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Mar 16, 2014
"I think I like DATY because it has helped me warm up a cold escort on a few occasions. When you see that look of ecstasy on a recalcitrant escort's face, it can make all the difference. I've turned some mediocre encounters into good ones. Many less than inspired escorts will gratefully reciprocate."

I couldn't have said it better sambuca


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Dude sex should not be learned it should be experimented. It's the whole point of the fun and rewards.

So many things worry us in our daily life least I want is more worry when I pay for sex for christ sake!

Just fuck have fun and stop thinking ;)

I think this is exactly why I love Sonia or Scarlett or April so much. With them it does not give a fuck if you are good or bad. With them you are the king. Period!



Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
I think this is exactly why I love Sonia or Scarlett so much. With them it does not give a fuck if you are good or bad. With them you are the king. Period!

It’s because they are givers!!! I love girls that don’t ask for daty.
Bring on the lube!
You guys ever watch the blackmirror episode where they replay old sex scenes while having sex. I am pretty sure most SP have somebody else in their mind when most guys here DATY


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
You guys ever watch the blackmirror episode where they replay old sex scenes while having sex. I am pretty sure most SP have somebody else in their mind when most guys here DATY

The opposite is true. Number of girl I had a wonderful sog with my eyes closed thinking about someone else ;) Fair game haha



Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
Sam! Please don't take what I say to heart. I enjoy all those things that you enjoy too. I'm a very caring person and enjoy all the aspects of being with a man.

I was merely talking about the DATY part, which is what this thread is about. Don't assume because an escort doesn't expect an orgasm that she doesn't enjoy your company too.

Giving a woman an orgasm is wonderful! However, I think all the other things you have mentioned go a long way to making the experience enjoyable for both. Speaking for myself, the orgasm doesn't define the experience between a man and a woman.

For what it's worth...Eve

To me, this post (above) is well said and IMPORTANT advice.
Focusing too much on the orgasm can be a cock block (ok, an orgasm block). Yes, as soon as I say it, to many this is very obvious.

So, I think, for many women. Better to start DATY with the notion (for her at least), that you want to give her pleasure. Just pleasure. Usually gentle and seductive. It's not all about the tongue or the clit or any one thing. Just pleasure of all sorts. Your eyes, your hands, your lips, your Fingers. Here, there, everywhere. (OK, don't move the bacteria around too many places... Sorry to say, but some could be a bit more careful, I guess.)

Enjoy and let her enjoy, everything. Or, a lot of things.

About now, worth reminding that the mind is the biggest sex organ. You are teasing her mind.
You lick for a bit, you start to get a reaction. You pull back, you ask "Hey, what do you think about E=MC(2)?" Then smile. See if she sees that (a) you ARE interested in her mind, and (b) you ARE trying to tease her also... and if she starts going up the mountain, you will go with her up that mountain. Like me, like my pussy... or that you feel that way as a guy.

Do. Not. Fake. It.

But, if you are learning (aren't we all), tell her. "I'm trying some new things.... tell me your rhythm, tell me if you like one stroke or another more. Don't hold back, tell me. I'm wanting to try new things, and wanting to try the things that work for YOU!" "If you don't want to talk, then tell me as you hold my hand. Tell me you like it, or tell me "no" or tell me it's just ok. But tell me with your hand. How you touch my hand. I will be "listening"."

And tell her about some of the things you notice. She will like that you fucking bothered to notice and bothered to tell.
A change in her breathing.
That her kegels moved

That her hand moved
That her body moved.
That her head moved
That she moaned
That she sighed
That her body just relaxed
That she said "oh, my"
Thats she said, "uooww, that"
That she said, "yes, stay there yes"
That she said "oh. my urggghh....goooodddd"
That she said "don't stop!"
That her body gained a bit of tension
That she said "oh yeah. o yeah. uh yeah. hum. humm. hummmm"
That she said...."shit....yessssssss"
That her pelvis flexed
That she said "Oh! Ohhh. Oooohhhhhhhh"

That her pussy got wet
That her lips flowered.
That her clit engorged
That she moved away when...
That she moaned...
...when I did this with my hand
...with my tongue
...with my lips
...with the humming in my throat
...with my finger

Just talk. Nothing is serious. It's all just fun.

That you WANT her. NOW. (But Do. Not. Lie.)

God, it is fun to be wanted. If it's true, make sure she knows. Say it clearly. Say it again. And say it again, and tell her it's not fucking bs.
Tell her you love her taste. "No, I am not just fucking talking. I DO LOOVVEEE your taste."
She wants to hear that. She disbelieves some. She wants to believe. She thinks..maybe is just thinks he should say that. Eventually she believes.
Fuck if that does not help her let go. I think, for some.

If she wants to control things, don't be a wimp and get your feelings hurt. It's her clit and her pussy. Trust that she knows what feels good for her.
She's not gonna drown you. You're not gonna get lost in her vagina. You're gonna learn and she is gonna rise up and ...
Let her take her pussy and fuck your mouth. And rub all around your mouth. Let her go at her rhythm.
And it might get her, take her over the rainbow. Somewhere! (Ok, a different song of love.)

Hmmm. Hope those comments helped. I got inspired!

The key thing I want to convey is enough detail so that as you are licking away, despacito, enjoying and in a relaxed way imagining what you might do next to please her, -- somewhere deep in your sub-conscious, you think of these things and --- as if by magic you're inspired to try something a bit different and SHE LIKES IT! I think it needs to be said via details, and then your hungry mind, your hungry tongue, can visualize in the act, and act better. Or, so I think. Not just abstract ideas, but in breathing, tasty, wet, pulsing, sexy, hungry, dripping details. Slide that tongue, now, just THERE. And uuuppppp, and ....baaaccccckkkk!!! With a flip. "Oh!" she blurts out, shocked, and then a hiss. Pay attention. Read her body like a blind man. Read it with your tongue, or your finger, or your hand. But fucking read it. She's telling you if you listen and read.

To the relatively few beautiful women and their magical pussies!!!! ...who have inspired me so to get on this magical circle of love!!! And talk about this.
(Magical karma. You do something nice, and it comes back to you, and then you have more love to give, and then you...)
And to the other wonderful women!!! .. who let me please them, and let me learn and make mistakes. (And maybe even fail...sorry) Let me control them. Who let go in my hands. I loved you and your pussies too! Thank you!
(I loved pretty much every other part of you too. The scent of your skin, the back of your neck, your soul, your sense of humor, the shape of your hand...I noticed everything, and liked it! I loved too your imperfections, I found them endearing, and that you were kind about my imperfections.)
(Well, god, you pleased me too. That was wonderful too, but a topic for another day.)
I am deeply grateful. And you are wonderful.


Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
I'm thinking you didn't exactly mean your choice of words. Even with following the most amazing technique, you cannot force a woman to have an orgasm.

You are right. I not mean I (a man) CAN force a woman to orgasm.

I was speaking about her feeling. That she can relax, and free herself, and let it happen...because "it's was beyond my control".
And, of course, I do not mean the man is mean or rough in any way. Just she has that feeling of "it's beyond my control". And she can let go. And so IT happens.

Anyway, I am trying to describe female "psychology" or how I think it works. Not sure that women are very articulate about it. Why the fuck do I (a man) even try? Right?
Still, you are always licking her mind. Probably more than her clit or whatever. So, you have to have your theory of how her mind works, her subconscious works.

My theory... similar to men, but different...women like to be in control one minute, and then the next minute she likes to lose all control and just be taken.
It's a theory. Subconscious, so a bit hard to talk about with a person who is not in touch with their subconscious.

Take a theory, your theory, and see if it works for you. Get some field experience and report back on the results.
And, of course, every woman does not have the same psychology. And not the same every minute, also.

Best regards!


Respect & pleasure!
Sep 6, 2017
Jalimon said:
I think this is exactly why I love Sonia or Scarlett so much. With them it does not give a fuck if you are good or bad. With them you are the king. Period!
Flyingby said:
It’s because they are givers!!! I love girls that don’t ask for daty.
Haha! Yes they are givers but if you know how much they like givers too! ;)


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Has anyone ever tried rubbing an ice cold Profiterole on her pussy until the chocolate melts and then licking it off with your hot tongue.
I bet it beats whip cream and Mangos.


Respect & pleasure!
Sep 6, 2017
Haha! Don't forget I have a trademark for this! ;)
Sounds like you finally located my profiteroles at the grocery Cloudy! :)


Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
OK, Ladies.... We need more feedback.

A couple of suggestions, see what you think.

1. Build it up...

Don't go straight to the clit. Build it up. Lots of choices here. Massage. Back rib. Suck on her nipples. Kiss her neck.
But tease, also, like you're going for the pussy. Mention you want to taste her. Move your hands over her stomach, over les fesses, etc.
Start kissing and licking on the way down toward the pussy.
Lick and kiss around there, the inner thighs. Where the legs and the abdomen join. Find little places to suck that she likes.

Take your time. No rush. We're gonna build this up.

2. Lick all around the pussy.

I mean the whole pussy. Top, each side, the bottom. All kinds of nerve endings there. Sensitive.
Touching around there is good too.
Kiss it, lick it, suck it. All around there.
Part of building it up.

3. is in...Two parts.

Part one.
Lick over or above the clit. That is, the hood and the "shaft". Ok, the shaft is the part still under the hood after you (later) pull the hood back.
Part of licking above the hood is to make the hood move a bit. That movement brings a lot of sensation.

Part two.
Lick down from the clit toward the muscles at the real entry to the vagina.
How far down to go? (well, feels like "down" to me. Depends which way you are facing, I guess.)
How far down? My research says it depends on the woman.
It's partly sensation, but partly how she "feels" about being tongue fucked, or having your tongue "inside" her vagina. She like, some not so much. A range.
YMMV. But down some. If that goes well (you're getting the good moans), go further.

Go up and down slowly. Watch (feel, listen) every little reaction.
In part you want to go just a bit more slowly than she wants. Tease her some. Better too slowly than too fast at first.
Make her feel you WANT to taste her and want to be there. And WANT to tease her. (Do. Not. Lie.)

If you are new to the pussy, and not sure you like it, tell her. Tell her you are experimenting.

Talk. A lot of women are rather sure you are NOT going to like their pussy. She may not have tried pussy herself (a bit more complex ...that topic is...).
If you do like it (I think usually you will), tell her. Tell her multiple times, so she does not think you are bs-ing. Once she knows you like it, usually she can relax more. A good thing.

OK. Enough for today.

Were those good suggestions?
Or, you've tried that or them or some of them, and it did not work so well?
We need reports from the field. We need real reactions.

LADIES! Please talk now...

Personally, I love it when a woman moans (Lots of kinds of moans). Even better when she comes.

Not always true, but 3 words I think help usually: gentle, wet, slower.
YMMV, but that's what I hear as a rule. Of course, I guess it depends on which gear you start in...for example, how slowly.

It makes me happy to see her face after she comes. Soft, quivering, grateful. It's Beautiful.
Most of the women I meet are really great. They deserve it!!! (And they do wonderful things to me!! I am grateful!!)

By great I don't mean I agree with every word they say. Not perfect. I think no person is perfect. And not ALWAYS impressive, but almost always. I think maybe ALWAYS likeable. (Yes, IRL, a few women are mostly annoying. I'm NOT talking those cases. At a store, on the street, at some job... ya don't like everyone.) But where we are...I do a little reseach.... 98% at least adorable. Sometimes wonderful. Really wonderful. Really really unbelievable. Montreal...we are fucking lucky bastards!


Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
BTW, here's something you might say.... after you have built things up a bit, at least.

"Darling, I am about to go to town on your pussy.
Do you want to freshen up a bit...[short pause].. before I do? Or did you already?"

All in a matter of fact, comfortable, positive tone.

If she just showered or whatever, she will probably just say so.
She will not take offense (well, unless you added a tone that I did not mean).
She will appreciate your interest.
Commonly, she will happily jump up and take (extra) care of it.

(And she will expect that you are as fresh as she will be....right? Hygiene guys!! If we were as good about this as we should be, the ladies would not mention it so often in certain places. Do your part to give guys a better reputation.)


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
OK harwell, let`s dial it back a bit. The vast majority of guys reading merb are looking for GFE..... but not necessarily for girls looking for a BFE experience.

Most guys just want to be serviced to their own satisfaction and don`t give a flying fuck about servicing the sp. That`s why so many guys voted for girls like Scarlett who would rather please than be pleased.

There are certainly exceptions like you and me and other older guys.....but we`ve already learnt what to do to pleasure most women.


Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
Hi Cloudy,

Your comment is of course fair.

First, I am not in favor of forcing anyone to read this thread.
In fact, I am pretty sure most people (who come to Merb) are NOT reading this thread.

This thread is for the next guy like me, who...
(1) Did not know there was learning to be done. OR
(2) Wanted to learn but needed some info to learn from. (And maybe some motivation.)

This was me. And the more I learn, as in so many subjects, the more there is to learn.
Who would not want to be great in a sport if they could?
Well, in this case, there is some work to it. But in this sport (as with sex in general) even the practices are fun!

So, to yout last point. I trust and accept that you have learned and you are very good.

About myself.... All I know for sure is, I am MUCH better (usually) than I was only 2 years ago. (I am not... young. So, it is sad to say.) And, as others have said, every person is different, so learning the next person can be a challenge.
I personally think I can get better. And I want to be.
#1 It feels good to repay the debt I owe to some just delightful and wonderful women. It feels good. Ideally directly to each one.

#2 It is fun by itself. As I have tried to say, helping a women get over the rainbow...I just find it fun.

#3 Lastly, especially if it is a new woman...once you do that to her, she is much more generous. I mean, as far as I can remember, every time. (Not saying I am successful every time...but if I am) the generosity happens 100% of the time.
(Maybe that won't continue. ??)
So, if you do it SOLELY for the economics of fair trade, it is a very good "fair trade". IMO.

I say the following to all the others (not you Cloudy):
As with all great arts and love, give freely (not in a way that hurts you).
It is better NOT to expect anything in return.
THEN, life is better. If you are at all wise, you will see and feel it is better.
And you will get more back than you could have imagined. you (Cloudy) understand why I go on about this topic....

Now, if you do not like my almost "written porno" style of writing (which I can imagine some not liking)...I can explain that also. A different way.
And maybe a bit it is ...purple prose.
So, apologies (to some at least). I do understand. Anyway, if that is your real concern, I will explain THAT.

Best regards!

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
"Darling, I am about to go to town on your pussy.
Do you want to freshen up a bit...[short pause].. before I do? Or did you already?"

That is quite funny actually, did you really say that? Did you use a Humphrey Bogart type voice?
Seriously, I would expect that the escorts I see do not need that question asked, rude IMO.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Hi There Harwell1690
Unfortunately I don’t have much advice to offer on how to help a woman get over the rainbow as you put it , myself I’m not a big alphabet guy.
What I will say though is that the average rdv/ appointment is what ,one hour no? So it’s not so much that we are selfish which of course we can be but one hour flies by pretty fast . So Cloudsurfs post above is not without merit.

That being said I find your thread informative and insightful and with plenty of tips to take home even in civilian life .
So please carry on ,,, I find most of your posts to be thoughtfully written with your particular style that’s unique to say the least.And I don’t find them to be in bad taste or “”written in porno style “ at all .I for one enjoy reading them .


Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
Hi Sol Tee,

First, I see your point.

Depends on the situation exactly. And the tone of voice, expression, sense of humor.... many things. In some cases... yep, could come off the wrong way.

Well, tbh, I kinda had this situation in another town.
A girl who "shoulda known" and really very likable and sexy and polite.
Whatever reason, she had not gotten the memo...
Let's say....leather pants.

So, that's what I think I should have said.
Could I have done it in a tone that would come off pretty good?? Damn, I do not know. I didn't try. But now I think I should have tried to say something.

If it happens again (I think even women do overlook things was outcall, I think a fairly long ride for her, in this case...)... I guess it will happen... well, I will report back.

It could be an awkward situation...



Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Harwell I love your reviews

My final words on this thread would be that when it comes to satisfying a woman....if you care and enjoy pleasing them, then you will.
A woman can feel when a guy is enjoying DATY and will encourage him to do it in a way that satisfies her.
In my case I have a tongue that feels like fine sandpaper and women love it. Feels like being licked by a cat. Come to think of it ever wonder why so many single women have cats?
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