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Is the "underbelly" that deep? (base on TVA recent report)

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
So as i got downstair to eat early i came across the news (wich i mostly only watch when i eat) but one report catch my eyes. They talk about prostitution (including underage) and where/how they were recruited etc. Nothing new but everytime it strike me because i don't understand how this can be "that deep" in news yet personally as a client (of regular escorts, not of underage of course) i never came across that.

For exemple they mentioned at some point some girls can make the pimps 10 000$ a day. Thats insane ! I mean even the indies who charge the highest, lets say 800$/h , thats more than 10 clients/hours in a day. Thats a lot of work hours. I doubt someone charging 200-300$ can net that much in a day unless a sugar daddy tip insane or buy expensive gifts.

Then there is the fact they don't advertise on regular sites. Its not Mexico here, you can't just bribe the police and commit horrible crimes like that easily out of the same location.

Basically my mind just can't process how this can be as rampant as they say in the news.

Not to brag but for an average joe (aka not a rich guy who book twice a week) i consider myself pretty knowledgeable on this world, yet this part of it just fly way above my head. Obviously its a good thing, i want no part in it (duh!) but its just everytime they talk about it on the news, i wish i could maybe help or do something, if even by giving infos to the JE crew. I mean like most of you (i hope) i want "our business" to remain clean and "fair". Not sure what word to use it as its not technically "legal" but im sure you get my point. But i don't even have any.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
For exemple they mentioned at some point some girls can make the pimps 10 000$ a day.

I can’t explain here how that’s possible because I fear this goes against several rules of this website but just use your imagination and you’ll know. Hint: there’s something they should be using that they’re not

Also they’re probably avail 24/24


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
La citation complète est dans l'article aujourd'hui: "«Ça peut être 250$ à 1000$, 5000$, 10 000$ par jour. Ça dépend des services, du nombre de clients en 24h. Si elle travaille 22h, ça peut être très payant», constate la lieutenante Annie Bergeron, de l'Escouade intégrée de lutte contre le proxénétisme (EILP)."

Donc, 10 000$, le haut de l'échelle, cas extrême.

Évidemment, le Journal de Montréal étant ce qu'il est, on vise le sensationalisme. Pas que c'est jamais arrivé, mais on focus sur les extrêmes, particulièrement dans les titres.


Jul 5, 2008
No matter what actions are taken prostitution in all its forms has always been and will always continue to be available.

I see all this publicity on the weekend in a very sad way. Of course most of us would not encourage family or friends to explore this avenue of life BUT this scaring or shaming tactic is most certainly not the way to address the subject.

The great big titles highlighting how bad all this is and at the same time insisting on the POSSIBLE lucrative side, bla-bla-bla 10,000$ a day!!! What hypocrisy, what a search for sensationalism, anything to sell papers.

Any lonely young person in search of "a way out" will flash only on the 10,000$ and not see anything else. Without a doubt the risks and even dangers must be highlighted since this IS a risky dangerous venue. It's part of educating ones-self to be better equipped to live this life style not to think all is bling and unicorns.

By beating on the nail we all know that it sends the SPs more and more underground and at the same time become more and more vulnerable. Why not put more emphasis on education concerning the subject. Yes resources are named but not developed as a means of support for the new generation coming to the escort world.

It should be highlighted that these resources are there as a reference to learn how to protect yourself in this world be it medically, physically and emotionally. To put emphasis on these resources that besides being possible shelters they also provide condoms and support for testing. They are there not only to get you off the street but also for those who choose this way of life to educate and support without judgment.

These last years police have done a fantastic job changing their mentality concerning prostitution and meet the ladies not to reprehend but to educate them that police are there to help them if needed like any other citizen, not to bash them. Why not put more emphasis on this so that the SPs would feel more at ease to contact LE if required being more independent and less at the mercy of garbage Johns or pimps.
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