Montreal Escorts

Indy rates, your opinion


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2011
Have you noticed that there are a flock of new Indies in the 250 to 300 an hour range.
Possibly to retain this talent some agencies are moving up prices on some girls to the 250 range.
A trend?

Yeah, i noticed that.....i miss the days when very nice indys were 160-180$. Somewhere like 5 years ago. No way i'm gonna pay 300$ for one hour. My salary didn't magically double in the last five years.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
In an Edmonton paper, many of the escorts found in Edmonton or Calgary are from Quebec. Full GFE is not the norm there and if an escort offers it she can make a bundle, easily $300 plus if you are any good. The rates in Montreal are cheap, perhaps some are leaving to make more money elsewhere, they are doing this for the money. If a rate increase does happen again there is not much we can do about it.


New Member
Dec 13, 2017
Well reviewed SPs and agencies charge approximately 220-240. There is no reason to pay 250 and more for shady SPs without any reviews.
Usually those 300 hr "selfie queens" have pretty typical set: 2/10 attitude, 2/10 skill-set and 6/10 appearance in real life (pics usually heavily Photoshopped or stolen).
Stay away from SPs without any reviews and you will be more satisfied with the session :smile:
You can refer to this post with 2017 voting results for example -
Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
I wonder if the ´me too’ wave isn’t the underlying motor for the increase in SP encounters? Because all of my favs r surprised by the rise in business these days when they should be the worst of the year. Business classically goes down after Christmas and starts back up around Easter. But not this year. Business in the SP world seems to be booming.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
Helirage, interesting point about the MeToo movement perhaps driving escort business. Quick story. I PM with some on this board and had mentioned I was debating between hitting Mardi Gras in New Orleans or Montreal a few weeks ago. I picked New Orleans though I’m back up in Montreal next weekend. Anyway, I was in Nawlins with two buddies and we met 3 girls at Pat O’Briens, a fantastic French Quarter bar. We started pairing off after an hour of chatting and drinking. Some making out was going on across the board. I went to the men’s room and my girl followed me to the ladies room. When I got back to my friends (their 2 girls had hit the ladies room so it was just the 3,of us) they whispered to me “We’re going to make an exit. Not taking any chances with these 20 something’s.” They talked some common sense into me that it might not be worth the risk for three clean cut middle aged guys to be raking back some late 20 somethings to the hotel. One of my guy friends is married unhappily, the other has a gf. They feared the risk of false allegations of assault bc of regret in this MeToo environment and weren’t willing to take the risk. I thought it might be overreacting but figured I have MyBeautifulVixens in NNJ when I got back so went along. An over-reaction by them? Maybe. I think the girls thought we were gay by saying we had dinner plans with other people but so be it. Lol Yeah, lots of reasons how MeToo could be driving escort biz Mine is an extreme one. But I think this MeToo movement opens up cans of worms on hooking up, especially among the young


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Fkk’s r Cheaper n quality may be same as Montreal, but from what I heard service is lacking. U will not get a hottie givin u a relentless BBBJ. Condoms r law there now

Have you ever gone to an FKK ?

Best Regards


Aug 26, 2016
Quebec is not a poor province, just people manage and spend money unwisely.

I would generally agree - Quebec is not the maritimes but it pales in comparison to any real metropolitan commercial center city. Even with all that is going on wrong there even Chicago has more commerce flowing through there. There are real structural impediments to doing business in Quebec/Montreal.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^ Outside of Montreal wages are low but so is the cost of living. Many of my outlaws earn under $20 a hour but have a good lifestyle as the have a house paid for, ultra cheap education and daycare.
They do their yearly holiday, own nice family cars, dining out on rare occasions. They are content. Big money earners no, happy yes.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
I have not

Then why would you comment on FKK's ? Nobody cares about " what you heard "
Oh by the way, I have had many a relentless BBBJ there
And the condom law is not really enforced

Maybe you can tell us differently ( read it somewhere ?? )

Best Regards


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
an open board like this builds itself on the accuracy of what you write over some period of time

Very true..some people can write 10-20 posts that are well thought out and believable, and others can post hundreds, even thousands of posts that are complete fabrications

Best Regards


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Thanks for the link. It came off as a commercial for Sharks which is a place I had been meaning to go to for years. Several years in fact. It started getting reviews 6 years ago. I remember I met Dedelus at Oase. I was about to go to Sharks that day but he talked me out of it saying that Oase would have the better line up. This was when Oase was still at or near the top. Last March when I went I was seriously disappointed. The place had changed for the worse. Sounds like I should of went to Sharks instead. I am tempted to try it after all. However, I really liked the NRW and I can imagine that you can find a BBBJ there. I also think that if I head back to NRW I would seek out the same nucleus of girls I met last year if I go back to GTs ( I am trying to talk myself out of Sharks).

One thing about Montreal. I know the place a bit. I really like the service and quality of Montreal.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Ironically, the FKK discussion is actually on-topic to this thread. It is extremely difficult to get truly factual information on FKKs on ISG, as they appear to constitute a significant amount of banner advertising. A lot of posters there are big FKK cheerleaders and I find it irritating how they will invade threads to compare everything to FKKs.

That's funny! There's some chatter on ISG that some Merbites shill for the big agencies. I've seen a few comments on MERB that make me scratch my head. ISG is global so it's good resource for travel, but not necessarily specific escorts. The FKK touts don't show up everywhere.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Love you too hehe ;)

Germany cheaper for same quality are you sure? Did not get that. And definitely did not get cheaper with same quality in Spain. But for Mexico, Argentina or Thailand cannot argue as I have never been.


Brazil is a nice place to monger especially in winter for sun & fun. It might cost you to session with a certifiable 8.5-9 for 90-120 minutes about US$ 110-125. There's very little upcharging at that price. There's a lot of cheaper options if quantity is your aim.

It's hard to describe Brazilian service, but generally they are great, passionate actresses who really seem to get validation from pleasing men. The other point is that every Brazilian girl knows a Julia Roberts/Pretty Woman who got swept up and married to a Western man. If a guy is single, kind and reasonably attractive, that can be a bit of a motivator.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Brazil is a good example Sambuca. I have found exactly what you said. I made 4 visits to WhoareYou and Protagoras' favorite privy/message parlor the last two visits and with the exchange rate, I was seeing ~50 $USD per girl/hour. The services and looks were among the best I've ever had and two girls invited themselves to come to my hotel and fuck me overnight as nothing more than a date. However, that is no longer desirable for me. It is cute and good for the morale but I kind of prefer the business attitude of Montreal girls. I have never had one try to latch on to me in Canada but in Brazil it has happened several times. And my friends tell me that that people marry them and guess what? They make just as bad of wives as civilian women do so there.

One thing about Brazil, Germany, Argentina, and probably anywhere else including Montreal: Newbies beware. There are rip offs everywhere and you have to learn how to avoid them. We don't realize it here because we have learned how to do this long ago. You call James, Mike, anyone of the Martins, momma Unicorn etc, indies that have been vouched for or you met at parties for example, and you receive a professional who provides value for your dollar.

And you are correct about another thing: There are shills on every forum. Some of the shills are really not shills but they partake in shill-like behavior. They are just so proud about a certain FKK, agency, girl that they cannot imagine that anyone else would ever have a bad experience with that FKK, agency, or particular girl. Look at some of our own MERB best of the year poles. Generally, the girls that end up at the top are top-notch with Jennifer-like and Victoria-minnie-like qualities but on occasion, girls do well on that pole that just do not appeal to me. I wonder how they got there.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
Hungry, I know we’ve discussed this before privately but everyone has different tastes. Just because they don’t appeal to you doesn’t mean their votes weren’t genuine. Some guys don’t care about looks and just go for service.
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