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Lets hear it for the OLF


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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As long as you respond to the posts of the unilingual Anglophones in English, I have no problem with your postings even if I often disagree with them. And if there was any misunderstanding by me of your posts, it's because you responded to Eastender in French in which I am not fluent. If you guys want to exclude over 50% of your audience on this Board from hearing or understanding your posts, it's your right to do that, just like it is your right to sing in the shower when nobody is listening. :p


Catwoman is mine
Feb 13, 2005

Ya funny situation for an outsider like me who speaks both languages and others. Je vois là deux groupes en guerre perpétuelle mais qui sont interdépendants, comme dans un mauvais marriage qui dure.

English people should make more effort to speak the language of the majority, I must say that I have seen them try more and more during those years. Gardons à l'esprit que les anglais qui sont restés ici après deux referendum au milieu de ses années d'instabilité politique sont ceux qui ont l'esprit le plus ouvert ou qui n'ont pas eu le choix de s'adapter et soyons patient avec eux. French is certainly in danger in the Montreal area but i really dont think that it is in danger in Chicoutimi ou Rimouski.

Nous avons un beau pays et nous devrions tous profiter des multiples ressources (y compris linguistiques) que cela nous apporte. Quebec is definitly a distinct society this becomes more than clear when you pass any of the borders. Le Québec est différent cela saute aux yeux pas besoin de le mettre sur papier pour le voir ou de demander la permission pour le faire reconaître, c'est un fait, un point c'est tout.

We have the chance here take the best of two worlds like a little part of Europe in North America. Utilisons l'histoire avec sagesse par pour se venger mais plutôt pour se rappeler de nos erreurs dans les deux camps et éviter de les commettre à nouveau. Let's use History to see what is good to repeat it in the future. Mettons a profit les idées des deux parties sans oublier les nouveaux-venus pour construire une societe complete. Quebecer are in general very open minded and like to travel to bring back the best of everywhere else, respect them. Les anglais sont la majorité dans ce continant et on ne peut tout simplement pas faire sans eux, soyons respectueux et réalistes.

There must be a way... Il doit bien avoir une façon...

Le respect est la clé. Respect is the key :)

Adaptaptation to all situatuations is the first sign of intelligence and this is quality who makes human superior to animals. L'adaptation est le premier signe d'intelligence et cette qualité est ce qui rends l'humain supérieur aux animaux.
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Mod 2

Elvis said:
If you and the Mods sincerely think I am starting trouble, please let me know and I will withdraw from this Board.
Let's not jump the gun so quickly :p. I would just say you are very opinionated (in a good way), and please Don't go anywhere. As long as everything is discussed with respect, all opinions are welcomed and appreciated.



New Member
Dec 15, 2003
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Well said.
Mods and FZ should be the ones and the only ones in control!
This is the "Montreal Escort Review Board" after all!
Il ne doit pas y avoir quelque discrimination de quelque nature que ce soit quant aux membres de ce site internet! certainement pas des restrictions basées sur la langue parlée des utilisateurs.
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A taste of paradise
Aug 16, 2003
Lost in Space
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L'histoire est souvent biaisé et en fin de compte, on ne sait jamais qu'elles sont les vraies motivations qui ont fait tel ou tel évènement.

Deux théories s'affrontent présentement chez les historiens à propos des filles du roy. Certains proposent qu'elles soient des filles orphelines ou filles de joie tandis que l'autre prétend qu'elles proviendraient d'une certaine classe ou des campagnes.

La pratique d'exporter des bagnards dans les colonies a été pratiqué par bien des pays. Cependant, au Canada, la pratique était loin d'être généraliser. Les colonies pénales françaises étaient d'avantage proche des tropiques.

Sorry no translation, for debate, i use the mother's language.
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Hey guys let's all cool down a bit. A few of us have made errors in our posts, myself included but no one should be excluded from posting in this thread. I think that if our various levels of gov't could discuss things as freely and openly as we have been doing here maybe this thread would have no reason to exist. As far as history goes, I feel that every historical document and history book is colored by the personal opinion of the person or people who wrote it, just like the posts here. In the particular case of Les Filles du Roi, they may very well be the reason for our incredibly sexy and beautiful women!
So now when I think of Quebec history I will think of them, with a smile and a hard-on. :cool:


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004

A quick tip for getting accents. If you have MS Word on your system install the French Canadian dictionary and write your post in there first. Then just run a quick grammar check and it will add all the missing accents. Then just copy and paste it here. I am also running english software on my system and it works great.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004

Here's an example of how hard it is to unite the French and English in Montreal: I saw an ad in the free paper they give away in the metro system, called Metro, about a boxing card at the Medley bar tomorrow (Saturday) night. They are billing it as French vs English. To top it all off, it seems to be co-sponsored by Cleopatra's as their name and number are in the ad. I wouldn't want to be there tomorrow night in case all the drunk patrons decide to keep the fights going out of the ring.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005

My system is old - hybrid of Windows 95 and
the first version of Windows 98.
Will your suggestion work on the old Wordpad?
Previously when I tried some recent enhancements
to the old Wordpad it did not respond.
Actually should look at getting a new system
as the one I have cannot support the latest
Have a habit of going thru phases where I get
the latest only to be frustrated when it is
obsolete a few months later and then going
in the other direction and hanging onto the
obsolete too long - my stack of Beta video
cassettes reminds me of this trait.
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I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Accents avec clavier anglais/us

Peser sur le clé <ALT>, la maintenir et tappez les numéros suivant sur le clavier numérique (droite du clavier). Ne fonctionne pas avec les clé numériques au dessus des lettres. Peut être problématique avev un laptop. Le caractère va apparaitre quand la touche <ALT> est relâchée. Ce texte est écrit de cette façon.

é = 130
ç = 135
è = 138
ê = 136
É = 144
à = 133
ë = 137
ô = 147
û = 150
â = 131
ë = 137
î = 140

P.S.: Mes ancêtres sont arrivés en Nouvelle France en 1634 (paternel) et 1667 (maternel) Aucun n'était ici à cause de problèmes légaux en France et ils n'ont pas eu de démelés avec la justice non plus après leur arrivée ici. SVP ne pas généraliser. Merci.
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Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Je sais, vieille discussion

I am perfectly capable of communicating in French and five other languages,have published in three inc. French in my field. As stated in one of my original posts I do not have a French keyboard,hence do not like posting in French
since the reader may not see the disclaimer and may misread or infer something due to missing accents,etc.
Eastender, tu dis que tu "n'aimes" pas contribuer en français parce que tu n'as pas de clavier français.

En fait, un "clavier" français n'est pas nécessaire. Je vais passer à l'anglais pour l'explication technique.

All versions of Windows are little different but here it is for XP: Control Panel -> Regional and Language Settings -> Languages -> Details -> Add. You can then add "French Canada" with the "Canadian French" (QWERTY) keyboard. Then it is a simple matter of using Alt-Shift to pass between languages.

Essentially all a "French keyboard" you would buy at a store has is key labels for the accents. You would still need to configure it the same way I just showed you.

É is /
The accent grave (`) is single quote (follow it by the letter you wish to accent)
The accent circonflexe (^) is [ (follow it by the letter you wish to accent)
The cédille (¸) is ] (follow it by the letter you wish to accent)
The tréma (¨) is { (follow it by the letter you wish to accent)

I don't have a french keyboard either. I just know where the keys are.

Alors, tu as publié dans plusieurs langages dont le français, le français est ta spécialité, mais tu "n'aimes pas" poster en français et tu n'as pas de clavier français.

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