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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Canada inflation summary for June 2022

Updated: July 20, 2022
Next update: August 16, 2022
Current Canada inflation rate
June 2022

The Consumer Price Index for Canada is 152.9 for the month of June 2022. The inflation rate year over year is 8.1% (compared to 7.7% for the previous month). Inflation from May 2022 to June 2022 was 0.7%.



Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Inflation is defined as the general rise in the prices of goods and services over a given period.
This calculation is made using the consumer price index (CPI).
The consumer price index is calculated monthly by the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies).
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
....beaucoup à cause de la baisse du coût de l'essence---qui demeure élevé---mais l'épicerie et le logement à plus de 9% font très mal la Banque du Canada ne prévoit pas des bas taux à 2-3% avant la fin 2024.....faudra être patient et bien savoir dépenser ses sous.... ;) .
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
Outrageous - Trudeau making us lag behind ALL of our international peers!!!!



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
FRENCH PM/BORNE......vient d'annoncer today une hausse de 15% en 2023.sur le coût de l'électricité/gaz en c'est quand même ---dans les circonstances---une hausse limitée.....sans compter les sérieux problèmes à venir en approvisionnement dans
les prochains mois....là et partout en EUROPE.

Imaginons un instant pareille hausse chez nous.....ça ruerait dans les brancards... ;) ...nous sommes vraiment privilégiés et faut en être bien conscients en ces moments économiquement difficiles.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Poll.....52% des Canadiens vivent actuellement avec 200.00 de marge de manoeuvre pour avec la Banque du Canada qui s'apprête a hausser son taux encore de .25 pour atteindre 5%...rien pour aider cet état de précarité....attachez vos ceintures!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
With Trudeau leading this does not surprise me. Of all G7 countries Canada has the highest debt loads. Even with the BOC raising interest rates, it is doing little to curb inflation due to Trudeau's mass immigration policy. Rapid artificial population growth ensures that demand keeps on increasing but supply remains the same, the result is higher and higher inflation. Housing is the perfect example, prices continue to rise. Also for several years interest rates on mortgages were very low, so that with rapid population increases = skyrocketing prices. It does not take a rocket scientist to realize this, if you got more people and the amount of product or services to sell the investors will jack up prices. We see this everywhere in every aspect of our lives including the escorts, prices are going up but the demand does not slow down. Grocery prices keep on rising even faster, grocery stores have the upper hand because there are just so many people, with so many people there will always be people willing to buy overprices food further enhancing inflation. Rapid population increase has increased the gap between the rich and poor. Investors, corporations, and landlords are profiting big time while the average joe keeps on getting poorer. Salaries remain stagnant for most folks. The government benefits a lot from inflation, they are racking in lots of profits by devaluing the currency.

Direct Quote from Article:

Housing inflation and increasing levels of debt are the consequences of having added 10 million people plus over 3 million housing units over the past 50 years of mass immigration in Canada. Combined with the impact of huge inflows of cheap labour, this creates the perfect engine of inequality.

In fact, Canada’s equality level has fallen from the second highest in the world in the early 1960s to the mid 20’s currently, a decline unmatched by any other developed country in the world. By causing overpopulation, immigration creates many other problems.

The housing demand created by an additional 10 million people has pushed up the cost of housing since it is responsible for 80% of new additional housing demand across the country. Mass immigration is responsible for 100% of housing demand in most cities in Canada, as there is a net outflow of Canadians from these large urban centres.

Direct Quote from Article:

Interest rates are the same across the country and in low demand areas, very nice 1400 sq. ft. homes on nice lots in good neighbourhoods can be purchased for well under $200,000. In the areas whose populations are being swelled by massive levels of immigration, such houses would demand well over $1 million. Despite media denial or stonewalling, demand drives prices. Housing inflation is not the mystery the media make it out to be. What causes house prices to rise? Demand. What causes demand to grow? Immigration.

This is what 8 years of Trudeau did. Before Trudeau, a 3 1/2 apartment in Toronto can be had for $1100, after 5 years of Trudeau that same apartment is going for $2200. Many people are not too far from being homeless.

Lastly the covid scam was another game changer, for two years Trudeau handed out free money to many businesses, landlords, and also his ridiculous CERB for over two years. All these people got free money to spend, currency essentially created out of thin air. That is a recipe to devalue the currency and people will spend because it is money they did not earn causing even more inflation. Remember this is all government manufactured and by far-left government policies.

Another thing that is driving up inflation higher, is Trudeau's scam carbon tax and Clean Energy Act. By making energy more expensive, you are essentially driving up inflation even higher. One way to combat inflation is to have abundant cheap energy, but that is not part of Trudeau's policy.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Household debt in Canada is now the highest of any G7 country, according to data by the country's housing agency. The amount owed by Canadian households is also higher than the country's entire GDP.24 mai 2023 This part is controlled by banks leasing to individuals.


According to the IMF, Canada does indeed have the lowest net debt-to-GDP ratio among the G7 countries (Germany, Italy, Japan, France, the United Kingdom and the United States).28 avr. 2023 That last part is controlled by Trudeau.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Within G7, CANADA is looking quite well.
Sorry for those painting everything in black and searching for arguments to push their political agendas.
Inflation on energy prices is negative by more than 10%



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
The BOC raised interest rates for the 10th time since March 2022, it raised it now to 5% all thanks to Trudeau's policies.

Key Points in the Article:

In its Monetary Policy Report, the Bank of Canada says the rate increase was necessary to help slow economic growth and reduce core inflation. Three-month rates of core inflation have been higher than the Bank’s expectation hovering around 3.5 per cent to 4 per cent since September 2022.

^^^^^ Pay attention to that sentence, it is like they are intentionally sabotaging us. Wait? Trudeau has a mass immigration policy where Canada has the most rapid population growth since the 1950s which caused a rapid increase in demand and thus higher inflation. Trudeau's policies are directly undermining the BOC's efforts to curb inflation. But wait the BOC governor is in on it also. And do not forget Trudeau's grocery rebate checks (a underhanded strategy to buy votes) will put fire on rising inflation.

Bank of Canada governor Tiff Macklem wants the country to bring in even more immigrants to fill the jobs going begging for a lack of workers – and has warned even more interest rate increases could be in store without those extra workers.
“The other way to rebalance supply and demand is to increase the supply of workers,” he said. “That takes time and with inflation already far too high and with elevated risks that high inflation becomes entrenched increasing labour supply is not an alternative to slowing demand.

^^^^^ According to the BOC governor, we need more population to curb problems created by too many people? They must think we are stupid. That sentence is an oxymoron. Pierre Poilievre is right to fire the governor of the BOC. Clearly the governor of BOC serves the interest of the rich and investors. More immigrants equals more cheap labor, lower wages, higher prices on just about everything, higher prices for houses, higher rents, more excuses to raise interest rates, higher taxes, etc...

With Trudeau inflation will keep on going up and so will interest rates. Inflation will keep on going up. Time for Pierre Poilievre to take over.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Is this one of the reasons the government intentionally increases inflation and then the BOC raises the interest rates but still says we need mass immigration which is ensuring inflation remains high.

According to leaked documents, BOC staff received $26.7 million in bonuses and raises.. Is this why they are raising the interest rates? They are all in on it. What more evidence do you need.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
L'inflation/Canada est tombée à 2,8 en Juin...BUT attention....l'alimentation/épicerie a augmenté de 9,1 et que dire de l'endettement personnel et hypothécaire qui dépasse les comme le climat malheureusement on ne reviendra plus jamais au bon vieux


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Les dettes hypothécaires ne m'inquiètent pas tant que ça. C'est un investissement dans un actif tangibles qui prendra de la valeur dans les années futures et les taux d'intérêt hypothécaire sont somme toute gérables et ils redescendront d'ici 2 ans. Ce qui m'inquiète davantage est l'endettement sur les cartes de crédit, dont les taux sont souvent de 20% et plus, et qui est souvent dû à l'achat impulsif de biens trop dispendieux voir non nécessaires.

Blâmer Trudeau ou les gouvernements est fallacieux. La Banque du Canada est indépendante du gouvernement. Certaines personnes ne comprennent rien à son fonctionnement ou pire changent la réalité pour des raisons personnelles... À moins de croire à un complot, force est de constater que l'inflation actuelle est une situation mondiale et que le Canada est un des pays s'en tirant le mieux eut égard à son PNB, produit national brut, mesure mondialement reconnue pour juger de la solidité de la production et de la richesse d'un pays.

J'ai vécu des taux hypothécaires bien au-delà de 10%, et même du 19%, et même là l'immobilier a été un placement rentable compte tenu que ces rendements ne sont pas touchés par l'impôt sur le revenu. Il faut voir ces situations sur le long terme. Ceux qui se sont endettés au maximum en croyant à la pérennité des taux à 2 % sont des ignorants ou des naïfs. Ils doivent aujourd'hui assumer leurs choix discutables.

J'ai bien sûr de la sympathie pour les gagne-petit qui ont peu ou pas de marge de manoeuvre et je n'ai aucun problème avec le filet de sécurité social que je contribue à assumer via mes impôts. Ce n'est que justice sociale. Entendre des politicailleurs comme Poilièvre et ses supporteurs dire n'importe quoi est pénible, mais c'est le prix que j'accepte de payer pour vivre en démocratie. Ce qui me réconforte, c'est que la majorité des canadiens ne sont pas dupes et rejettent cette pensée magique de mettre un gueulard (une poule pas de tête courant dans toutes les directions sans objectifs réels) en charge pour régler des problèmes complexes. Nos voisins du sud ont fait ce choix en 2016 avec les conséquences désastreuses que tous connaissent.
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