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If you were take an sp on vacation


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
No I am not a legal expert, I just like to be up on the laws concerning the work I do:

You read the link below for the Canadian Criminal Code, specifically PART V : SEXUAL OFFENCES, PUBLIC MORALS AND DISORDERLY CONDUCT

Outcalls are legal, incalls are not. Soliciting in public is not legal. No where does it state that sex for money or prostitution is not in and of itself illegal.

By bringing a girl on vacation with you to a foreign country their is no law broken.

Pay her here, not there! It is not unusual to go on vacation with cash on you so nobody thinks anything. As long as it is under a certain amount (10,000$ I believe) you do not have to declare it.

Of course if you break a law in a foreign country you are subject to that country's laws! That is why I mentioned my friend with the bad luck in FLA! It is also why I suggested that it may be beneficial to bring a Canadian gal with you instead of looking to hire a local while on vacation.

As for that pissed off trick who reports me in a foreign country: that is why I am so picky and cautious about who I would travel with.

If we never met before, if we haven't had a couple of dates here, if we haven't spent at least an overnight together here, forget about it.

I want to know that I can live with his snoring for a wee(must be quieter that a chainsaw!), and that he can deal with my hogging the blankets! I want him to understand that I am not a morning person and that I need my coffee before I am fully human! I want to know I will be able to live with his bathroom habits for a week! I want to know that he is not a super strict vegan and health nut and that we will like similar restaurants. (I want my cream in my coffee! I need to eat meat regularly and I need to enjoy dessert to maintain my womanly curves!)

Of course nothing is 100% foolproof but there are ways you can reduce the likelihood that you will have a ruined vacation.


BTW what does DDG locals mean?

I am not sure how you see my post as spreading fear uncertainty and doubt. You mean by my mentioning the risks of hiring locals?


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
naughtylady said:
No I am not a legal expert, I just like to be up on the laws concerning the work I do:

You read the link below for the Canadian Criminal Code, specifically PART V : SEXUAL OFFENCES, PUBLIC MORALS AND DISORDERLY CONDUCT

Outcalls are legal, incalls are not. Soliciting in public is not legal. No where does it state that sex for money or prostitution is not in and of itself illegal.

In this country. If foreign law enforcement are able to prove, in any way that you are a prostitute, and plying your trade in their country, you will have problems.

naughtylady said:
By bringing a girl on vacation with you to a foreign country their is no law broken. Pay her here, not there! It is not unusual to go on vacation with cash on you so nobody thinks anything. As long as it is under a certain amount (10,000$ I believe) you do not have to declare it.

Of course there is a law broken. The fact that you have perpetrated it elsewhere, under the local jurisdiction would be subject to their jurisprudence as to whether or not it is prosecutable.

naughtylady said:
Of course nothing is 100% foolproof but there are ways you can reduce the likelihood that you will have a ruined vacation.

BTW what does DDG locals mean?

I am not sure how you see my post as spreading fear uncertainty and doubt. You mean by my mentioning the risks of hiring locals?

DDG = drop dead gorgeous (standard MERB acronym)

I meant that you are spreading FUD about hiring locals when someone is on vacation.

Not that I disagree with you, but one can take steps while traveling to minimize the risk of a sting operation, as well. Read up on local laws, Read the local papers online and see if there have been stings, historically. Read up on agencies, online, and book with one that has a good reputation. So on.

Personally, I travel a bit, and don't take chances; I would not cross the border with an escort in tow. The last thing I need is homeland security flagging me because the nice young lady I have with me happens to have a record, and I am perceived to be transporting her into the U.S. for illegal purposes.

See? It cuts both ways.

I'd much prefer to take my chances with locals than haul someone I don't know over a border and be prevented from traveling, boarding an aircraft that flies in U.S. airspace, and so on.


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
YouVantOption said:
In this country. If foreign law enforcement are able to prove, in any way that you are a prostitute, and plying your trade in their country, you will have problems.

It is true, KNOWN prostitutes are not allowed to legally enter the USA. Even if they can show that they are no longer working as an SP. I know a woman who is "retirement aged" who had one arrest for solicitation in her early 20's who was stopped at the border and prevented from entering about two years ago. BUT what they don't know....

YouVantOption said:
Of course there is a law broken. The fact that you have perpetrated it elsewhere, under the local jurisdiction would be subject to their jurisprudence as to whether or not it is prosecutable.

There is no law against out calls in Canada. Yes we are splicing hairs but the likely hood of being stopped by LE is reduced if you are careful with who you choose. Soliciting an SP where you are not familiar with the local talent seems TO ME to be infinitely riskier IMHO.

If you want to be 100% safe use your left hand and bring your wife.

YouVantOption said:
DDG = drop dead gorgeous (standard MERB acronym)

I meant that you are spreading FUD about hiring locals when someone is on vacation.

Not that I disagree with you, but one can take steps while traveling to minimize the risk of a sting operation, as well. Read up on local laws, Read the local papers online and see if there have been stings, historically. Read up on agencies, online, and book with one that has a good reputation. So on.

Personally, I travel a bit, and don't take chances; I would not cross the border with an escort in tow. The last thing I need is homeland security flagging me because the nice young lady I have with me happens to have a record, and I am perceived to be transporting her into the U.S. for illegal purposes.

See? It cuts both ways.

I'd much prefer to take my chances with locals than haul someone I don't know over a border and be prevented from traveling, boarding an aircraft that flies in U.S. airspace, and so on.

BTW, this thread was about traveling to Europe and topless beaches. We both got a little off track ;)

In the past (now isn't that redundant as I am obviously not traveling at the moment! If I was I certainly would not be passing some time chatting abd debating here!) When I have traveled with clients we never declared that we were "together". Often we started in different cities and sometimes arrived in different airplanes.

At any rate I have very much enjoyed my travels to the USA and Europe and the Caribbean as well as across Canada and look forward to much more travel during my life. I love to travel, be it with for business or personal.

The moral of this thread: Be aware, have fun and travel safe.

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Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
naughtylady said:
There is no law against out calls in Canada. Yes we are splicing hairs but the likely hood of being stopped by LE is reduced if you are careful with who you choose. Soliciting an SP where you are not familiar with the local talent seems TO ME to be infinitely riskier IMHO.

Agreed. except, despite there being no law in Canada does not make it any less illegal in the United States. And, you get to add the charge of conspiracy.

Bottom line:: make damned sure you know who you are traveling with, go to the court house once he/she reveals her real name and do a look-up for criminal records, use Google too, and as Ronnie suggests, don't travel together, or pretend that you aren't together when crossing borders.

Make sure someone at home knows where you are and who you are with, and make contact with them on the phone (email accounts and computers can be used by anyone pretending to be you) every day to assure your safety.

Register with the Canadian consulate or Embassy at your destination (you can do this online).

Make sure your friend at home has all the information you give to the embassy - including hotel name address and telephone number, all flight information, and an itinerary of travel you intend to take in-country.

Make sure the hotel telephone number works, and provide country calling codes so they don't waste time trying to figure out how to call.

Sounds gay?

Like I said, the spectre of someone doing violence on an escort because he suddenly feels free enough to do so, being in a foreign country (potentially where he has friends) is quite real, if admittedly remote.

Or a ever-so-nice lady here might turn out to have a pimp or a gang-affiliated friend down in Florida, who will help you to divest yourself of any funds you might not have thought of spending. With extreme prejudice.

I've known a couple of ladies who went to work in Florida, in places where one has to obtain permission to ply the trade. I shudder to think of what kind of scum are involved with that kind of thing down there.
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