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If you saw $50 on the nightstand....would you take it?

If you saw $50 on the nightstand....would you take it?

  • No

    Votes: 25 83.3%
  • Yes

    Votes: 5 16.7%

  • Total voters

Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
This question needs more information to be answered, its very vague. Whos nightstand is it? Are you directing the question to the ladies or everyone?

Robert 21

You give Love..A BAD NAME
Aug 8, 2004


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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If there's $50. on the nightstand and you didn't put it there, it isn't yours, leave it alone . Were you raised to steal from someone else ? Because this is an SP you feel you have rights that you wouldn't exercise elsewhere ? Stealing is stealing, period !


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I want to know just who would think this is OK (taking a 50$ off the nightstand that wasn't theirs.) Maybe she thought it was a tip? I've had girls ask me for tips...once prior to the session!!! And like an idiot, I gave her the tip!!!! (I was new and she was hot). But who would take a 50$ that wasn't met for them and think it is OK?

*Warning....Digression in progress: I remember in Rio that there was some talk of the freelancers being thieves. They said be careful because there were a lot of thieves among them (I've never had a problem). I asked some of the ex-pats that lived there and saw young freelancers all the time if they have ever had a problem. Theses were the girls that used to hang out at the Balcony on Copacabana on Atlantica Ave. I was standing around talking with three ex-pats and I asked the following: do I have to be careful? The guys said that the stories are exaggerated. He said that they "borrow things" without asking. Little stuff like DVDs, loose change etc. They take it because they think that we are rich because to them we are rich.
So they said lock things up and don't have anything out. I would never leave a 50$ on the nightstand unless I intended to use it with the girl for an extra or tip or something. Lock it up.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Oh Hungry you do have a point! Maybe the girl thought it was a tip. Who leaves a $50 bill on a nightstand randomly? Especially on a nightstand - could really have been mistaken for a tip. The dude should have brought it up with the girl... Maybe she would have apologized for thinking it was a tip and brought it back.

I lost $50 when I got out of an outcall once. I wasn’t shy to text the guy to know if I’d dropped it on the door or something. Turns out I had dropped it in the snow in front of the building entrance lol glad it was still there.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Oh Hungry you do have a point! .
I really liked hearing this once in awhile especially between you and I. Thank you Julia. BTW _ I really liked reading your posts in the Importance of Kissing thread! Great stuff, especially the first one.
I lost $50 when I got out of an outcall once. I wasn’t shy to text the guy to know if I’d dropped it on the door or something. Turns out I had dropped it in the snow in front of the building entrance lol glad it was still there.

I have this habit in life to lose something due to my own carelessness and then blame someone else or at least ask "Who took my [XYZ]" as if I am blaming someone else. I look around the room and I see people that I have shamed and are trying not to look guilty because I have blamed them by the tone of my voice. It turns out that I was the one who had misplaced it or left it on the plane or in the rental car or in my hotel room or didn't pack it in the first place etc. I would say that about 98% of the time the fault is the guy that I see when I look into the mirror. I am a man so I lose things. I'm trying to work on it and I admit my absent minded carelessness has gotten better.

Therefore, I am slow to blame others when a 20$ or a 50$ is missing.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I agree with Hungry I would first question whether I really left that $50 on the night stand to begin with.

While it is prudent not to leave money lying around especially if you are seeing someone the first time.
I know the ladies I repeat with and I wouldn’t have a problem leaving money out in the open, I usually have $100-$200 in my wallet when I go see them in case I may want to extend for a half hour or I get into traffic and want to make up for the lost time.

These ladies are escorts not thieves, they trust me by seeing me and it would be stupid for them to ruin their reputation for $50 or even $100 it just doesn’t make sense.
I guess another reason to see well reviewed escorts with a good reputation
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