Jagmeet Singh says NDP will vote to bring down the Trudeau government
Singh released an open letter Friday, just ahead of an expected cabinet shuffle at Rideau Hall. He said his support for the Liberals is over.

Jagmeet Singh promises non-confidence motion when Parliament returns
NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh said Friday morning that his caucus will vote to bring the Liberal government down when Parliament reconvenes.
^^^^^ Breaking. Jagmeet Singh said that in January he will vote non confidence to bring the government down. If he does and an election is called, it takes about 31 to 51 days for the elections by that time it will be Feb 2025 in which Singh will qualify for his pension. Singh has been holding the country hostage, this is the longest we had a minority government. Singh is like a shark that when he smells blood in the water he will go for it, that is Singh. Remember, Singh said he tore up his coalition agreement but his true motives was to separate himself from the Trudeau Liberals so he can win the byelections. Now in this latest move, Singh gets to keep his pension and get rid of his rival. That is the only reason he is asking for Trudope to resign. Because if he really wanted him gone, he would have called an election. Singh is the biggest two faced traitor. He is not someone you could ever trust, he will never be PM. He dishonors Jack Layton. See why I say often, I do not look at parties, I look at the person leading the party. Under Jack Layton, I would vote for the NDP but never a two faced lieing traitor like Singh.