Jeff, you have shown you have no broad historical perspective. You seem to be very limited to only what you have been shown. Like too many, you are a fine example of people believing that what happens in their own time and what they can see has to be the worst ever. Terrorist groups have always been defined by acts of gross inhuman injustice, by acts of extreme abuse of human rights up to and including planned state mass executions. It may be a newer concept, but it's a very, very old tactic and there are many far worst examples in history than Isis, though their extremism of their views and acts so far has great evil potential. Still, limiting current popular use of the term "terror" to political and religious extremist sub groups changes nothing. Even limiting the definition to the latter it's amazing how quickly Al Qaeda with such a long recent history of so much more far ranging terror by murder and acts of international destruction of innocent people is being set aside for a current sort of FLAVOR of the MONTH.
Now "unplugged"? You give the Nazis, one of the most vicious regimes who accomplished one of the most cold-bloodedly evil calculated mass slaughters in all of history some bit of sympathetic understanding because involved in a "war". One they started? You think this isn't your crying about escorts not liking you.
As usual you are wrong but that is par for the course and for you to say that i gave the nazis a pass is bullshit and you know it but i don't hold that against you because i know that you became unplugged a very long time ago and you are completely delusional. For the record i do not cry that escorts do not like me ever, but i am not like you, constantly beating your chest trying to prove over and over again how special you are to them. Do me a favor go and take a long hard look in the mirror and then tell me if you believe the escorts that you pay for sex are into you. After looking in the mirror if you say that they are, then you have truly lost your mind and you should go and get the help you need.