Montreal Escorts

I hate my job too!

Apr 16, 2005
A case in point!

I think that your very valid comment would also add to the leisure of refusal both on the SP side and the customer side. We know it is done, for different reasons, and it should not be seen as an insult but more as honesty between the parties. Of course this should be done in a very courteous and respectful manner and without attempting to hurt anyone’s feelings.

Better to cancel an encounter than to have an uncomfortable one. I am well aware that this may be a little more difficult to do for the agency women, for different administrative reasons (driver availability etc) but it would be my thought that it’s a win win situation for everyone: happy ladies, happy customer, happy agency.

But even before getting to this point maybe a better definition of the prospective customer should be asked. We as customers always ask multiple questions concerning looks, age measurements and on and on. Why couldn’t this be applied to ourselves as customers ?

Hold on folks, I’m not talking about a customer web site.

But a few basic questions such as age, services expected, race etc could rapidly be asked and if a lady is really not at ease with a customer, example in the 60 age bracket, well ok let’s pass on, otherwise you can well imagine the comfort level of the encounter.

Maybe I am way in left field in dream land thinking this, but I guess it’s normal since the hobby is based on dreams.

This of course for me would be the ideal. I can`t begin to tell you how badly I would feel if a, for example, young sp would not want to be with me. I would feel terrible to put anyone through that, never mind suffering the fallout from the encounter. Now I am not exactly Quasimodo but I am older and can appreciate the possible mental conflict for an 18 year old. I try to stick to the older ladies (i.e. 35 yrs my last one). I can recall where that kind of problem surfaced in the past on this board. Take the following case in point: (This happened to muffinbuffer last December)

This left me with a dilemma: she wouldn`t do a BJ. It was nearly physically impossible to do any sort of penetrative FS. She wouldn`t allow COF or COB. I have never seen the point of hand jobs. She was no fun to talk to, and wouldn`t even smile. I couldn`t really see where this appointment could possibly lead. About 20 minutes after she arrived, I asked her to call her driver and pointed to her money on the desk. It was no surprise that she was bewildered. I tried explaining "I guess we just don`t click" and even "thank you for trying." She ended up calling the agency and handing me her phone to talk to Chris (I think). He started saying she`d said I "didn`t want to pay her" even though we`d "started and she`d done some things" with me. I appreciated the opportunity to clarify that I wasn`t refusing to pay. I just wanted her to leave. He wanted to know if the problem were looks (not really), mechanical service (you bet), or attitude (bingo!). He asked me to give her the phone so he could explain to her and said he`d call me back in a few minutes to discuss the issue more. I had a problem with my in-room internet so am posting this from home 2 days later. I`ve not yet had a call back.

Read the entire account here:

Now by all accounts this guy handles himself with class. It is possible that a language problem combined with chemistry may have been the culprit. It might have been his age (though he doesn`t address that issue). Or the sp in question was simply not in the proper frame of mind to work that night. Many reported good experiences with her and she is very attractive. Could this have been a case where all could have been avoided by offering her a choice? Maybe! In any event this is a prime example of mixing fire and gasoline. I feel badly for both of them.
Needless to say the idea that when the agency is asking for preferences, a couple of questions to ascertain an sp`s no no`s would be a great idea. Or perhaps the agency should be prepared to answer if asked. And it would be great if the agencies made it clear to their sp`s that if the customer asked if she was okay with him that it would be okay to refuse. Not sure of the practicalities or logistics. Beyond that, I am not sure what the answer would be.


A monk on the loose ;p
Jan 10, 2006
Even if you hate your job, you just DO NOT spit in the hands that once fed ya!

Before becoming a lawyer, I once had a very shitty job that was mentally and physically very harsh. Nowadays I remember that job as a harsh one ..true...but above all as one that paved the way for what I like now.
Bottom line: however hateful the job stood, you just DO NOT spit in the hands that once fed ya!


New Member
Jun 14, 2008
Wicked Las Vegas
Maria Divina said:
I won't do the search you're writing about...and will tell to everyone that you're yes or not saying the truth... That's really undelicate for me doing that, i'm sorry, but i'm refusing to do that...

I really hope that you could understand my point. Please, this with any prejudice at all.


Miss Maria Divina,

You have nothing to be sorry for. I never would want you to do anything you don't want to. I understand everything you say, for the most part. I actually never thought you would want to look into who I am..... it's just that at least one other MERBite has thought my reviews were full of $h*t........ until he met me in real life & we hung out together. I thought is anyone wants to find out more about me, go for it.

Just as you might wonder casually about my character, I wonder about how great it would be to feel you with me naked? You will always be the one that got away! Better than a ATF, you are a mystical creature! And I am just a peasant. I wonder if you even remember meeting me at the GT? It's okay if you don't, I don't think many of the escorts that I have seen, even remember me, so why would you? You were busy talking to some of your fans all night, but I felt I had to meet you before I left, so I just said a quick hello......... you looked so sexy, talking to the others in your very classy eye glasses......... Sylvia Vixen had to push me to even say hi to you. Her talking about you as we watched you from across the room & all during our smoke breaks, made me believe that you were just too wonderful and I became scared of you....... like a schoolboy & the Prom Queen. How I wish I could have been stronger then. Just another mistake, in another time.....

I will always respect you,



I Love Lamp
Jun 19, 2006
Unfortunately high paying jobs come with high dangers, that's what makes them high paying. If one wants safety and low amounts of emotional toil, there's plenty of lower paying administrative or office jobs that I'm sure that can be found. Just like a soldier chooses to put his life on the line, I would hope a woman choosing this line of work, knows what they are getting into.

Doctors have to deal with watching patients die in their arms. Lawyers have to deal with their actions possibly ruining someone's life or sending an innocent man to jail. Special OP's and other highly skilled military personnel have to deal with being shot at and possibly seeing their friends being riddled with bullets. SP's have to encounter lowlife's and other unfortunates that we would all like to avoid.

It's too bad in the case of the SP, there is no preparation for what they are about to encounter. Nor are there any requirements, like being a soldier, lawyer, or doctor. So a desperate woman or addicted woman suddenly has access to tons of cash with no experience necessary. That can be a bad combo as we all I'm sure have seen or read about.
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New Member
Jun 14, 2008
Wicked Las Vegas
Maria Divina said:
2) I remembering you at the GT...You come to talk to me, and someone just interfer and put herself between us...I told her that i was talking to you, and you just say that you were with a member of your family and that you should go right at this moment... ( if i'm well remembering, that was your cousin....) and I remember how you're looking... I got a memory who's working well, my "vision's memory" is very good, generally :) ....
Some others here was surprised that i remembered them too...hahahahaha...I'm not addictive to alcool, legal or illegal substances too....So, i imagine that's the reason why....:)

And....Oh! Please, beleive me, i'm just totally not a "Drama Queen"....hahahaha.. I really enjoy meeting people, exchange with them, laught and have fun..!!! I'm totally down to earth, a really kind woman... I would be very interested to talk to you more.... but you were in a hurry..

I'm preparing my coming back, if you want to know...I got some preparation to go thru... like, to perfect my tan, (and some others beauty's thinks...) I outside worked since this spring, and i have to "equalize" all that strange tan i got... And after, doing some pictures for my website..paying my advertising on Merb, and then, everything will be fine....:) ...

Thank you very much for the way you're thinking of me...That's really touching, but, please, I'm not considering myself as one of the "untouchable mystery woman" in Montreal... (I just don't really know how to express exactly this idea in english, i just wish that you could understand what i mean....)...

Take care of you Mr. UHGL...and, i invite you to continue to become more confident in yourself... :)


Bon Jour Mlle Maria Divina,

You continue to surprise me! It is hard to believe that you could have remembered me from such a brief meeting......... I have spent more time, in more personal ways with other women....... only to be forgotten in a shorter time....... it has been close to eight months now. Yes, it was my sickly, secretive cousin, who wanted to leave the HDLM that night.

About your return to escorting....... I hope to get time off, before I start my new job at a different hotel, if I should be lucky enough to get it. Having said that, I may be able to return to Montreal in late November or early December, for a week or so. About my current job, I have been denied all requests for additional time off to go back to Montreal, this year. Perhaps things will work out better this time? I look forward to seeing your new pictures!

About you, not sure that I fully understand your writing........ I find words let me down all the time and I am sure that face to face we will not have any problems communicating...... not that I believe that I am misunderstanding you right now.

About my confidence........ it is something that I work on everyday. I hope to be in control the next time we meet.

Until that time,

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