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Lets hear it for the OLF


Jul 22, 2004
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A lesson of history...???

eastender said:
During the time of colonization - England,France,
and Spain habitually sent or invited their undesirables (criminal element,the non-productive,religiously or politically incorrect)out of the home country to populate the colonies resulting in present day North America and Australia/New Zealand.About 25 years ago Cuba/Castro used a variation of this method to ship Cubans to the USA

Effectively this is how Quebec was populated,both England and France contributed.
FAUX!!. Faux...FAux....Faux...faux...faux...

Les français qui ont peuplé la colonie Canadienne d'abord avec Champlain et, plus tard, avec l'intendant Talon étaient des volontaires, qui s'engageaient sur des contrats d'une durée de 3 ans. Plusieurs sont d'ailleurs retournés en France. Les filles du Roy, des orphelines de Paris, sont venues sur une base volontaire au Canada.

La pratique était peut-être différente dans les colonies anglaises, je ne sais pas.

Svp vérifier vos sources d'informations avant d'écrire n'importe quoi.



Sep 27, 2003
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anon_vlad said:
... but in some polls in predominantly non-Francophone areas, the percentage of rejected ballots was as high as 11%. In addition, it is impossible to estimate the number of elderly or allophone voters who left due to harassment by the government appointed scrutineers.
In fairness, the federalist side also cheated by fast-tracking citizenships.


125 electoral ridings in Qebec (about 20 with, high english % of voters).
Only 2, Chomedey with 5426 rejected ballots for 11.61% and Marguerite Bourgeoys witrh 2194 for 5.5% of the votes were significantly higher rates than the average.
Tecman, was dismissing the results, because of '' massive fraud'' due to rejected ballots (facts do not support his argument).
1992, Charlettown referendum had more rejected ballots than the 1995
Quebec referendum.

This, clearly shows that ''massive election fraud'' is a city-legend for 8 years old to believe in..

There is no report, of harassment by ''election workers''. You seemed to act as if, there is no representative of the opposition that day, working in the polls, plus representatives of each parties, plus lawyers of each side to ensure a proper democratic exercise.

I absolutely, do not consider, ''fast tracking'' citizenship a factor of cheating on the federalist side.

It is part of the political game.

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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Elvis said:
FAUX!!. Faux...FAux....Faux...faux...faux...

Les français qui ont peuplé la colonie Canadienne d'abord avec Champlain et, plus tard, avec l'intendant Talon étaient des volontaires, qui s'engageaient sur des contrats d'une durée de 3 ans. Plusieurs sont d'ailleurs retournés en France. Les filles du Roy, des orphelines de Paris, sont venues sur une base volontaire au Canada.

La pratique était peut-être différente dans les colonies anglaises, je ne sais pas.

Svp vérifier vos sources d'informations avant d'écrire n'importe quoi.



To reply in French to a post that is written in English by an Anglophone, when we all know you are capable of responding in English, is, if not an express violation of Board rules, then at least flat dirty pool. I am going to ask the Mod2 to remove your post. You are probably correctly assuming that Eastender does not speak French and are depriving him of his right to respond to your post. That's unfair and totally inappropriate when we have all seen you author very competent English posts. You cannot participate in discussions here if you don't give posters an opportunity to respond in their own tongue.

I also think you are deliberately trying to start trouble. And guess what? You got it.


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Dec 15, 2003
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Removing a post because it's written in the French language.....hard to believe.
Assez incroyable que nous en soyons rendus à ce genre de réaction sur ce site. Il existe des outils de traduction et tous pouvons nous en servir au besoin!
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004

I hope that eveyone enjoys the humor of your post. I thought it was very appropriate that it happens to be post 101 :cool: I was wondering if that was just a coincidence or if not how long were you waiting for the thread to reach this level? Thanks for adding a little levity to a thread that has been getting a bit touchy lately! And by the way Honda has also been told, along with Home Hardware, to get the H out because none of us here pronounce it anyways :D


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004

You are missing EB's point. He is not against posting in French, but in this case when the post is a direct reply to an English poster it becomes a matter of common courtesy. As Eastender most probably does not understand French he has no way to reply to this post. He should not have to use translation software, which is very inacurate at best.


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Dec 15, 2003
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But for EB to request the removal of the post is not acceptable!
I do understand that it migh have been more appropriate and certainly more polite for a reply in the language of the original post, but I always believed that although the main language of the board was and is still the English one, everyone, without exception and without the need for justification, was free to post in the language of her/his choice.
A reconfirmnation of the above by the Mods and/or FredZ migh be in order!


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004

How about this? Give the poster a chance, say 24 hours, to translate his post. Then, if it is not done it, can be removed. Even the OLF give people time to correct infractions ;)


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Elvis has shown that he is quite fluent in English and if he does not translate that post within 24 hours, so that Eastender can understand it and reply to it, the post should be removed and Elvis should be locked out of all language and political threads. Not because it is written in French, but because IT IS NOT WRITTEN in Eastender's native tongue of English which Elvis can write in fluently based on his past history. Lawless, he was fluent enough to know to call me and Train "Aliens" in English, but he is not fluent enough to respond to Eastender?

Another thing is that Elvis's post is substantively wrong so Eastender deserves a chance to retort. It is established historical fact that the French invested a lot more time and energy deporting their criminals than did the English. Heck, the French even deported Napoleon, who was the greatest French leader of all time!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

If Elvis is a man and not a cowardly Alien, let him post his bullshit in English so that it can be fairly responded to!!!!
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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Elvis - please post in French

EagerBeaver and others
Please note I am perfectly able to speak for and defend myself.
You do not have ANY mandate to say,ask,do anything on my
behalf least alone assume.
I am perfectly capable of communicating in French and
five other languages,have published in three inc. French
in my field.
As stated in one of my original posts I do not have
a French keyboard,hence do not like posting in French
since the reader may not see the disclaimer and may
misread or infer something due to missing accents,etc.


Jul 22, 2004
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EagerBeaver said:

To reply in French to a post that is written in English by an Anglophone, when we all know you are capable of responding in English, is, if not an express violation of Board rules, then at least flat dirty pool. I am going to ask the Mod2 to remove your post. You are probably correctly assuming that Eastender does not speak French and are depriving him of his right to respond to your post. That's unfair and totally inappropriate when we have all seen you author very competent English posts. You cannot participate in discussions here if you don't give posters an opportunity to respond in their own tongue.

I also think you are deliberately trying to start trouble. And guess what? You got it.

That's enough. I cannot believe what I am reading. Who do you think you are to give ultimatums like that??

I suggest that you go out for vacations for a few days.

If you cannot read my post, that's your problem. Go get an education. I love America and the Americans, but I do not have any life lessons to receive from them. Sorry.

I don't know Eastender, I don't know if he is a canadian, an american or a chinese. He has complete freedom to reply or not in the language of his choice. Countless of times, I have seen english replies to french posts and I never saw any problems with, that's correct and that's even fun. Those things can happen in a bilingual country. If Eastender decide to debate in a Montreal-Canada Board, I simply assume that he is at least functionnaly bilingual.

I think I and Eastender have the fundamental right to reply to someone in the language of our choice.

I will not accept that the Moderators remove my post. If Eastender truly cannot understand the very simple post that I wrote, which I find hard to believe in , then I will happily proceed to translate it.

Your post doesn't make sense Eager.

Good day

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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Eastender has now stated that he understood your post and is capable of responding to it, so it's a moot issue. However, if you had done the same thing to me, since I am not fluent in French, I would have considered it rude and discourteous, if not cowardly. That I am not fluent in French does not make me "uneducated." I am highly educated and I can speak some Spanish in addition to English. But as an American I think I can be excused from not being fluent in French, as there are not too many Francophones walking around the streets in Connecticut last time I checked.

I appropriately criticized your post based on the information at hand at the time. And I stand by my position that if you can speak English and you are responding to someone who is Anglophone and posting in English it is bad manners and not courteous and not good Board etiquette to post in French under THOSE CIRCUMSTANCES.
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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Vrai ....Vrai....Vrai....Vrai....


cliquez(gauche) au milieu,titre filles du roi

voir article: 800 filles a marier

Des le depart,pas dans le milieu

"En France,elles auraient ete filles de joie ou filles de rien ......


" Un peu plus de la motie de ces filles sont des orphalins,sans dot
et donc sans avenir ................

Alors historiquement t'as pas raison.

"les 36 mois"
volontairement mais sous contrat est paradoxal.

cliquez(gauche) sur population
cliquez(gauche) sur mauvais garcons

" Ces derniers seraient toujours au coeur d'une
longue liste de problemes auxquels se sont
ajoutees la corruption des moeurs,la debauche

cliquez(gauche) sur ni anges ni demons

"Le refus des habitants d'obeir aux reglements
de traite de fourrures;leurs refus d'acquitter
la dime ou de participer aux corvees obligatoires

Alors Elvis .... je pense qu'ils sont venues avec
ces tendances .... c'est n'est pas les resultats
d'une longue voyage transatlantique.

NB clavier en anglais.


Jul 22, 2004
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EagerBeaver said:
he was fluent enough to know to call me and Train "Aliens" in English, but he is not fluent enough to respond to Eastender?
EB, That was a friendly joke at the time. Couldn't you forget about that and go over it?
EagerBeaver said:
Another thing is that Elvis's post is substantively wrong so Eastender deserves a chance to retort. It is established historical fact that the French invested a lot more time and energy deporting their criminals than did the English. Heck, the French even deported Napoleon, who was the greatest French leader of all time!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:
No, you misunderstood my post, I guess I will be truly force to translate it.

EagerBeaver said:
If Elvis is a man and not a cowardly Alien, let him post his bullshit in English so that it can be fairly responded to!!!!
...I cannot believe that a New-Englander gentleman is using such a street language.

...And you still have the guts to give me lessons of Board Etiquette??



Jul 22, 2004
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eastender said:
800 filles a marier. Des le depart,pas dans le milieu
"En France,elles auraient ete filles de joie ou filles de rien ......
" Un peu plus de la motie de ces filles sont des orphalins,sans dot
et donc sans avenir ................

Alors historiquement t'as pas raison.

"les 36 mois" volontairement mais sous contrat est paradoxal.
Merci de rester cool dans cette chicane de clocher!

Je connais très bien les dossiers historiques et je possède même dans ma bibliothèque le livre-bible de Sylvio Dumas sur les Filles du Roy, auquel se réfère le Musée de la Civilisation.

Plusieurs accusations de filles de joie ont été porté envers les Filles du Roy à travers les années mais celles-ci n'ont jamais été substantifiées. Aucune, semble-t-il n'a jamais été accusé de prostitution au Canada. Ceci dit,il y avait déjà, effectivement, des maisons closes en Nouvelle-France, mais c'était dans les années 1650, donc avant l'intendant Talon et les Filles du Roi. En fait les filles du Roy étaient des orphelines protégées du Roy et beaucoup venaient de la petite bourgeoisie ou des gens de métier. Elles étaient évidemment, étant donné leur statut d'orphelines, sans le sou. La dot que le Roi Louis XIV leur a accordée était un montant très important pour l'époque. Les femmes en Nouvelle-France ont donc eu, dès le départ, le contrôle économique des foyers et d'une partie de la vie économique.

La Nouvelle-France n'a jamais servi de bagne ou d'endroit de délestage pour les indésirables et les éléments criminels. C'est un fait historique. Ceci dit, la Nouvelle-France a eu sa part de criminalité, comme tous les autres pays.

Par contre, Jacques Cartier, en 1534-1535 avait un grand nombre de bandits et d'éléments criminels dans ses équipages. Les résultats furent catastrophiques. C'est une des raisons pour lesquelles Louis XIV décida de ne pas utiliser les criminels pour peupler la Nouvelle-France.



Jul 22, 2004
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EagerBeaver said:
I also think you are deliberately trying to start trouble. And guess what? You got it.
If you and the Mods sincerely think I am starting trouble, please let me know and I will withdraw from this Board.



New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Argumentation Faux

La citation parlait de situation en France avant
venir au Canada et pas au Canada.Alors ton
argument semble analogue au ..... depuis que
(entre le nom de quelqu'un condamne pour meurtre)
est en prison il n'a pas tue personne,alors il n'est
pas un meurtrier,alors c'est impossible qu'il a tue
avant qu'il est rendu en prison.Ou un meurtrier
qui quitte un pays - disons la France,n'est plus
un meurtrier en arrivant au Canada,Belgique,ect.

Au sujet de Jacques Cartier tu viens de confirmer
ce que j'ai dit au depart - merci.

Alors,soit en francais,anglais,chinois,russe,extra
terrestre,tes argumentations = faux

NB - clavier en anglais.
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