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Journal de Montreal article on FS clubs

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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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My source was actually involved in one of these raids, I can't say any more but anyone who thinks it's okay to go to FS clubs now, think again. The raids are coming. Big money is being taken by the cops and they don't want reporters digging too deep to find out they are on the take. Some of these clubs are owned by police elements, I have been told.

The scapegoats will be some innocent horny dudes, probably from the USA. They will arrest American guys because that looks better in the local papers.

I found those comments on "affluent tourists" to be attempts to stoke anti Americanism. My interpretation and I know a bit about how journalists think and operate.
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Feb 24, 2005
I'm sure theses club gonna stop offering FS for fews weeks... bar owner and girls read journal de montreal too... its like if you sell drug and they put picture of your place in journal with a big title 'they sell marijuana there'.... you dont continue to sell there.... you move or you take some vacations....

So even if police go for a raid they gonna hit a wall unless bar owner are too stupid...



A taste of paradise
Aug 16, 2003
Lost in Space
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EagerBeaver said:
I am being told there will be an influx of these FS Club SPs into outcall agencies in the coming weeks, as business dries up.

That's bad news. :( Girls from FS club made bad SP as they usually rush the service and limits the action.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Independent Source

EagerBeaver said:

My source was actually involved in one of these raids, I can't say any more but anyone who thinks it's okay to go to FS clubs now, think again. The raids are coming. Big money is being taken by the cops and they don't want reporters digging too deep to find out they are on the take. Some of these clubs are owned by police elements, I have been told.

The scapegoats will be some innocent horny dudes, probably from the USA. They will arrest American guys because that looks better in the local papers.

I found those comments on "affluent tourists" to be attempts to stoke anti Americanism. My interpretation and I know a bit about how journalists think and operate.

Have re-read your posts and am puzzled.
You refer to your source in the singular so
there appears to be only one.

In one of your posts earlier in this thread you
refer to an "independent source",again
singular.After the post in question you
continue to refer to a source in the singular
inferring that they are one and the same.

Now you state that the source was involved
in one of those raids so by most standards
the source would not be independent.

Clubs/massage parlours have been owned
and in certain cases still are owned by
retired,former police members or family
of active police officers.This is also true
in other provinces and throughout the USA.

That police are venal - perhaps the
following link will counter balance the

scroll down the middle,left click on
"Independent Criminals",scroll down
to Richard "Ziggy" Wiseman,left click
and read.Since geocities does not support
traffic well it may require a bit of effort to
get in and surf the complete site.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Source is independent, cannot get into particulars, take what I have said to the bank and stop asking wiseass questions. The bottom line is FS clubs are a danger the next few weeks or next month. You want to go to the FS Clubs and test the theory, be my guest.
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New Member
Jun 6, 2005

EagerBeaver said:
Source is independent, cannot get into particulars, take what I have said to the bank and stop asking wiseass questions. The bottom line is FS clubs are a danger the next few weeks or next month. You want to go to the FS Clubs and test the theory, be my guest.

I can bank that everyday there will be a sunrise
and a sunset and that regularly since the 1970's
there have been raids at such establishments.
These raids will continue regardless of newspaper
articles not because of them.Of course they will
get much more play in the next few weeks since
journalists love to ride coattails.

My late father started working as a club doorman/
bouncer in Montreal from the late 1940's,before the
Drapeau/Plante clean-up until the early 1980's.
I worked with him while getting two university
degrees during the 1970's and have sustained
contacts with past and present players in the game.
I seriously doubt that they would privilege you with
core information about any investigation that
would allow you to formulate a theory.

Basically all you have is an observation that is
the equivalent of summer follows spring so dress


New Member
Aug 13, 2004
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First, Wilko is right about the fact that Journal of Mtl is willing to get cash from escort's ads and get cash from popularity of the articles we've seen this Saturday and Sunday, but still shit on teh clubs on route 112.

Second, wow MrStallion, didn't know that you made pics of your experiences, very good.

Third point, who the hell is LE about the cracking of this site, which I hope will never happen.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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eastender said:
Basically all you have is an observation that is
the equivalent of summer follows spring so dress


Not to a lot of Americans who have never heard of Journal de Montreal and don't speak or read French and are travelling to Montreal in the next few weeks. Which is exactly why my source, who knows a lot more than you ever will, contacted me (and you can double check with Oliver Kloseoff the authenticity of my source). My source contacted me by long distance phone call, and suggested that I post the message I posted as he does not post on these Boards. If I save one unsuspecting guy from getting busted, then I don't give two shits about the sarcastic comments of a well educated punk.

Your posts collectively suggest an agenda to spin damage control for the FS clubs and if you have a particular connection or affiliation with an FS club, you are requested to immediately disclose same to the readers of this Board so they can identify spin for what it is. You have already stated that you worked in the SC business so the readers should be able to draw their own conclusions.
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Dec 2, 2004
Journal de MTL / article about this site

I went to the restaurant yesterday (sunday) morning for breakfast and I was glancing at the Journal de Montréal when an article attract my attention. A nice feature on MERB and M*** with many details.

With billions of web site on the world wide web, I was wondering how can these guys find about it without someone telling them ? Maybe an SP agency who's a major client of the Journal tired of critisism of board member ? Maybe the cops who are probably checking everything on this site and even posting opinion under a pseudonym ? Who knows ?


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Come on Eastender! :D

Doesn't matter if EB's source or sources are reliable, who cares? Doesn't matter if he have a fibre optic link with Sureté du Québeq's headquarters or a telegraph line with the barmaid of a FS SC. 1+1=2, no matter what.

Some reporter who had nothing to do decided to stirr some shit in order to get his name somewhere within the first 10 pages of the newspaper and, no matter if he said the cops were morons or not, now that the public is reminded of the situation, the cops will also do as the reporter did and will try to gain something out of the deal. As simple as this.

For the next month or so, you can bet I'll stay away from FS SC. Ok, the risk is minimal but, not many peoples can afford that kind of risk and I'm not one of those.

Sad but it probably won't be safe until there's 1 or 2 bust done so the cops get their publicity. :(

EB being in the "law business", I would seriously tend to believe his source. Not directly involved? It could be a Canadian collegue of his? Could be a retired cop who is still friend with cops from the morality squad? Could be an influent customer of his? Doesn't matter to me because I don't need to check his source because his statement is simply logical: stay away from FS SC if you can't risk getting burn. I hear ya HB and that's what I'll do! :p


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Common sense

Doesn't anyone have any common sense? If the article was about people speeding through a particular school zone don't you think that it would a good idea to avoid doing that? It's the same thing here. The article serves as a challenge to the SQ to do something. Are you stupid enough to take the chance and get busted? If the FS clubs are that much of an addiction that you are willing to risk it, then you have bigger problems than just getting arrested. Go to a regular club to get your stripper fix and then call an agency for outcall. In the long run you will get much more for your money this way. If the clubs have any brains, they will cool it on the fs for awhile anyways. Take a break, enjoy the summer and use the head on your shoulders instead of the one between your legs for the next month or two No one who gets caught in a raid will get any sympathy from anyone here so if it happens don't start posting asking for help or a shoulder to cry on. All we are trying to do is help people to avoid a lot of misery. If you don't agree, fine. But don't attack the people who are trying to give you a heads up.

Mod 2

Moderation Action - Posts deleted


As per the Posting Guidelines and Rules of Conduct, I had to delete a few posts from this thread.

2) Forbidden Activities:
ii) Posting personal information of ANY kind about ANYONE.
iii) Personal attacks on others, flames, fights, name-calling, etc...
iv) Lack of respect to either client, escort or other board members.

First, the recollection of personal information about EB was uncalled for, and totally against the board rules. This is a first offence, and don`t make me come back about it twice.

Second, have you all ever heard the expression "agree to disagree"? EagerBeaver has a source telling him about things about to happen. His source might be good, it might not. Regardless, to the best of his knowledge he`s doing a service to the community in warning others about what he perceives is coming. You just have to conduct yourself according to what you believe. Whatever interests some of you may have at keeping people in or out of those clubs, STOP ARGUING with each other please.

Now, please let me go back to my vacation. :p

Thank you



New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Points are very simple

Techman said:
Doesn't anyone have any common sense? If the article was about people speeding through a particular school zone don't you think that it would a good idea to avoid doing that? It's the same thing here. The article serves as a challenge to the SQ to do something. Are you stupid enough to take the chance and get busted? If the FS clubs are that much of an addiction that you are willing to risk it, then you have bigger problems than just getting arrested. Go to a regular club to get your stripper fix and then call an agency for outcall. In the long run you will get much more for your money this way. If the clubs have any brains, they will cool it on the fs for awhile anyways. Take a break, enjoy the summer and use the head on your shoulders instead of the one between your legs for the next month or two No one who gets caught in a raid will get any sympathy from anyone here so if it happens don't start posting asking for help or a shoulder to cry on. All we are trying to do is help people to avoid a lot of misery. If you don't agree, fine. But don't attack the people who are trying to give you a heads up.

Techman's analogy of speeding through a
particular school zone is an excellent start
but comes up short.Effectively if you drive
and understand the various tolerances as
they apply to speed limits in various zones
- open road,construction,school,etc and
how LE positions radar traps - down slopes,
hidden views etc then you will be in a
position to avoid all speeding tickets instead
of just in a particular school zone.

My points as they pertain to this thread are
very simple:
1.) you have to know and appreciate the
history and inner workings of the game
to make proper decisions.
2.) alarmists shouting the obvious give you
a false sense of security.Effectively you
may avoid such clubs for a reasonable
period BUT upon returning if you are
not aware of how the game is played
you increase your chance of getting
nailed.The cost to you will be the same.
A lot of effort = zero net gain.

1.) FS clubs have been raided since the get go.
2.) LE monitors attendance by driving by the
parking lots.Clubs without lots get
3.) Most raids target Thurs/Fri - greatest
number of providers and clients since more
money is available after payday.Hence the
greatest return for the same cost.Raids are
timed so that dayshift officers do not have
to be used(avoid overtime) and that the
evening shift raid makes the next days
newspaper headlines while avoiding
overtime as much as possible.Variances
are possible but do not occur often.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Unless you are an LE operative or a FS SC operative, I would say it is a tad presumptuous of you to be predicting LE activity in the aftermath of this JDM article. If you are either of the above, on the other hand, your body of posts in this thread are nothing more than a ruse. If the LE activity is so predictable, then the picture Oliver has drawn of the donut munching moron is rather accurate.

Let me supply you with a direct quote from my and Oliver's source. In the JDM article, the provincial police are reportedly quoted as knowing nothing about what is reportedly going on. My source said to me: "only Schultz (character in the 1960s TV series "Hogan's Heroes") knows nothing." You may recall Schultz as the dumbkopf nazi soldier whose famous line, "I know nothing!", was the reality because he was too stupid to figure out the obvious. Schultz ate quite a few donuts, by the ways.
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004

Why do you insist on continually criticising those of us who are only trying to help? All we are doing is asking people to watch their collective asses because nobody wants to see anyone caught up in a bust. Yes, it's true that clubs get raided on occassion, that's why many fs clubs have security camera's outside the club. But if you don't have anything constructive to add to the discussion I see no reason for you to post in this thread at all. As far as my analogy to a school zone goes, it seems you did not get the point. So here is another one for you...

Last year there was a similar article in the Journal de Montreal on marijuana growers in some small Quebec communities. It detailed how the farmers and small businesses in the area could not get any young people to work for them as they were working for the growers harvesting pot for much more money. It took a while but a few months ago there were a series of busts in the area. The SQ didn't move in right away, they waited and then moved in big time. So if the raids don't happen right away it doesn't mean they aren't coming. They know very well that the clubs may cool it for a while but eventually they will come down on them and it won't be pretty.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Robert McInnis

EagerBeaver said:

Unless you are an LE operative or a FS SC operative, I would say it is a tad presumptuous of you to be predicting LE activity in the aftermath of this JDM article. If you are either of the above, on the other hand, your body of posts in this thread are nothing more than a ruse. If the LE activity is so predictable, then the picture Oliver has drawn of the donut munching moron is rather accurate.

Let me supply you with a direct quote from my and Oliver's source. In the JDM article, the provincial police are reportedly quoted as knowing nothing about what is reportedly going on. My source said to me: "only Schultz (character in the 1960s TV series "Hogan's Heroes") knows nothing." You may recall Schultz as the dumbkopf nazi soldier whose famous line, "I know nothing!", was the reality because he was too stupid to figure out the obvious. Schultz ate quite a few donuts, by the ways.

The quotes you seem to be refering to are the
ones made by police officer Ronald McInnis of
the SQ in the JDM on Saturday.Unfortunately
the author of the article does not identify the
officer's role - is the officer a spokesperson for
the SQ(more than likely) or an actual member
of the SQ morality squad(doubtful since they
are undercover)? Everyone would have a better
understanding of the answers if this detail would
have been included as is the norm in most police
Furthermore route 112 passes through municipal
and provincial jurisdiction and in the story it is
not clear which jurisdiction is responsible for each

I did not predict - I gave a historic perspective.
You should know the difference.If I were to
list all the 6/49 results since the beginning with a
breakdown for each of the 49 numbers I would not
be predicting - just providing data that readers
could interpret as they see fit.

Conversely I played junior football in the late 1960's
early 1970's.On any forward pass there are three
possibilities excluding penalties - complete,incomplete
or interception.To reach such a conclusion I do not
have to be playing today nor would it imply that
I am a CFL or NFL operative(owner/coach/gm,referee).

Previously you have made assumptions about me
that have been proven false - if you start with a
false assumption as you did above mistaking a historic
overview for a prediction then you could deduce any
lunacy and it would still be false.

Your analogy re SGT Schultz is interesting given
that his superior COL. KLINK thought he new
everything and would get proven wrong every show.

Now EB you were wrong about my abilities in French.
You cannot tell the difference between predicting
and a historic overview.You deduce conclusions
based on false assumptions.Are you morphing into
COL KLINK? The glasses look very similar.
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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
I got your point

Techman said:
Why do you insist on continually criticising those of us who are only trying to help? All we are doing is asking people to watch their collective asses because nobody wants to see anyone caught up in a bust. Yes, it's true that clubs get raided on occassion, that's why many fs clubs have security camera's outside the club. But if you don't have anything constructive to add to the discussion I see no reason for you to post in this thread at all. As far as my analogy to a school zone goes, it seems you did not get the point. So here is another one for you...

Last year there was a similar article in the Journal de Montreal on marijuana growers in some small Quebec communities. It detailed how the farmers and small businesses in the area could not get any young people to work for them as they were working for the growers harvesting pot for much more money. It took a while but a few months ago there were a series of busts in the area. The SQ didn't move in right away, they waited and then moved in big time. So if the raids don't happen right away it doesn't mean they aren't coming. They know very well that the clubs may cool it for a while but eventually they will come down on them and it won't be pretty.

I got your point and expanded it to all zones
giving it greater validity,meaning and application.
How is this criticism?
Just made it more helpful.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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You post indecipherable nonsense and when someone tries to give it a logical meaning, you accuse them of false assumptions.

You keep bringing up that I was wrong about you not knowing French. Now I know that you were too fucking stupid to know that a basic rule of etiquette on this Board was being broken which was why I came to your defense. You still apparently don't understand what that rule was. That you knew or did not know French was irrelevant as on this Board we always respond to posters in the tongue they chose to use in the post responded to. If it's a unilingual poster that is one thing but that did not involve a unilingual poster.

You have been on this Board for 1 month and you have directed a lot of sarcastic comments at many posters who have contributed far more than you ever have or likely ever will. You have not started a single thread. As far as I am concerned your input in this thread is ZERO. Your posts are a bunch of nonsense, with absolutely no meaning except to yourself. You are a punk. Who says nothing.
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