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Life of a retired SP?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
A guys view of retired SP's.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
A few SPs I knew did this for a year or two which is the typical life span of being in this hobby went on to have regular careers, got married or both. A few stayed on and did the sugar baby/sugar daddy route. There are those I met have stated that once they hit 30 they will leave and they did. Don't know what they did afterwards so good luck to them. When I lived in Vegas for a year or so I dated a girl who told me she worked as an SP for a few short months. She was somewhat surprised as I didn't go ape shit as she assumed I probably would like most guys. Yet I am not like most guys and just took things in stride. Never told her I hobbied btw. It was funny because as we were dating she refused to go to the casinos on the Strip. I know she was a smart girl but not in any way the card counting AP type. So I put two and two together and realized she was a pro. Plus her shoe collection gave it away. The conversation between us of her revelation was very civilized if you are wondering. We went our separate ways as she wanted to head to California to attend school and I wanted to head back to NY because I miss the tall buildings. Last time I heard from her she is working as a project manager at some tech company.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
Who the fuck are you...

What a "Classy" way of expressing an opinion...Can't even have a civilized discussion for God's sake ?.

you mention inked escorts simply because you don't hate them as much. Ever thought about that ?

the girl who I have seen the most that goes way back few years
and still see her these days is the Most Tattood girl of any SPs in the business today.

I don't HATE her...And I hate no one especialy babes (What people do with their bodies is non-of my business).

I rest my case

And as the gentleman mentioned above, this subject is off track, no more comments regarding this topic
from my side in this thread.

And to get back on the topic

A retired SP (Tattood) called me the other day (After two years of no contact) and informed me that she finished
her schooling and looking for work, so dinner time soon and try to help her out to land a job in her new field. As most of
us over here are familiar with the job sites (I think), it is little surprising that few of girls (SPs) that I have spoken to regarding
other careers , have no clue about the internet job sites.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Listen. If none of you thinks it's wrong and uncivilized to shamelessly tell the world that basically inked people don't succeed in life, I'm glad we're not friends.

I serve people what they cook. :)


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Sam I saw Julia. Only once but enough to know for a fact she is sweet as a pearl. Really. As I said she should have chill out instead of posting the last one. She is quite young and 99% of her post here are either quite funny and/or very useful.

Last comment for me here too.



Active Member
Jul 31, 2011
On a related subject, there are those SPs who can't seem to retire... they have few skills, and little desire to work minimum wage jobs after getting used to escort income. In one case I know pretty well, I really do feel badly for her because she has become so dependent on this.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
I've known one or two that can't seem to retire and it is indeed sad. For better or worse, this is a way of life that has an expiration date. I've also known a few that retired and transitioned to "regular" life pretty well. Like someone said earlier, the key to successful relationships after SP life is keeping the past in the past. This is not an option for everyone. Of the two I know, one of them did porn and escorted while she was married and not surprisingly enough, that marriage fell apart. The other one was caught in a bust and her face was on the local news. I have run into this same lady at two different gyms. It's always dicey when you meet an SP in a social context. She was with a guy so I moved along & didn't make eye contact. But on other occasions with different women, I've stopped to have a friendly chat.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Since I know Julia and Cruiser let me say this. They are both great people and I believe that its just one big misunderstanding.
Julia is sweet and bright and tons of fun to be with.
Cruiser is one of the most respected posters on Merb and girls simply adore him.
The guy has seen, on multiple times, some of the hottest women ever reviewed....... and most of them are inked.

Now a few hours ago I just saw a dream girl with about half a dozen tats over her hour glass shaped body.
I hope that she doesn`t retire before I see her at least 10 more times. :love:


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Being your own boss and setting your own hours at 200/hr and then going to having a shitty boss and shitty hours for (if they are lucky) 20/hr.

That would be a hard transition for anyone.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Being your own boss and setting your own hours at 200/hr and then going to having a shitty boss and shitty hours for (if they are lucky) 20/hr.

That would be a hard transition for anyone.

Unless you're a lawyer and then you can still get 200/hr, live being your own boss (and still screw your clients!).

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I've known one or two that can't seem to retire and it is indeed sad. For better or worse, this is a way of life that has an expiration date.

Does it? Some SPs can still be very pretty and in good shape even if older. Also some peoples search for older providers. Obviously yes at some point im not saying she can do it til 65 but its such a ridiculous assumpion to say that after 35 a woman should be done with escorting or whatever....

On the matter of ink vs no ink, as some says they can do whatever they want with there body and all i am gonna say is PERSONAL opinion and preference. Personally i like a few discreet tattos or well placed tatoos. I loved Krystal Steal tribal on her lower back. I think Jenna Jameson had very tastefull tatoos up until she quited porn (then i lost track so i dunno now)

I just think, and its valid for guys as well, that too much is just not looking good. For exemple Randy Orton in WWE i tough he had pretty cool tatoos in 2003, but when he got all his arms tatooed entiraly it just started to look terrible. When he is shirtless it look like he played a bit too much of Mortal Kombat and wanted Jax metal arms...

In term of providers i saw peoples of all type, and i can use one of my favourite at the time as a good exemple. When i saw her the first time i actually loved every single tatooes she had. The last time i saw her she did got around 3 or 4 new ones over the years and i can't say i was a fan of them. Did it changed the service and my overall apreciation of her? Nah. But purely estetical i didn't liked those new tatoos much.

I have no idea if she stayed that way of keep getting new ones, but sometimes its what happen, girls can't stop and get one after the other and eventually there is so much of them it just look like a huge graffity wall and you can't even notice them individually.

On a side note i don't think getting tatoos or not have ANYTHING to do with intelligence... LOL


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
What makes the most sense in today's society is for her to go to school to gain another skill while she is in her 20s, and/or lock in a guy who will support her for the rest of her life.

Woman should just stop thinking about a sugar daddy. This is like a little girl dreaming about prince charming. And old dude supporting a young girl is like slavery. And for the girl I just cannot imagine how hell it can be living with a sugar daddy. This whole concept makes me sick.

Girls, have fun, stay clean, earn as much money as you can and plan your exit.



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I didn't say anything about an old dude.

What is wrong with a girl in her 20s choosing a guy her age with good future earning potential?

A top notch escort is obviously hot and a good fuck, so that is most of the game.

But if she needs to cover up that part of her life, the longer she stays in the game, the more difficult it is for her to cover all of her tracks if he can't accept that part of her life.

Yes I did jump to the conclusion... It's only that no one in life should think someone will "support" them. No decision in life should be made on money alone. It's always wrong and bad. Base a decision on money someone can bring you and living hell is just about to start. Nothing wrong with being poor and happy ;)



Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
SAM21, Cloudsurf

Thanks for your comments gentlemen.

Next time I catch you guys at a GT or something like that, I would buy you guys couple of beers...LOL


Active Member
Jun 24, 2009
Ce qui a changé depuis ma "retraite" ? Je vais répondre mais avant toute chose je tiens à préciser que la réponse à cette question est bien personnelle.

En ce qui me concerne, peu de choses et tout a changé en même temps.

Peu de choses dans le sens que je ne pense pas jamais avoir été assez active pour utiliser le terme de retraite. Je n'ai jamais voulu dépendre de mes clients. La seule année ou je peux affirmer que je dépendais d'eux est probablement l'année ou j'ai commencé suite à des déboursés de malade à effectuer, mais encore là, les gens dits normaux vont s'endetter dans cette situation. J'aurais pu le faire mais j'ai préféré cette option ayant aussi un fort besoin de me faire dire que j'étais baissable à l'époque. Le banquier n'offre généralement pas cette option loll l'argent par la suite sert surtout à ma putasserie que j'ai appris à doser grâce à mes nouvelles passions. C'est apprécié mais pas essentiel. Je me considère bien avec mon train de vie.

Quand j'ai commencé j'avais déjà pas mal d'acquis professionnels. J'étais à la dernière année de mon diplôme terminal et j'avais déjà des options professionnelles. D'ailleurs, je n'ai jamais arrêté de travailler. L'impact financier pour moi ne s'est aucunement fait sentir. Personnellement, je ne conseille pas aux femmes de préparer leur sortie, je conseille plutôt aux femmes de préparer leur entrée. Les options, tu dois les avoir dans ta poche pour pouvoir réellement garder le contrôle de tes activités. Je n'ai pas été traumatisée par ces activités sur le plan sexuel car j'avais toujours cette sécurité. En ce sens, pas grand chose à changé...pour ceux qui ont de la mémoire, j'aimais particulièrement m'amuser et j'aime toujours autant ça. Après 10 ans par contre, je commence peut-être plus à m'ouvrir plus, à faire des trucs que je réservais qu'à mon ex (ou enfin à mon futur amoureux hypothétique), car la confiance et la vraie complicité s'est installée avec les années.

Dans les choses qui ont changés, il y a une meilleure conscience budgétaire. J'ai compris à quel point le bonheur ne se trouve pas dans la multiplication d'objets ou d'expériences, dans la surconsommation. J'ai compris l'importance de se trouver des passions (autres que le travail et les hommes, ce "hobby" n'a rien d'un "hobby" pour les gens heureux). J'ai compris l'importance d'avoir une réserve financière car je ne voudrais oh dieu jamais devoir dépendre des clients. Qu'importe ce qui peut s'écrire ici publiquement, j'ai connu des filles qui ne voulaient plus rien savoir mais qui se devait de continuer. J'ai aussi connu des filles qui sont entrées dans ce milieu car elles n'avaient pas d'option avant d'y entrer et qui n'en ont pas plus développer pendant ces activités. J'ai connu une fille qui a dû accepter l'offre d'un client de faire d'elle sienne mais qui n'en était pas amoureuse. Ce n'est pas mon idéal de vie.

J'ai aussi une plus grande facilité à accepter de vieillir que les gens de mon entourage. J'ai connu des hommes pour qui cette peur de vieillir les empêchaient de jouir à 45 ans et d'autres de 65-70 voir qui eux pouvaient (ils sont tellement beau à voir). Quand je leur parlait de mes p'tits jeunes complexés ils me disaient "eh pourtant". La vieillesse est quelque chose de bien relatif, mon ado me trouve ben vieille et dépassée alors que mes hommes me trouvent toute jeune. J'ai compris que le bonheur ici est dans l'acceptation de soi à ses yeux et que pour s'aimer, il faut prendre soin de soi. Je m'alimente mieux et je suis plus active. Encore ici, a la recherche de passions autres que les hommes et le travail.

Maintenant côté relations...mon opinion de la fidélité s'est transformée. Je ne crois plus à la monogamie, mais je crois en la fidélité, en la loyauté. Je rencontre encore DES hommes, pour la plupart des clients de longue date avec qui je vieillis justement (et eux aussi avec le lot d'inquiétudes que ça peut générer chez moi), en ce sens pas grand chose à changé. Mais je suis très fidèle et loyale...après 10 ans oui je peux dire que je les prends pour la vie, mais je n'ai pas besoin de rien pour le confirmer, pour moi y a rien de mieux que la vie pour nous le confirmer. Eux, je ne sais pas, les gens ne nous appartiennent pas (ce que j'ai aussi compris), mais disons que je m'arrange pour les garder avec moi. J'ai compris l'importance de l'amitié dans les relations homme-femme, j'ai dû apprendre en fait...y en a même un qui m'a renvoyé ma médecine en me faisant patienté rien de moins que 10 ans. J'ai jamais été aussi contente d'avoir un homme dans mon lit....mais je m'attends à me faire "tromper" dans le sens qu'on utilise normalement le terme. Ça ce n'est pas vraiment important pour moi. Peut-être qu'on me fera un jour changer d'idée, mais ce n'est pas important pour moi.

Alors voilà en gros pour moi, mais les réponses à ta question vont tellement varier en fonction des femmes. Y a de tout dans ce merveilleux "nulle part"...


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Sep 8, 2003
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Merci beaucoup Melyssa de nous partager ton point de vue avec franchise et candeur, c'est rafraichissant.

Tu dis que tu vois toujours d'anciens clients, ils sont toujours des clients pour toi (ils paient) ou tu as une relation amant/amante avec eux? C'était difficile/compliqué/bizare de faire cette transition de client à amant? Tu parles aussi du lot d'inquiétudes que génère pour toi le fait qu'il vieillissent? Que veux-tu dire? J'aurais pensé que tu aurais été inquiète de ton vieillissement, pas de celui de tes amants?

D'ailleurs j'utilise le terme amant, qu'est-ce qui serait mieux approprié?

Kinky Cinderella

Fantasy Fulfilling Minx
May 24, 2012
Interesting topic!! I'll add my 2 cents later on...
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