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Oct 11, 2010
Does having a laptop on your lap for several hours actually fry your balls into impudence or is that an urban legend ? :confused:

cause i fell like my balls are getting fried ?


New Member
Mar 15, 2012
Does having a laptop on your lap for several hours actually fry your balls into impudence or is that an urban legend ? :confused:

cause i fell like my balls are getting fried ?

Could using your laptop be shrinking your chances of having kids? New research seems to think so.

The WiFi signals from your laptop may be damaging your swimmers, reports a recent study in the journal of Fertility and Sterility. The researchers gathered semen samples from 29 men and placed them underneath a laptop connected to WiFi. After monitoring the semen samples for 4 hours, the results showed that a quarter of the sperm were no longer swimming and 9 percent showed significant DNA damage.

This isn’t the first study that assumed laptops could be frying your fluids. After monitoring subjects who spent 60 minutes with a running laptop on their thighs, State University of New York researchers found that the computer heated up to nearly 104 degrees Fahrenheit—which made the temperatures in the scrotum increase by 66 degrees Fahrenheit.

How exactly does that affect your boys? According to a European fertility study, an increase of 33 degrees Fahrenheit could reduce your sperm count by nearly 40 percent.

“When looking at the big picture, any type of applied heat to the scrotum is bad,” explains Larry I. Lipshultz, M.D., chief of the division of male reproductive medicine and a professor of urology at Baylor College of Medicine. “Men really need to be more conscious when it comes to items such as hot tubs, heating pads, and heated car seats—basically anything that will put direct heat to the scrotum.”


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Could using your laptop be shrinking your chances of having kids? New research seems to think so...

This isn’t the first study that assumed laptops could be frying your fluids. After monitoring subjects who spent 60 minutes with a running laptop on their thighs, State University of New York researchers found that the computer heated up to nearly 104 degrees Fahrenheit—which made the temperatures in the scrotum increase by 66 degrees Fahrenheit.

“Men really need to be more conscious when it comes to items such as hot tubs, heating pads, and heated car seats—basically anything that will put direct heat to the scrotum.”

I agree with the general conclusion of the post. But I suspect an error in the 66 degrees mentioned. The normal body temperature is around 98F. The testis are outside to maintain a local temperature around 90-95. I can hardly imagine that you could increase the temp to 156 (90 + 66) by exposure to a heat source at 104F. The wicrowaves emitted should not be powerfull enough to generate this heat. And at 156F it would hurt a lot, this is the temperature of very hot tap water. Remember water boils at 212F. An other point is that true scientist would have use Celcius degree wich is the only one temperature unit accepted in scientific communications (with Kelvin degree). Probably there was an error in making the conversion from Celcius to Fahrenheit and that explains all. Anyway guys, "check your balls" his a good "take home" message.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
If you don't mind about your balls... you should mind about your PC. Always use a flat surface under your laptop to ensure proper ventilation and prevent overheating of the electronic circuit of your PC. You will protect your balls and your PC.
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