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Licking Pussy


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Yeah or you guys could ask the girl what she likes...talking about sexual preferences can be very sexy and lead to a better satisfaction. Every woman is different in what she likes! :)

I once had an acquaintance tell me she liked giving and receiving head. She reserved intercourse for serious relationships. Okay, I was game. She was very clinical and gave me directions in a sexy, feminine way. She liked to be pleasured orally very slow, firm and steady. This woman said you should always ask a woman how she likes to receive oral sex.

Anyways, I was undressing my next acquaintance. While I started pleasuring her orally, I asked her if she liked it slow or fast. She sounded perplexed and said "Doesn't everyone like if fast?". Lol.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
OK rabbit if you are seriously looking for is one. Ask her to show you how she masturbates . Study it carefully......the pressure, the speed , the direction, the areas of her pussy that she spends the most time on. Let her masturbate till she almost reaches orgasm and then remove her hand gently and replace it with your mouth and copy what she was doing till she erupts .

What's My Name

Who Are You?
Mar 16, 2014
Yeah or you guys could ask the girl what she likes...talking about sexual preferences can be very sexy and lead to a better satisfaction. Every woman is different in what she likes! :)

Rosie, I always ask, even if I know what I am doing when it comes to licking, but yeah guys ask her how she likes it, trust me she will guide you and the result will be finish "JUST ASK" if you are good or not


Respect & pleasure!
Sep 6, 2017
Ask her to show you how she masturbates . Study it carefully....
Haha! That's a good one Cloudy! But no way "the dog" will share his roast-beef with her!


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
Put me in the "ask" camp. Cloudsurf's idea is good, though.


Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
Not sure how much we have said this. But....
Two ways in which she shows she likes it.
Have her put her hand on your head. Her hands will tell you what she likes, a lot.
Let her move her hips. Another tell.
Put your finger just on the outside of her pussy, just outside the canal. When you feel her vagina clutching, she is getting close.

Most of you know these things, but always good to remind ourselves of the basics.


New Member
Apr 24, 2019
Yeah or you guys could ask the girl what she likes...talking about sexual preferences can be very sexy and lead to a better satisfaction. Every woman is different in what she likes! :)

Once I did just that and she said "Just shut up and keep on licking"


Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
Not sure how much we have said this. But....
Two ways in which she shows she likes it.
Have her put her hand on your head. Her hands will tell you what she likes, a lot.
Let her move her hips. Another tell.
Put your finger just on the outside of her pussy, just outside the canal. When you feel her vagina clutching, she is getting close.

Most of you know these things, but always good to remind ourselves of the basics.

The suggestion above was based on a theory...or an experience.
That a woman won't say directly (and find it hard to say directly) exactly what they want you to do.

First: I think some would like it if you "forced" her to ask for it and to describe in detail what she wants. By being "forced", that liberates her. (No, I do NOT mean anything remotely like violence. SMH.)

BUT: Some women can't or won't do that. So, you have to help the communication.

Lots of things tell you she is enjoying it. I gave some examples above.
Breathing tells you.
Little movements of the body.
Tilting of the pelvis.
Holding the breathe.
Tightening of muscles.
Opening or closing her legs around her vulva.... Opening can mean she gives it all to you.
Closing means, sometimes, she is getting close to the O.

Two suggestions.
Try something for awhile. If she does not continue to climb (as best you can tell), then try something different,
Some women need to know you will do "one thing" for awhile. Then she can stop thinking and just climb that hill. Maybe she is running a fantasy in their head. Whatever.
But she wants you to continue doing that one thing. (The one thing can actually be several things in the same order. Ex: Down one side, then up and over, then down the other side, then back up and over. Repeat.)

Anyway. I hope these reminders are useful.

Is everyone woman different? Well, no. There are LOTS of similarities between some women. But, there can be a wide variation woman to woman. So, some talking and some experimentation can be very helpful.
But if you try things, you have to "listen" carefully to what works.

OK, back to the field research!!!


Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
Now everything changes if you meet a sex loving woman with a large clit.
To feed her never ending multiple orgasms …..licking ain`t enough no more.
The only thing that really works is sucking.....sucking till her whole body starts quivering like a bowl of Jello…..Sucking till her screams are silenced because she has lost her voice.....sucking till she ends up being too exhausted to let you continue.
If this sounds like some fantasy....well its not. Actually if anything its understated.

I have been experimenting with this sucking idea.
LOTS of ways of sucking.
Seems to be pretty popular, ie, well-liked. (Not to mention the pun, well-licked.)

Not sure everyone likes it. Some are surprised by it, might be too intense. But in general, well worth more field research!!!

Thanks for the idea!!! (And a slight shrug that I had not done much with that one before.)

One tongue, one mouth, two lips, one vulva, one vagina.... you'd think the possibilities were limited. They are NOT.... so many things to try.

One I'll mention. She might like if you move her whole body. She "loses control" and you take the flat of your tongue and bounce it each time on and over her clit. And then maybe swoop over and down as her body comes back.
That seems to have been liked by some. Not sure I described it well.
As well, degree of lubrication varies a lot, but usually more rather than less. Drool on her pussy... slippery and low friction usually well liked.

Geez, one more idea. If you are enjoying it, let her suck on your hardness a bit....tell her you like it (well, assuming you do) ....then take your penis away and starting licking her again. I think there are a couple of psychological things going on there. Use that!


Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
Hi all!

I shared some of this thread with an SP in Toronto.
She was impressed (not sure exactly in which ways).
But I think she sees the thread as educational. And maybe a bit as entertaining....

Can you contribute? What are you getting from it?


Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
This thread is giving me pussy licking craving to be honest hahaha

So, tell us about "your friend" and what she likes. Don't be shy. Spill.

Further field research: I am find many ladies like the sucking. And, depending on her anatomy and things, there are different kinds of sucking.
Some ladies find it very intense. So, you might want to go gently at first. And when things are more engorged, and you and she want to kick it to the next gear, then you add some more....suction. (Hey!)
Further: Because it is so intense, some girls can't come with that. Some need you to back off and very very light caress the clit with the wet tip of your tongue. Almost zero friction (or as close as you can get to it).

Anyway: Practice makes perfect. Ya gotta put in the practice shooting hoops and dribbling. Basic, but every body position is different. Different if it's Draymond Green or Curry guarding you. You see. Practice.
Even I, old as I am, am becoming pretty good at this. Finally. Or so ladies tell me.

Keep talking. Keep reading. You have a LOT more to learn! (Well, except maybe Cloudy.) I know I have a lot more to learn. Please help the ladies I meet! They deserve it!


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Thanks harwell , but I`m still learning every time I see a woman. You can`t get better if you stop learning and trying different stuff. Besides it`s fun. :)
Here is the thing, while we all should know that every girl reacts differently to different stimuli.....a girl can and does react differently from day to day.

I suppose the nicest compliment you can get, besides "you are so good", is her telling you that she heard that you have great oral skills, from her friends at the agency.


Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
Thanks harwell , but I`m still learning every time I see a woman. You can`t get better if you stop learning and trying different stuff. Besides it`s fun. :)
Here is the thing, while we all should know that every girl reacts differently to different stimuli.....a girl can and does react differently from day to day.

I suppose the nicest compliment you can get, besides "you are so good", is her telling you that she heard that you have great oral skills, from her friends at the agency.

The nicest compliment is the most sincere one.

Si c'est bon! She grabs you by the head and holds you there. And you can feel everything she is going through in her release. And then she pulls you up, looks in your eyes, and then kisses you, just so. She might mumble some words, but that's the best, I think. That action of "I have to give him a kiss for THAT" rather than the words.

But yes, if one girl tells another about you, then yes, she really remembered it. I think I have gotten that once or twice. Pretty sure.
But I am modest. And we must be modest.
I have much to learn and I am not good for everyone. (Sometimes it is nothing about me, as many SPs know. Sometimes the other person just never comes, or comes very rarely. Or he/she has come already 5 times that night, and not again this night.)
I do feel this, and I am told it is accurate....I am much better than I used to be. Learning. Even old guys can learn!

Two things:
1. If you like the girl, and she tastes good.... taking her to the moon is so much fun!! To hear her moan like that on the way up...and then over! Wow! Lots of fun for me.
Is Beethoven's Ninth Symphony better than that? (And I like Beethoven!)
2. All (I mean every woman I know) all woman will repay you big time if you do that for them. Personally, I do not need to be repaid, but I accept it happily. You can tell some times HOW much she liked it. Makes you feel good, to know that.

So, kids, it pays to get an education and to study and practice your multiplication tables. --- I am teasing, but it is the truth here.

I guess we should start talking about the head game (no, not as in "giving head" but as in the Head Game of Tennis).

She wants you to play with her mind. Man, that's a whole other encyclopedia!!!! As Kinky Cinderella said. But some of the basics are easy.
* Some women want you to take control.
* Other women want to be in control.

One game:
My tongue would lick very slowly, very lightly on the outside, around her clit. She HAD to move her hips, her pussy to almost make me stroke her with my tongue. (This is also good for physical reasons that might be obvious to some.)
So, she was "in control". She could add pressure, change speed, get the tongue to just the right position for her.

Second game.
I told she had to ask for it. She had to tell me what to do.
(I might try "beg for it" soon. We'll see. If I do, I might laugh, which might break the mood.)
She did not know what to say.
So, I did one little thing, and I gave it a name, eg, sucking. Or flicking. Or going up and down. Or dipping.
She could associate an action and those feelings to a specific name.
Anyway, after each one, I asked how she liked it.
Then she had to ask for the next one. Or ask to repeat.
At some point I stopped asking ... and just kept going until she was ... over the moon.
She said she liked the game aspect (of this one). (Not sure everyone would, but she did.)

So, I think the game aspect does things to her head. And women like that. They want you to play with them that way. (Cloudy will explain why and how it works. I'm just the reporter from the field. Just the facts m'am.)


Jul 29, 2011
Are there any sp's out there that would be willing to give some of us guys "lessons" on how to give better oral sex to women? I for one would be willing to spend part of an hour (or 2 hour ) session where the sp would tell me what I'm doing right during DATY, and what I could do better.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Never read all the posts but changing it up and dining from the back puts a twist into things.


Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
Never read all the posts but changing it up and dining from the back puts a twist into things.

We researchers need to be clearer about what we are researching. mean...? You mean DATO? (I think not.)
You mean coming at the pussy from "around" her backside? For example, she's on her side and you are behind her, and she spreads her legs and you have comfortable access to everything! And you can dine from just past DATO, although the way up to and past the clit. Yes?

And attitude and her mind are important. If she "exposes" herself to you, that could be a turn on. Always good to remember that you are licking her brain far more than her nerve endings just there.

This reminds me. Sitting with my back to the headboard, and then a small girl brings her pussy to my face, and I can lick all around as she "stands" in front of me.....that was fun. Need to do that again. The measurements have to work....

Thanks Sol Tee.
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