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Implications of lower prices. (MP and SP)


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Jul 8, 2003
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Franky will jump in to address some issues.
LDL vs HDH: I tend to favor the LDL. This is not for a lack of money as I have a large income(upper six digits). Often LDL give great service and are gems. I compare finding great LDL to finding great wine. Anyone can find a good 200 dollar bottle of wine, but can you find a good $10 bottle? I also think that many LDL give better service. Generally I put service way above looks. So a great looking girl with mucho restrictions who charges 450 for 2 hrs. well ...... At some level the increase in price isn't worth the increase in taste. This is true with escorts and champagne (I drink mostly non vintage for this reason)
Lowering prices. It only makes sense that a LDL or HDH will consider lowering her prices if she can cut out the agency. She will keep the same amount of money if not more. And now with the internet advertising is easy, anyone can become a HDH. In reality, there is only a small percentage of people who can afford those prices, so with more ladies bargains must be struck.

I also completely agree that there is probably less stigma attached to the business now and more ladies are entering the field to supplement their incomes. This is seen more in the LDL where lots of young girls are working, especially for the agencies. Just my two cents

Doctor Evil

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Feb 26, 2004
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Lower prices found mostly from independant SPs or MPs.

The lower prices are mostly found in independant MPs or SPs, I think that these ladies prefer to have 4 or 5 clients per day at a lower prices than to have 1 or 2 at the regular rate. The 1/2 hour service was unheard of 4 or 5 years ago, but I know of several places that offer 30 minute services. Most of the time HDHs are more attractive and younger than LDLs, but I have been surprised several times. Usualy these good looking LDL ladies can stop advertising after a little while because thay have built up a clientele big enough to keep them busy. They might from time to time advertise to bring new customers in. A woman that works independantly and has a regular clientele can make easily $300 per day if she charges $75 for 4 visits, and can also save the price of advertising ($50 per day = $300 per week if she advertises in one major newspaper per day. ) = $75,000 tax free annualy.
About 15 years ago when I started to use the services of SWs, the prices were $50 to $60. Then it crept up to $70 and $80/90. I have only this year gotten back into the SW market, and I have gotten full service with anal for $40 several times. I think many memebers will verify that what I say is true. So if the SWs are charging less than they were 15 years ago. Competition may also be fierce in the MP and SP business.
Agencies may not wan to lower prices because they feel that it is low enough already, but as I mentioned in a previos post BMW escorts are offering more 90 minutes for the price of 60.


Yes, I think the Bruins are going to close the deal in four straight games. OK, perhaps five, with one Habs win in Montreal (just to keep the girls happy LOL). Surprise us!

[COLOR=sky blue]No, I am not posting in the wrong thread. I find this discussion childish, pathetic and quite frankly simply pitiful, and yes I am being very polite in my characterizations.[/COLOR]

Doctor Evil

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Feb 26, 2004
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If you are a hobbyist, then you should be interested in all aspects of the game and how lower prices impact you. Lower prices has implications on the consumer as well as the service provider. No matter how childish you think this thread is, all memebers have a right to discuss any matter they choose to. Speaking of childish behavior you remind me of some people that I know that have a child that is a whiner and would burst into a room to disrupt the conversation of others, have you not just burst into the thread with your attempt to disrupt us? Just saying that you are polite does not make you polite. I just wonder lower prices in the MP and SP world affects you personaly?


To get back on the subject, today I had an LDL that charges $80 for the hour. Her looks are 7.5/10 she is close to 40 years old, she dresses well and smells nice. She told me that she has not advertised this year (2004) and she told me that October was the last time she had an ad in the newspaper. Her clientele is 80% regulars and 20% referals. 3 out of 4 times i go to LDLs that I already know, being the prowling tom cats that we hobbyist are I may try new places from time to time.
A woman that offers a good service at reasonable prices will do well when competition is fierce like it is now, She will do exceptionaly well when the supply is low and demand is high.
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The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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I'm not really sure how your post relates exactly to the issue of whether we are seeing a downward trend in MP & SP prices but you have raised several interesting points worth discussing.
Originally posted by franky
Franky will jump in to address some issues.
LDL vs HDH: I tend to favor the LDL. This is not for a lack of money as I have a large income(upper six digits). Often LDL give great service and are gems. I compare finding great LDL to finding great wine. Anyone can find a good 200 dollar bottle of wine, but can you find a good $10 bottle? I also think that many LDL give better service. Generally I put service way above looks. So a great looking girl with mucho restrictions who charges 450 for 2 hrs. well ...... At some level the increase in price isn't worth the increase in taste. This is true with escorts and champagne (I drink mostly non vintage for this reason)
I guess, to each his own. While I don't have your income, there have been times when I got really good service from an SP whom I found to be unattractive and felt really grossed out later.
Originally posted by franky
Lowering prices. It only makes sense that a LDL or HDH will consider lowering her prices if she can cut out the agency. She will keep the same amount of money if not more. And now with the internet advertising is easy, anyone can become a HDH. In reality, there is only a small percentage of people who can afford those prices, so with more ladies bargains must be struck.
There's a difference between a LDL or HDH making use of her agency's client base and then undercutting the agency as opposed to SPs cutting their prices due to a lack of business. The former case happens all the time and is less related to market conditions.

I agree that these days anyone can easily market themselves as HDHs and it is these LDLs charging HDH prices that one can easily bargain with. However, there are also those who truly offer more in terms of looks, services, etc and I'm not sure whether looking at the size of their potential client base alone is wise. There are fewer people who can afford HDH prices but there are also fewer escorts who truly offer an experience deserving of those higher prices. In these cases, bargaining will get you nowhere. One can't get an equilibrium by just looking at demand alone, got to also identify the correct market and factor in the relevant supply as well.
Originally posted by franky
I also completely agree that there is probably less stigma attached to the business now and more ladies are entering the field to supplement their incomes. This is seen more in the LDL where lots of young girls are working, especially for the agencies. Just my two cents
I don't think it's a surprise that there is less stigma as compared to ten or twenty years ago but how is this reduction in stigma affecting the inflow of new girls into the SP business? That's really difficult to measure. Also, if we are indeed seeing more SPs than before, is that due to younger, more attractive girls becoming SPs or women who previously wouldn't have been hired being recruited due to increasingly desperate agencies. In addition, if the stigma of being an SP is lessening, is that matched or more than matched by the reduced stigma of being a hobbyist? With the proliferation of boards like MERB, I wouldn't be surprised if the number of hobbyists has increased rapidly over the years with not only more middle-aged converts but also with guys starting to hobby at an earlier age.

Doctor Evil

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Feb 26, 2004
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Stigma 1974 vs. 2004

Let us compare the conditions of 1974 vs. 2004. (I can only guess at what things were like in 1974) I was told once by an old timer that in 1974 there were very few escort services in Montreal and they all masquaraded as flourist. (that way a traveling saleman from another city can bill his boss for services during his business trip and tell his boss that the flowers were delivered to the client or with the companies knowledge the salesman would entertain the buyers with girls and the company would be billed for flowers) The hotels downtown had girls sitting at the bar eager to be picked up, and there was no such thing as massage at that time. There was a street scene, but it was in certain streets of montreal.
Today there are so many avenues that a girl can go down to earn herself an income from SP or MP services. The way I see it girls can easily become an SP just by hooking up with an escort service or setting up shop for herself even using some motel facilities. The MP scene is full of young girls and some not so young that are doing it to earn a few extra dollars. These girls can come and go as they please. It is these places that enable them to be in this business temporaily or in a full time basis if they choose to.
For some of you that do not see the down ward trend in the SP and MP businesses. I can point out that even 2 years ago, you did not see the $80 or $70 hour from independant SPs. I know of several that offer these prices, as well as half hour service. (the prices are so close to the 1 hour rat you might as well take the full hour). As far as MP services go, the independant MP today would not dare to ask for extra for a HJ as they did a few years ago. (They may ask for extras for BJs, if they were so inclined to provide this service).
The lower prices out there are offered by the independants MP or SPs, I can only guess that it is because they have less clients and more time on their hands befores they resort to lowering prices.
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New Member
Dec 23, 2003
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Ok, what was the quality and experience like?
It may have been a crapshoot but it certainly was cheaper!LOL
I'm sure its not much different- there good puss and bad puss. Good providers and rip off artists.
Main diffrence is the rip offs could last longer because it would be word of mouth, and most of us will post, etc but not talk to a firend about this part of our lives!!!

Doctor Evil

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Feb 26, 2004
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Hobbying in the 1970 and before.

I suspect that in the 1970s pussy was quite hard to get in Montreal and you were grateful for any type of pussy you got. (bet ya, a lot of guys bragged about beauties that they fucked to their buddies when the truth was that the SP was an overweight buck toothed woman in her 50s!)
I was told a story from a real old timer that when he was a young ladd in Montreal during world war II, Cadieux street (now know as Hotel de Ville street below Rene Levesque) was a row of houses that was full of girls. They use to sit at the windows and tap a 25 cent coin to attact the attention of passing men. If you liked what you saw, you went in and did the nasty! I do not know what the going rate was in the 1940s, but he told me that a coke and a smoked meat sandwich was 20 cents at the time. As far as "open GFE servies". He told me that sometimes a girl had had maybe 15 to 20 men in her before you got there and she might have been ozzing at the crotch.
Evidently, this all changed when Mayor Drapeau got in, he got rid of all the police corruption and closed down all the whore houses.

Doctor Evil

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Feb 26, 2004
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I did read your post, your post was about the 1970s. What the old timer told me was about the the situataion around W.W. II

Doctor Evil

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Feb 26, 2004
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Lower MP and SP prices.

Most threads seem to loose steam after about 40 post. This trhead seems to be coming to an end. So, to conclude this thread I have taken a look to see if ther is any evidence to suggest that prices are getting discounted in the SP and MP trades. Montreal is a very special city with the lowest prices in the sex trade on the continent. When I was in high school, my buddies and I use to call escort agencies just for fun. The going rate at that time was $150/hour. The prices today in the mid range go for about $130.
I have built an extensive data base of MP and SP info over the last 24 to 30 months. (see my thread soon on: How to build an extensive data base with only 5 minutes a day) With over 1400 entries. In the last month were 23 new entries. In my expereince I have seen that the new entries into the biz accelerate at this time, my guess is that there are a lot of students getting in at this time to get tuition for next September.

Everyone and her granny getting into the biz.

In building my data base, I have seen all sorts of people that are getting into the biz. From grannies giving massage with HJ(993-0343), to students, single moms that work only from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM to part timers that have regular jobs that work only after 6:00 PM and on week ends. The reasons for these people doing this type of work may be because they have to pay rent, tuition, debts, or to get a nicer car.


It is only in the last 2 years that I have seen all sorts of incentives offered by MPs and SPs whether they be independant or from an agency. Some of these incentives are: 5th. massage free at a salon,$25 for the first massage HJ included (independant), one time offer of $50 for half hour at an independant SP ( regular price $100/hr.), massage done in the nude by masseuse at no extra charge, or vibrator show (independant MP).

MPs and SPs going independant.

Most MPs and SPs start off by doing work at agencies or salons. The part timers become full timers and the full timers sometimes go independant. The reasons why they do this could be because they have more flexability, more money, and they do not have to put up with the rivalries and politics of these places.
I was told once by an MP that was holding my Willy that she only gets tips at that salon (translation: a tip is appreciated for my services) If a girl works for a salon and sees 4 or 5 clients a day she might get $80 to $100 for the day. (more if she offer BJs) Some days there are not many clients due to intense competition from other salons and independants. A woman doing massage independantly can do the same amount of massages at a lower price and still make $180 per day even if she includes the HJ in the price. She can make an additional $80 if she offers BJs.
(total $260per day)
Some SPs have to sit in a car all day to make 4 calls and earn $240. While going independant she could charge a lower price make $400 a day,sit at home, and have some flexibility with her time.
The smart independants will offer a good service make the same amount of money or more and have regular clients. it is the greedy ones that will have one time only visits from the clients. SPs that have regular clients dor not even have to spend money on ads, possibly saving them $50 per day


I am not saying that the industry is falling apart, I am just pointing out that we live in a very unique corner of the continent and all factors in the economy affect us all in many ways. There are new players getting into the supply and the demand side all the time. In my opinion the supply side is growing faster than demand.
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