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Know what fellas? I really like a girl...


Active Member
Jan 24, 2009
I don't know who you are and you don't know who I am. Don't want to hurt your feelings. This may sound like a cold shower but the girl tried to match you up with someone else. Women are very "calculating" when it comes to relationship and matters of the heart. There's a reason why she tried to match you up, she obviously thinks you are nice person (a good sign) and she obviously does not think of you, the same way you do of her. If she had somewhat of a thing for you (even if she is in a relationship) she would never set you up with someone else. You would have been the go to "guy", the rebound, the whatever... after her breakup.

Maybe I am wrong. Ask it never hurts. Just protect yourself (I mean emotionally) and don't go with your hopes to high.

Also this guy totally has a point. It's a coin flip on this one, if she was interested in your she could be calculating enough to not set you up with someone or she could just be really nice and didn't expect to be single. If she starts talking to you about other guys though, you're officially friendzoned and we all know there's no escaping the friendzone.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Worst case scenario with no car, rent one for a day.

Well i could had an issue with that... with cops. LOL i don't have a driver's liscence.

I am a little confused. Where does this leave Kate of Good Girls in the grand scheme of things? Is she going to be neglected?

Well , Kate is currently not working. I won't enter into details cause its her personal life. But as i mentioned, if i get in a relationship, yes i will totally stop seing SPs, no matter who.

PS : no talk about strippers, SP's , porn stars or the shiny new weapon you acquired on WOW or wtv gamers play these days.

Its Diablo 3 :p but yeah close enough. LOL

As for not talking about the hobby, yeah well i can not bring the subject but the other nigh i texted her, we where talking about her friend, i was mentioning it was not going anywhere and it was too unpersonal. Then i said in french more or less that i would like to be with somebody, but it would need to be someone special, that i know more, and as much as i enjoy partying in MTL, i would like to settle down and me with a grlfriend... I had drink a bit... :rolleyes: The problem is she saw some of the pics i had with Kelly Summer on my phone... lol , took a while ago, and i was showing some to the guys and she wanted to have a look, that was when school started... i never expected to get interested in her.

In any case, i will maybe try to text her during the hollidays, and in worst case ill wait til the school start again, but i will definately try to make a move, as it cost nothing to try. As for being far and all, well its that bus to MTL are like 8 per days, bus to her village... i dunno, but i doubt its more than 1 a day... even the bus to quebec city is terrible, 2 a day at stupid hours... MTL is easily accessible.


Active Member
Nov 24, 2006
OK, if the setup was when she was with someone, then it could be different.

It's now really up to you, Mike. You can just tell her straight and this way you will know the result, good or bad. Or you can wait a bit or move slowly, by hang out more and see if it jells between you.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I like Space Cadets advice. Especially the last two sentences. Most of the stuff that I said about your wardrobe, diet, and exercise is for your confidence as much it is for this new girl.

Let's consider your strengths:

1. By your posts I can see you are a nice guy and you treat women well and you like and enjoy company.
2. You must have learned something about sex and physically pleasing woman with all the sessions you have had with SPs.
3. You have resources because you see a lot of hookers. This mean that you will have money to entertain if you can go without for a few weeks.

It's all about confidence. You are money Mikey! You are so money you don't even know it. Now go get em. It's on Mikey!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I think this guy has more money then he led the board to believe, but what happened is that as he got more aggressive with his hobbying, he started to feel financial pressure to keep up with it. Most of us have been there and done that and had those same pressures. But he is a young guy and that is why he started the thread about needing to be rich and then rejected all the good advice on how he can get richer.

Chances are he has gotten spoiled and he will be bored with sex with the new girl (if she is even any good to begin with and who knows), and then he will be calling Good Girls in a few months regardless of what happens with her. Sexual boredom is the great motivator and he will not overcome it. Nobody does.

As far as getting a car and a driver's license, that sounds imperative for the new relationship to have a solid chance to get off the ground.
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Nov 18, 2011
Chances are he has gotten spoiled and he will be bored with sex with the new girl (if she is even any good to begin with and who knows), and then he will be calling Good Girls in a few months regardless of what happens with her. Sexual boredom is the great motivator and he will not overcome it. /QUOTE]

Reminds me of the movie Don Jon I just watched !


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Sure Newbie. But my point is he had to learn something about relationships from all the human interaction. Mike can do this.

EB- I would become bored with any girl after awhile. This one Mikey is trying to bed without paying an hourly rate. This will be a real conquest!


New Member
Jun 21, 2003
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Halloween Mike,

Don't over think things, just do what you usually do when your around her. You already hang out with her at school and dined out with her, so this is nothing new. Go out with her, have fun, don't pressure yourself as things will happen naturally.

I do not know your situation except for that you are a student, travels to Montreal to hobby, and has no car.

The Hobby will always be here no matter what, but the window of opportunity with girls is limited.


Active Member
Jan 24, 2009
I think this guy has more money then he led the board to believe, but what happened is that as he got more aggressive with his hobbying, he started to feel financial pressure to keep up with it. Most of us have been there and done that and had those same pressures. But he is a young guy and that is why he started the thread about needing to be rich and then rejected all the good advice on how he can get richer.

Chances are he has gotten spoiled and he will be bored with sex with the new girl (if she is even any good to begin with and who knows), and then he will be calling Good Girls in a few months regardless of what happens with her. Sexual boredom is the great motivator and he will not overcome it. Nobody does.

As far as getting a car and a driver's license, that sounds imperative for the new relationship to have a solid chance to get off the ground.

LOL, it sounds like you know HM better than HM himself! I'm not even sure how any of what you said is relevant to the thread though...

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009

Chances are he has gotten spoiled and he will be bored with sex with the new girl (if she is even any good to begin with and who knows), and then he will be calling Good Girls in a few months regardless of what happens with her. Sexual boredom is the great motivator and he will not overcome it. Nobody does.

As far as getting a car and a driver's license, that sounds imperative for the new relationship to have a solid chance to get off the ground.

Funny because sex is not even what i am looking fo with a girl... I am looking for a relationship, i am looking for cuddles, hanging out with her, i have no problem if she want to take time and not do anything til a while has pass. Was i spoiled by escorts? Maybe, maybe not, will not know until i find a girl, but just like the rest i know a relationship is not what you see in movies, porn or mainstream. There is no music when you kiss your girlfriend lol... I know i can adapt, this i know it, and this is what i am looking right now.

Not saying i don't have fun hobbying, but if i can trade hobbying for having a real relationship... yes i would. As some said, the hobby will always be there... As for money... well i do cut a lot to be able to hobby... and that start with me still not owning that damn Call of Duty Ghost... LOL.

I looked at every of your advice in the rich tread, altough it was meant as a joke, and some sugestion where terrible, other irealist and some where pretty good. Guest why im in school now? Duh !!!

In this thread, i got to say i do hope paradox is right

If she was trying to hook you up with a friend of hers while she was with someone, and told you right away when she became single, it means she likes you.

Thats what i am hoping, and i will try my luck, if things don't work, hell i will be able to say i tried. I guess i am still scar(ed)? i meant not afraid but a scar, une cicatrice, of the last time i said to a girl i was in love with her, and the catastrophic relationship that followed wich was not a real relationship, but we where too close to be just friend. Anyway like i said, ill try, and if it fail, so be it. On this... damn im gonna miss the match... Go Habs :) GO

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Non je sais lol, je parlais de l'autre coup d'avant, sa fesais un sacré bout on se voyais, comme des amis tres proche, pis eventuellement je lui ai dit ce qu je ressentais, j'avais tout fait pour cette fille en plus, j'avais perdu 90 LB, j'etait en feu au Gym pis toute, mais finalement sa mal finis, et pendant le temps qu'a venais squatter chez moi quand sa allais mal avec son pseudo chum aka sugar daddy, bin a couchais avec plein de gars sauf moi... Bref une histoire extrenement malsaine, on dormais ensemble mais on etait juste "ami" tse... la fille etait super cute , a dormais a coté de moi en bobette, pis je devais etre ok avec sa... tk lol histoire qui a mal finis... pour sa jsuis nerveux de m'interesser a une fille aussi. Sans lui dire que je l'aime ou whatever, juste lui dire je serais interesser a "dater" bin deja je peut me manger un revers ... mais bon j'peut etre chanceux et me sauver avec la victoire... comme canadien a soir qui a jouer une periode seulement et a quand meme reussi a se sauver avec la victoire... lol sacré canadien... la seconde periode etait tellement horrible on aurais dit une bande de pee wee sa glace. Tk :p

Lily from Montreal

Go for it! Mais ne mentionne pas le hobby,TMI...
Tu es cute,smart et si elle n'était pas intéressée elle ne t'aurais pas dit qu'elle était célibataire...
Si tu n'étais pas si jeune moi je t'aurais pris dans la vraie vie...loll

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
On verra sa d'ici quelque semaine, en tout cas comme disais Jon a Pegas, je serais pas contre d'acrocher mes couilles :p figurativement parlant, et "retire" du hobby, meme si je suis "si jeune" haha. J'ai deja quand meme presque 5 bonne année de faite.


New Member
Nov 6, 2009
Western USA
Go for it HM. Be yourself. Be honest with her and yourself. Don't over plan scenarios or overthink what could have been or should have or would have been.
At least if you do go for it, maybe Kate won't be so booked up if she comes back. :lol:


Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
LOL yeah well in the best possibility, it will work, but if it does not, i found myself a new favorite tonigh... I know i know, it may sound weird for some... but i am not engage right now... so i decided to book myself one last girl for 2013.

My eyes where set on Nikky at GG for a while and i manage to see her tonigh, she was awesometacular !! Reviews to come.

But don't worry, if i can have it work with the girl in question, ill keep my word of being "fidele" , how you say that in english again?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Nikky was my friend's favorite girl at the Good Girls party, I will look forward to sending him your review. We came all this way and find out that the girl you really like is Nikky.
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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
lol no no, Nikky's booking was a last minute decision Friday. Decided to book her cause she was on schedule and i had try many time to see her before and it didn't work out(canceled her shift, not on schedule when i had book my hotel and all), and since the party i wanted to meet her A LOT !!! I saw her, i had an AMAZING time, but it won't change the decision that if i manage to be with the girl at school, SPs meeting will be done for me.


Jan 12, 2011
People have given you good advice so the only thing left for you to do is make your move, most of the time that's all that is needed to change the relationship. She already spends time with you and told you as soon as she became single which are good signs.

So remember what Hungry101 told you that your so money that you don't even know. Make your move during the holidays and there is no shame having her come get you seeing that she drives. If not make the sacrifice by bus or train she will appreciate the gesture and that might be the turning point.

Fear is just a four letter word but regret is a mother fucker. Best of luck mate hope it ends in your favour and if it doesn't just pick yourself up and start again the only thing you will have to deal with is a bruised ego.
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