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Life of a retired SP?

Kinky Cinderella

Fantasy Fulfilling Minx
May 24, 2012
Pour moi un fuckfriend est un ami que je vois mais pas nécessairement pour baiser........un amant je ne le contacte que pour a


New Member
Apr 3, 2012
Je comprends pas pourquoi ça peut être une source d'intêret savoir ce qu'une femme peut bien faire après ça. Le diable est né d'une indiscretion.


Active Member
Jul 7, 2013
Car on est curieux. C'est comme vouloir savoir ce qu'un joueur de soccer va faire après sa retraite. Lorsque tu suis la carrière d'un joueur de soccer depuis longtemps, tu veux connaitre un peu plus sur sa vie personnelle. C'est tout a fait normal pour la plupart des gens. C'est certain que c'est facile de savoir ce qu'un joueur de soccer pourrait faire après la retraite (coach, analyste, commentateur, etc) car c'est médiatisé. Tandis que cette business est plus on the low, donc on est tout simplement curieux :)

Je trouve çà super cool que certaines filles partagent ce qu'elle font après la retraite. Merci!


New Member
Apr 3, 2012
J'ai revu plusieurs filles que j'avais rencontré plus d'une dizaine dans diverses circonstances.
Voici ce qu'elles sont devenues:
Mère monoparentales 3x
Lesbienne pseudo-photographe
Lesbienne qui s'occupe des animaux
Agence de nettoyage d'immeubles
Serveuse dans un bar 2x
Esthéticienne 2x
Une seule à une vie plus stable, une albertaine qui travaille comme infirmière qui est marié à un développeur iranien ils ont une petite fille.
Tu compares ça à un entraîneur de soccer? Tu penses qu'on traite de zidane ici? De Maradona?
Une curiosité mal placée qui est plutôt une perversion non-assumé.


Active Member
Jul 7, 2013
Ça n'a rien a avoir avec le niveau de popularité de gens mon cher Clark. Ce n'est pas ca le point... J'ai tenté de faire cette comparaison pour que tu comprennes pourquoi certaines personnes pourraient être intéressés. Il y a surement d'autres raisons. Comme je te l'ai expliqué (relis le post), certaines personnes pourraient développer un lien plutôt personnel avec donc c'est tout a fait normal. Si tu n'es pas capable de comprendre cela, c'est correct, mais juste assume le et passe a autre chose. Tu l'as écris toi-meme ''Je comprends pas pourquoi....''

Peut-être d'autres personnes pourront te donner d'autres raisons mais je t'en ai donné une. Si cette raison ne t'affecte pas, eh bien c'est correct. Prend la réponse et continue ta journée.

Je te souhaite une bonne :)


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Une curiosité mal placée qui est plutôt une perversion non-assumé.

Ben voyons..... Dans la plupart des cars, quand on voit une SP quelques fois, on développe une forme de relation avec elle. C'est normal de se demander ce que deviennent des gens qu'on a connu. C'est même pas une question de vedétariat.

Également, les média font tellement de désinformation concernant le métier et nous font croire que ces filles finissent toujours droguées, violées et tuées au fond d'une cours sombre. Les gens ici se demandent quelle est la vraie histoire. C'est tout.

Et si tu trouves que c'est une curiosité mal placée, ben qu'est-ce que tu fais ici..... Va lire les autre threads....


New Member
Apr 3, 2012
C'est une notion qui m'échappe, je n'ai jamais développé de lien au délà du temps et ce qu'elle peut faire dans son temps libre ça ne pique aucunement ma curiosité. Bref, je ne peux pas comprendre.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Il y a plus d'une dizaine d'années j'ai rencontré une sp qui par la suite est devenue l'une de mes meilleures clientes en affaires....elle a quitté le milieu...s'est mariée...a eu des enfants....et est décédé d'un cancer dans la jeune trentaine...je pense encore à elle régulièrement....c'est la preuve qu'on ne sait jamais où une rencontre d'un jour peut mener....et ce qui peut arriver à la retraite......alors oui pour moi c'est un sujet d'intérêt.


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Sep 8, 2003
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Avant qu'on déprime et qu'on aille tous de jeter en bas d'un pont, y en a-t-il qui ont des expériences plus positives?


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Oui heureusement j'en ai aussi.....j'en connais qui ont refait leur vie sous le soleil dans le Sud....et d'autres qui travaillent dans des cabinets de comptables ou d'avocats ..et qui gagnent très bien leur vie.....heureusement. .....MAIS la vie n'est pas toujours un jardin de roses.


New Member
Aug 12, 2017
What it's like? It's a lot of thinking back. When you've worked in this business long enough it never leaves you, though I speak for myself. There are always parts of it you wish you could play back; there are always clients you wish you could email back; there are always those rituals you wish you could replay. There is something about being an escort that is very empowering in the sense that it makes you feel the best of yourself. I have been raised in a culture (the North American culture) where the best of a woman is how beautiful she is. Being an escort has allowed me to confirm I could somehow fit into this world by being beautiful enough to be paid.

I've been in this business a long time so please don't take my word as some general rule. I recently met up with a girl I escorted with years ago. She didn't have the same perspective. She didn't have a deep-seated desire to be back in it, as I do. She had a disgust for it. I do not. I have to stop myself from going back into it. She told me she said what they needed to hear. I didn't. I probably said what I needed to hear.

We are all different. We all have different experiences. For me, I was young enough when I started the business that it had a strong impact on how I would understand social relations after that. I think I grew up into a person that just fits better in limited contact settings rather than longer term, dealing with the same person settings.

The money - all of you think it's about the money. All the debates you have about girls only wanting the money, about acting, about not actually enjoying this job. Yeah, when I wish I was still in this business I think about the money, but I especially think about how I earned that money and it was by being great at what I do. When I think about how great I was at what I do I am automatically transported back into the bedroom. I am turned on by the time we spent in it. When I fantasize, I think about that.

I feel far more confortable being with a client than with any date I've met in a long, long time. It feels normal to me. Being with a regular date is work! I know how to behave in a client setting. I am not censored. I am just me. I'm actually "too much me" as an escort, which is why I had to quit because too much of me was out there to eventually come back and bite me.

I miss the "game". I miss it as much as people who date a lot and aren't able to maintain strong relationships probably enjoy meeting girls five times a week. For sure, on Tinder, there are guys that meet five girls a week. I never met five guys a week except when I worked for an agency so many years ago. I miss those two guys a week I met as an indy. Man, you can't even understand how much I miss that. I don't just miss the bedroom. I miss the whole getting to the bedroom part. I miss you finding me so interesting over dinner that you can't wait to get me in your hotel room. I miss making myself interesting to you. I miss you finding yourself interesting in my eyes. I miss us being interesting to ourselves.

I miss being desired. I know men desire me in the outside world but I just don't know how to respond to that. I am actually quite bothered by men who overstate their desire for me in public. I find it offensive. I don't like it. I want to tell them off but I don't because I don't know how. I've never had to tell a guy off for finding me attractive in the escorting world.

How are my relationships with men after escorting? It's confusing. I feel like I'll end up single forever. That probably has more to do with me than with the men I meet, though I do find all the men I meet extremely boring as compared to client. I will say this: I don't think I've ever been more sexually gratified than with men who paid me - men who, generally, were a decade or more older than me. I remember enjoying escorting a lot because of this fact. Guys my age (even at the age I am now) just don't get it the same way a guy 20 years older than you gets how the female body works. Oh my God I miss having a guy who understands how my body works! And trust me, that guy misses me just as much ;-) Also, as an escort, I'm actually able to verbalize what I want. With regular guys, I'm not because I think they'll think I'm a whore :-D

So there you have it. I don't represent a minority or majority. I represent myself. I had a good and bad time escorting. I had an exhilarating time as an indy, not so much for an agency.

I miss being the center of attention. I miss you feeling like you were the center of my attention. It is a very soft, caring feeling, even if it only lasts a few hours.

I am good at the other work I do but I don't think it will ever be the same.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
I will say this: I don't think I've ever been more sexually gratified than with men who paid me - .

Another angle and a very good one! And I can tell you too that I have never had such a satisfying sex in my private life even when I was in love as I had with some escorts


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2006
Nice post BTDT. It is very cool and insightful to see such positive perspectives on the hobby shared by providers.


Feb 22, 2004
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Very intriguing BTDT !
It's a great shared moment of someone we might all know.
If only your point of view are shared to the medias and change the public perception of this industry...
Is it too intrusive to know more about who you we're in your previous life? I'm just curious if we've ever met.



Oct 21, 2016
Y'know BTDT the thing that both puzzles and fascinates me is SP psychology. I can honestly say that getting to better understand my SPs, and one in particular, is a major part of and incentive in my hobbying. Your post has given me a valuable insight into the psychological makeup of my fav, which for various reasons is important to me, and has long been a subject of some uncertainty and even confusion. I think she could not have said it any better if she were inclined to discussing it (which she is not) but your account of your feelings completes and puts into sharper focus the analysis I had slowly and with difficulty been arriving at on my own. Its really 100% spot on.
BTW its not necessarily what I wanted to hear because it unfortunately precludes any relationship outside the professional SP/client one, but regardless it rings true and simply cannot be denied or revised. Its too bad that there are not more intelligent, articulate and experienced ladies willing to share such interesting and useful insights. Really one of the best posts I've ever read.
BTW while you are right to say that you speak only for and of yourself, I can assure you that your experience represents the thinking and feelings of a whole segment of ladies working in the industry.


Active Member
Jun 24, 2009
L'abandon total

Je parle du vrai, pas de celui à 250$ de l'heure.

Se présenter a un rendez-vous en running, sans maquillage et voir ce désir dans ses yeux.

Fuck tout le reste, ça n'a pas de prix.
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