this stranger who you would never have the least attraction for in the real world is going to have her hands and lips all over me in a few minutes then want to fuck me very soon. Then, she moves close and starts touching. The first touch feels like something crawling over your skin, but you steady yourself and get used to it. Now it's time to "serve" this woman who starts grabbing, lunging at, and climbing on top of you. Suddenly she asks if you do something that is unnatural or if you are willing to go bareback for extra money. You say no, but in her frustration she becomes more vigorous and you wonder what kind of risks you are facing with a person who would ask for such things. Finally she's riding you, moving you into various positions and obviously completely unconcerned with how you feel as she takes her time bouncing you around the room. You did I get into letting strangers do this to me?????

Now this may not be what it is like all of the time, but I am sure this feeling happens frequently with many escorts. And certainly this isn't the worst scenario a lady faces. So when you are in a room with a pretty lady with your lust all worked up and eager to begin, be happy you aren't the lady in the room with you the average stranger you wouldn't be caught dead with if it weren't for the money; and then in thinking about this don't be too surprised if an escort sometimes says she "hates her job".



Ouch! Korbel, how did you know how I treat the escorts in my sessions? HA! Please, I am just kidding about this!

Seriously, you paint a very vivid picture of a bad session, but not even close to the worst. I don't think your idea of a bad session surprises many MERBites. Still, it is good that you are trying to help us imagining walking in the shoes of a escort.

The thing is, I hope all MERBites know that Escorting is not a easy job, by any stretch of the imagination. I think what most MERBites hate is, the fact that a SP would post that she hates her job and more importantly hates MERBites as people. I believe the average MERBite is a far better client than the non-MERBites, and that certain SP's are just venting at ALL clients in general, without regard for the time, money and effort that most MERBites go through to make sure the the SP feels comfortable in their session. While it is true that the most important thing about this job for the SP is the money she makes, most SP's do not consider that we as clients are spending even more in the cost of the nice rooms, liquid refreshments, maybe expensive chocolates, and our time lost waiting for them to show up at the agreed upon time. Some spend even more with expensive wines, room service and fancy lingerie. It is a shock to some that any SP would have a lack of regard for our time & money, by taking phone calls, long showers, smoking or just talking too much, during our session, and we are expected to pay for that. I have never made $110 and hour, but if I did, I think I would be respectful & nice about it.

Unfortunately, the kind of guys that do this hobby, in general, are not the kinds of guys that a SP is normally attracted to in her personal life, I mean we are talking about twenty year old women in general. My guess, after going to only one GT, is that yes, most clients are much older, heavier and less physically attractive than what any twenty year old would normally consider dating. The counter to this thinking is, most SP know & understand what her clients will be like in general, after a week of working, and quite a few, do just quit because it is not a easy job. As a older, heavier & less attractive man myself, it is my belief that a SP should remain professional about my looks, as long as I am polite, respectful and very clean.

I did not post this, because I wanted to know how many people hated their jobs, I posted this so SP's could post what they hate about it, if there was something I could learn about from her experience and change, how & what should I do to make it better for her. So she doesn't post when she retires that everyone except Banger, could go "F" off.

I have gotten some very good advice so far.

Don't ask about personal details, including "does she have a boyfriend?"

Make sure I am the only one in the room before the SP knocks on my door.

Be polite, respectful and offer refreshments.

But the number one advice will always be, make sure that you are as clean as possible before the session starts.

As far as my age and looks go, I don't see that I have many options, but I am starting to work out and change what I eat, to be in better shape, so I won't be as heavy, next time I come to Montreal. My goal is to become the new "Banger" and to have a retiring SP mention me as the best client that she has ever seen!


South of the Border
Jul 3, 2007
bitchelor, The whole draw for a lot of guys in this hobby is the ability to have "interesting" sex with sexy women. If we wanted to have a two minute blowjob and vanilla sex, we (at least me) wouldn't be paying a dime for it.


Jul 5, 2008
Interesting thread and since it relates quit well to a thread in the Quebec section I’ll go with a broad translation of what I posted there.

I may rattle a few but then again we can’t please everyone.

Without any doubt, there are SP’s who are ok with their job and others that are’t. Basic fact, these girls are human and are in it for different reasons which is not for us to judge or criticize, period. Of course there are those that are really not made for this line of work and, for their own sake, should get out of it as soon as possible, but that’s another topic.

This being said we, the great masculine gender, can be real brilliant when we think only with our second 'expandable' brain. Let’s pull away a few seconds from the escort acronym and I will also include the MP’s.

Just for the h*ll of it, just for fun, try to walk up to a girl in a bar and tell her you find her cute, sexy and sensual and that you’d like to be naked with her and making out in the next hour. We better have our heads screwed on tight to our shoulders since chances are we’re going to get a major slap in the face … and well deserved.

OK, I can already imagine some thinking ‘duh, but but but I’m paying’. Hey, come on, reality check and fast.

Back to the girl in the bar example … do you really think that to offer her money will keep you from getting slapped ?? If so, maybe a kick in the groin would soon follow the slap and help to return to reality.

We have all had encounters where the lady would tell us about pawing, rough or disgusting customers. No matter what job you do in life, no one deserves to be put down or taken as an object and for granted.

We are dealing with women who have a life, a story, who laugh and cry, just like everyone, that have feelings. We are dealing with human beings, not a piece of meat.

We read on the boards how some customers turn a girl away, no doubt with good reasons, but how many times have you heard of a girl turning away from a customer ??? not often, or maybe not often enough.

Regarding the ladies that do not like their job … think about it a few minutes … in some cases are we not to blame ???

Some egocentric customers should clean up their act and realize the privilege these girls offer us and if they can’t see this … maybe they should get out of the hobby.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
oliver_kloseoff said:
the whole point of paying for sex is not haveing any problems after
if she really really likes it or not-if she pretends to do so like many wives and girlfriends do when they are not really in the mood who cares.

even if they detest it,every job has stuff people dislike

take an average skills lets say
where could she even get a job at mroe than $10/hr-nowhere
so to shut her mouth close her eyes and ly back ,face it sorry to break msot guys bubbles
Hello OK,

I have the feeling you never heard of Sir Yes, it's sex for money. Down and dirty...that's it.

However, I always get a laugh whenever anyone brings up the good old "where could she even get a job at more than $10 an hour" rationale. This one of the biggest dodges of logic the some love to post on the board. Show me the $10 an hour job that puts one alone at the mercy of a bigger stronger stranger carrying who knows God what in disease risks, with who knows God what psychological baggage in his mind and, who knows God where, where there is no one to help just in case of who knows God what happens...and I will buy you all the escort hours you can use for a year. But this is an absolutely false comparison between two totally unrelated worlds. The element of risk alone is worth far more than $10 an hour, not to mention that no one making that rate will ever offer anything like this service.


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Apr 16, 2005
Balanced view

We have all had encounters where the lady would tell us about pawing, rough or disgusting customers. No matter what job you do in life, no one deserves to be put down or taken as an object and for granted.

We are dealing with women who have a life, a story, who laugh and cry, just like everyone, that have feelings. We are dealing with human beings, not a piece of meat.

We read on the boards how some customers turn a girl away, no doubt with good reasons, but how many times have you heard of a girl turning away from a customer ??? not often, or maybe not often enough.

Regarding the ladies that do not like their job … think about it a few minutes … in some cases are we not to blame ???

To some extent you may be right in that it is a complex question. And we owe it to make it a pleasant experience for both the lady and ourselves. Have some been disillusioned with the wrong type of client? I am sure they have. But let's take a balanced view. You are right that the girls are people. There are good ones and there are those who are not. How many reviews have we read of clients who were taken advantage of? How many cases of cheating on dance counts in the booth? How many cases of FS clubs where the girls have not been upfront about their services and overcharged? How many reports of Bait and switch? How many reports of girls leaving after giving half of the time agreed upon? I could go on. It is easy to say that hate for the job entitles this kind of behaviour. But it wouldn't be true.
It is not an easy job and I am sympathetic to the girls who may have to deal with the proverbial lowlife. I am not sympathetic to the girl who mistreats someone who is genuinely concerned with bringing a BFE to the encounter. And if by his own admission he may not be Richard Gere but sounds like he tries his damndest to be a sweet guy then he deserves an sp who can appreciate that. Do you really think an sp who hates her job can deliver? Unfortunately the reality is that is probably just what he is going to get. Sad!
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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Finding Your Niche

The issue seems to be finding one's niche in the sex industry if that is the path that one chooses. I worked as an SC bouncer to put myself thru university. In the 1970's early 1980's I was making the equivalent of a regular student job - 40 hours in 1 - 2 shifts. The dollars are available but for every choice ther is a price to pay. Basically you become cynical and assume the worst. By doing so the only surprises tend to be positive ones.

The bitchelor makes an interesting point about finding her niche - that of a "danseuse" after trying various other possibilities. Also she seems to have the ability to focus on the clubs and the customers that are right for her. More power to her. Unfortunately others have not developed this ability - perhaps they never will. Combined with unrealistic expectations from customers you have the potential for disaster.

Not sure how the risk/reward element fits in since it is not well presented.
Everyone from the SW to the HDH escort and all the stratas in between seem to be grouped together.

Your typical SW with substance problems is NOT capable of working any type of job unless major detox is successful. Welfare does not cover the high cost of a habit so they try to survive from hit to hit. Since a great number of the clients that frequent SWs have similar issues, disasters are hard to avoid.

Beyond the SW strata most workers in the sex trade have problems working regular hours or building a long term career. They are flighty and not really reliable. As a result it is hard for them to find regular employment elsewhere since employers are not willing to invest time and money on high end employees whose length of employment could be measured in days. So they drift into the sex trade by default, hopefully finding their niche and getting out before it is too late.
Apr 16, 2005
The very best escorts are those who are very sociables...or very good actress.... I may say... But a lots of things cannot be played...!!! ( I imagine ...)
Most guys would be very happy with this!
That's very sad and mad when a deal is not respected!!! If someone want to take advantage ( a Sp or a Man) on the other part, that's always regrettable!! But, that's one of the reason why that kind of board is existing: to share the name of those who didn't do what they promised... The problem is that we're all on pseudonym...That's complicating the following...Sp's are changing names, but i'm beliving that probably gentlemen are doing it too sometimes....

That's why i understand some woman to ask for some identification: they want to be sure to meet someone "safe"... and not a man that she didn't want to meet at all.... That's another story...
You are right Maria. Every escort has the right to feel safe. The board has exposed jerks before and will again. I think many wish there was a better way. If a new girl comes into the industry and her experiences are , for the most part, pleasant ones then she may be more inclined to bring a better experience. Good for all. Of course there are still the ones who don't belong doing this.


New Member
Jun 14, 2008
Wicked Las Vegas
DouMan said:
Regarding the ladies that do not like their job … think about it a few minutes … in some cases are we not to blame ???

Some egocentric customers should clean up their act and realize the privilege these girls offer us and if they can’t see this … maybe they should get out of the hobby.

Well put DouMan!

This what this thread is about. Although, I was hoping that the Escorts reading this thread would give me suggestions in how I could make it easier for them to do this job...... the things that they hate about this job, that I could personally change for my future sessions.


Mar 7, 2008
Maxime said:
Rocker74 je suis désolé mais je ne comprends pas ce que ta théorie sur l'amour vient faire sur ce thread. Pourrais-tu expliciter ton idée stp?

Pour ma part, si j'ai parlé d'amour, c'est que j'ai lu que sur ce threrad, certains avaient relevé le fait que des clients s'offusquaient de ne pas avoir vu la passion dans les yeux de la demoiselle pendant qu'ils baisaient...

Je voulais juste mentionner que ces filles font une job, et il n'est pas nécessaire qu'un client sente la passion dans les yeux d'une fille. C'est en continuité à cette déclaration que j'ai écrit ça. Et je sais que plusieurs clients tombent en amour avec une SP, et il ne faut pas penser ça jamais. Et pour le bourboire, je voulais seulement dire que, comme un client satisfait donne un pourboire au resto, j'en donne 1 à la SP c'est tout.

Je vois justement les SPS comme des êtres humains à part entière, et non pas seulement comme des machines. C'est pour ça que je tente de rendre mes rencontres agréables. Mais je sais que plusieurs clients ne le voient pas comme ça!

Faut pas t'en faire avec ça Maxime...j'ai juste donner ma théorie parce que j'ai le droit a mon opinion et tous le reste de mon post ne te concernait pas directement alors ne le prends pas perso. J'avais envie d'écrire c'est tous...après tous c'est un board.



May 31, 2008
Rocker, je ne le prenais pas perso ne t'inquiète pas. Je faisais juste me questionner c'est tout.

Un intervenant a dit sur ce thread qu'il trouvait que les filles manquaient de respect envers nous quand elles fumaient, parlaient, étaient au tel. ou prenaient de longues douches. Moi personnellement, les 10 dernières minutes d'une rencontre (mais quand c'est les 15 ou 20 je commence à trouver ca de mauvaise volonté) peuvent être consacrées à la douche de la demoiselle et à se rhabiller.

Pour fumer et parler, je sais que ça ne dérange pas plusieurs personnes. Ca ne me dérange pas de parler 7-8 minutes avec la fille avant de commencer si c'est notre première rencontre. On apprend à se connaître! Quant à moi, après un service je trouve ca approprié de relaxer quelques instants (3-4 minutes après s'être nettoyé) en se parlant avant de repartir de plus belle. De toute façon, après un service moi j'ai besoin de quelques minutes de répit si vous voyez ce que je veux dire!

Pour la cigarette je préfère qu'elles ne fument pas pendant leur shift. Non pas parce que c'est une perte de temps, mais parce que je suis un non-fumeur et que la cigarette m'irrite énormément.

Mais si la fille va 10 fois aux toilettes et se met à répondre au téléphone ou le comble, appelle à ses amies (comme ça m'est arrivé avec une fille de Devilish que j'ai DÉTESTÉE), alors là CA c'est vraiment un manque de respect!

Oui ces filles sont des êtres humains et je leur donne un peu de souplesse, mais il ne faut pas abuser de part et d'autre!


A monk on the loose ;p
Jan 10, 2006
Maxime said:
UHGL c'est vrai désolé c'est Montréal Monk qui a nommé les 3 escortes. Ne m'ne tiens pas rigueur stp.

Alors Montreal Monk j'espère que tu as compris qu'il y a plein d'escellentes escortes à Montréal, pas seulement les 3 que tu as mentionnés, et que plusieurs autres pourraient en nommer d'autres!

Comme je l'expliquais c'est un point tout à fait subjectif (question de gout/d'appréciation, de jugement propre à chacun). Je ne me vois pas porter un jugement sur le gout des autres (je me contente simplement de suggérer les miens). Si j'estime que Kim, Vicky, et Tamara sont les meilleures à ce hobby, c'est pcq qu'elles offrent à mon avis le meilleur équilibre beauté-qualité de service. Dire qu'une telle est meilleure ne veut pas dire qu'il y'en a pas qui sont excellentes (d'ailleurs, en lisant mes revues tu vas t'appercevoir qu'il y'en a d'autres que j'apprécie aussi). T'as tes meilleures. J'ai les miennes. À chacun ses favorites.


A monk on the loose ;p
Jan 10, 2006
As far as hobbying goes, if I would put myself in the companions shoes, I believe I would end up hating this hobby for the common following reasons:
-people trying to rush/force/manipulate me into stuff I do not want
-people trying to get way too personal (so breaking the professional barrier)
-people who has zero respect (receiving me in a smelly room..etc)
So the usual common stuff well behaved people are aware of.
Now, if it goes beyond that...there`s not that much control you have on it right?


Jul 5, 2008
Regular Guy said:
How many reviews have we read of clients who were taken advantage of? How many cases of cheating on dance counts in the booth ... FS clubs where the girls have not been upfront about their services and overcharged ... Bait and switch ... girls leaving after giving half of the time agreed upon ...I could go on.

Point well taken and a very valid heads-up.

Just as there are bad customers who may be to blame I agree that there are also bad SP’s in the business. Of course this brings back the age old debate of what came first, the egg or the hen but all parties SP, customer and agency should question themselves regarding their personal level of responsibility concerning the general positive outcome of an encounter. We are fortunate enough to have this board to allow us to make more enlightened choices with a little homework.

I think that your very valid comment would also add to the leisure of refusal both on the SP side and the customer side. We know it is done, for different reasons, and it should not be seen as an insult but more as honesty between the parties. Of course this should be done in a very courteous and respectful manner and without attempting to hurt anyone’s feelings.

Better to cancel an encounter than to have an uncomfortable one. I am well aware that this may be a little more difficult to do for the agency women, for different administrative reasons (driver availability etc) but it would be my thought that it’s a win win situation for everyone: happy ladies, happy customer, happy agency.

But even before getting to this point maybe a better definition of the prospective customer should be asked. We as customers always ask multiple questions concerning looks, age measurements and on and on. Why couldn’t this be applied to ourselves as customers ?

Hold on folks, I’m not talking about a customer web site.

But a few basic questions such as age, services expected, race etc could rapidly be asked and if a lady is really not at ease with a customer, example in the 60 age bracket, well ok let’s pass on, otherwise you can well imagine the comfort level of the encounter.

Maybe I am way in left field in dream land thinking this, but I guess it’s normal since the hobby is based on dreams.


May 31, 2008
Par contre, il est donc vrai que, ayant été longtemps dans les clubs de danseuses (moi j'ai plus été dans les straight par contre), plusieurs filles ont tendance à overcharger les clients en leur disant qu'ils ont pris 6-7-8 chansons alors qu'ils en ont pris 3-4-5 en réalité.

Il est vrai aussi que plusieurs filles rentrent dans les cabines 1 minute après le début de la chanson et chargent la chanson pareil...Il est vrai aussi que plusieurs exigeaient un mimimum de 2 chansons (et paradoxalement, celles qui exigeaient au moins 2 tounes n'étaient jamais celles qui faisaient des bonnes danses, c'était toujours celles qui offraient le service le plus mauvais).

Pour mes expériences avec les escortes, il est vrai que certaines (pas toutes) voulaient partir après 30-35 minutes ou après les 2 services reçus. Certaines aussi vont un peu trop souvent aux toilettes à mon goût, mais c'est toujours du cas par cas à analyser pour ce point.

Et pour les masseuses érotiques, je n'ai pas eu de problèmes notables, mais j'ai fait affaire uniquement avec des filles dans des salons.
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