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Im old Dean... very Old ...


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
What does your post have to do with White Knights who usually post to protect the reputation of a young woman who they feel was unfairly and wrongly reviewed. Most of us know that most men age better than most women .
A white knight is a person like you, who think that women cannot do evil and feel the need to defend them at all cost. This is meant not as an insult but maybe a way of seeing things in a different way.

I do agree with you that we might not need to put women down, but there are 2 sides to every story right. My experience comes from mostly online dating and also being a good guy.

During my last relationship for 9 years i could have cheated on my ex girlfriend many times, she was bad in bed and she was an awful lover, yet for some odd and stupid reason even if the red flags where everywhere i had the excuse of not wanting to be alone and having a house to stick around.

During that time women came onto me some even offering me a place in there bed, i refuse politely and told them that i was in a relationship. But after i found a job for my ex girlfriend she met this guy and he was her soulmate she never for one second hesitate to dump me like yesterday's' garbage. This is what i got for taking car of her when she needed me.

Are all women like that like i said earlier NO they are not some women are ready to invest in relationship and make it work. The issue we have now is that the Woke generation took its place, and now fat shaming and any kind of shaming amongst women is looked at and judges harshly. Thank the Izzo effect.

But ask an obese women if she would date a man with extra weight and she will say no without hesitation, or if she would date a man losing is hair or a short man. But we are men and we should take this rejection with pride yes.

It is quite normal that at some point all this will take its toll, i know many women today who have high standards, but they don't get it, they are below average, and some are below the norm but they still think and dream of getting the tall built guy. The hang on to this dream and see it never happen and instead of lowering their standards they just get mad.

I was on POF a few years back and reading profiles, i stumble on this 47 year old profile she had 3 kids, she was skinny looked like a zombie full of grey hair wrinkled, my god, then i read her entire profile twice to make sure i was not dreaming, she wrote now i had it, i been on here for 3 years, read my profile, if you are fat obese overweight or even have a slight gut, missing teeth, blading, and short don't even message me i won't reply. This woman was acting like she was a prize to be won... with 3 kids full time and looking like that.

Please tell me i am dreaming but she is only one of a lot that i have either chatted with or sadly met in person. How can you start a serious love relationship if you start by saying if you are not at least 6 feet tall, hey if you have tattoos you score extra points....

So it is my understanding that at 50 years old if i want to get a women who is in her 40 with 2 kids, dead end job (some do have decent jobs i cannot say that) and a tone of baggage, usually overweight, i have to have a six pack and look like a male model with some additional tattoo.

This is what the world has come down too either you like it or not. There are some good women out there, the red pill is exactly that to sort them out meaning seeing the red flags... I for once would never date a selfish women again like my ex girlfriend, but sadly in the 5 years i tried to find a good women i ended up finding nothing but dirt.

So you can continue to be the white knight and defend women or maybe try to see the whole picture and not just be driven by your thirst for sex. Good guys finish last is true, showering women with compliments, texting her endlessly bringing her gifts buying her affection if you actually think those work you seriously need to rethink your life......

Food for thoughts.
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
You make no sense and assume all kinds of nonsense. See a shrink and stop wasting time and space with posts that you keep deleting and re-posting.
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Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
You make no sense and assume all kinds of nonsense. See a shrink and stop wasting time and space with posts that you keep deleting and re-posting.
Yes i was expecting this reply coming from your part, but i guess you fail to see the truth and will live in a lie all your life, i am done replying to your post too. Enjoy being naive and thinking others need mental assistance when you are the one in need.
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Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
Sherri Papini, who faked her own kidnapping in 2016, is sentenced to 18 months in prison (

Talk about FUCKED UP ya? This fine vaginal specimen here faked her own kidnapping so she could be with her x-boyfriend leaving her husband and two kids behind.
My very first girlfriend when i was 18 in the span of 6 months got ride off all my friends, she hand picked the ones i could see, i had a band played music, went to wrestling events was competing in tae kwon do.

We went shopping one day and a baby was crying near us, she got mad and yelled shut the fk up annoying. I stood up and left. She tried calling me apologies (i did not return her calls and usually when she got me mad she gave me insane sex to make up for it),

On Sunday her friend called and said that my ex tried to commit suicide, i was freaking out went to the hospital, they took x rays of her stomach and the medical doctor was mad, what is your game, your stomach is filled with normal salt there is nothing there.

You see she faked a suicide..... this is how insane first girlfriend. I never saw her after this. My second girlfriend at 19 was a good girl she only wanted to get pregnant so there ya go


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
The girlfriends in your life in your 20s and especially before that you don't take seriously at all. This is not the 50s and 60s anymore where you marry your childhood/high school sweetheart. So if I were you I wouldn't be so hung up on them even to this day.
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