Personally, I find this whole exercise a damn shame. For whose "benefit" is the city of Montreal going so out of their way to try to 'revamp' (I say with the utmost sarcasm) this area? For the multitudes of former montrealers that have run away from the island to the safety and blandness of Laval and Brossard with their hopelessly generic strip malls and cloned housing developments?
I'll speak for myself, I like it that there are at least SOME areas of town that are a bit seedy, a bit dangerous, a lot thought-provoquing!! I used to travel irregularly to New York city when it used to be a fun city to visit, with its primo red light district, wall-to-wall pimps and peep shows, three-card monty swindlers, neighborhood loonies and apocalyptic prophets. But ol' Rudy had to go and get all in a huff and pledge to clean it all up, did so and effectively ruined the funnest freak show ever...I haven't been back to New York since.
And now we have the geniuses at city Hall wanting yet again to suck the life out of an area that didn't need any changing to begin with. But that's right they had such success with the multimedia neighborhood in Old Montreal

, or the whatdayacallit on Crescent and Rene Levesque (so memorable I can't remember what they called it).
So there are old buildings with low-class Hot Dog emporiums, drag queen haunts, sweaty dance clubs and kitschy sex shops. Your problem with that isssss? Isn't it a whole lot better to be out there right out in the open? So the poor, easily-offended suburban 'weekend warriors" get their undies twisted in a knot as they accidently stumble onto St-Laurent\Ste-Catherine during their once a year outing into the scary city to catch all of these FREE jazz shows, but god forbid they should ever return in the fall to catch a real gig at an out-of-the-way small club (oh yeah, they'd have to pay to see one of those...can't have THAT!!)
Sorry for the anger folks, but you know what? I like this neighborhood, with all its blemishes and warts. If the city does unfortunately succeed in its incredibly stupid plans, count me out as I'll probably never again find a reason to return to this oh-so-interesting place...