Lets say an escort believes she is going to go and meet a handsome hunk and she knocks on the door and when the john opens it he is so ugly she wants to go running down the hallway screaming hysterically at the top of her lungs, get me the fuck out of here but she doesn't. She goes into the room anyway because she doesn't want a bad review written about her. What is this, is this a form of board terrorism.
I have no idea why this is in this thread except considering you, but escorts are generally not stupid. They know what age group they typically deal with and realize that the looks of a client are not likely to be a plus. If she is going into the room for fear of a bad review she should quit, but it's still her choice.
If you want to use the bad label of "board terrorism" lets look at a currently persistent poster who may fit the term. This guy basically has been campaigning with the message that all escorts are deceivers, liars, cheats out to milk their clients for all they can, even beyond the agreed business arrangement. He's been doing his best to taint the well so to speak up to the point where it looks like he's trying to scare off clients or at least make encounters pretty uncomfortable and much less appealing. He also talks about the clients as if they are all gullible fools and he is the only one with a real clue about what is going on. If I were an escort I'd be thinking this guy keeps trashing us and makes clients very suspicious of us and less likely to call thus hurting my chance to do business and make money. He's gone well beyond rightfully giving warnings to acting like it's an obsession. Board terrorism...girls??? :thumb:
Again, why is your favorite theme here? Oh yeah, Freedom of Speech. Go for it and good luck in your next encounter after campaigning all of the time on how the ladies are basically trying to rip us off.
True, sometimes an act of terror can be made to bully a small group while trying to hide it from the larger community. I'm not saying genocide is never an act of terrorism. I guess I just have a more narrow definition for that word. In the case of the Katyn genocide for example it was kept secret from the Polish population. The goal was not to terrorize them with this act, but to remove their elite and leaders. On the other hand Stalin's planned famines were acts of terrorism because they were clearly meant as a revenge for rebellion.
Genocide is the planned annihilation of an ethic group. I don't see the Katyn massacre of 22,000 Polish soldiers and officers, planned by Stalin's chief animal Lavrentiy Beria, as genocide. I honestly don't think Stalin thought along the lines of eliminating ethnic groups. He was a monstrous equal opportunity killer who went after anyone who got in his way or who he figured served a purpose. I remember the story of him looking at the lists of those to be sent to the gulags and saying, "not enough, more names, more names". He didn't care who, and his own son was left to die. Katyn was executed to get rid of those more likely become the possible leaders of resistance to him as you said.
As an aside, it is difficult to compare a group that is operating now, with a group from the past on which we have a full historical hindsight (or as best as can be). Compare us reading the newspaper about ISIS now and our grandfather reading about some Nazi pogrom.
Agreed. ISIS has made some individual earmarks of their own, but not with any differences that are significant. They are another rogue groups of extremists with grand claims trying to build themselves into something without real moral conscious, regard for law, and respect for human life. It is unfair to compare them to terrorist control super states currently because their full story is unwritten and because they have so far to go considering the world goals. Still, all the others had the same beginnings with an extreme doctrine, outside universal views on civilized concepts of morality, ethics, and law, and typically an unyielding view of opponents and resistance. There's one way to think, one way to act, join or be our enemies. No choices!