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List Your Top Affordable 3* Hotels Nearest to Blvd. Ste. Catherine


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Oct 18, 2003
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Europa on Drummond is my favorite because:

1- It is a half a block away from Ste. Catherine.

2- It is a half a block away from Le Club Downtown.

3- it is around the corner from (imho) the best little pizza joint in Montreal.

Don`t know the name but it is like a quarter block in on a side street just off of Ste. Catherine, Maybe Cresent Street. It is tiny and you actually have to step up off the street level onto a one foot wide stage to order your pizza. The store is not actually a store but more like a big elevated indented open widow that is 2 feet off the street level and is about 5 or 6 feet deep and 10 to 12 feet long and maybe 8 feet high.

4- They have free wireless internet connection in every room and in the main lounge/lobby and the second floor lounge.

5- They have a very comfy and dark bar/club with very comfy seets and couches with very low lighting and a fireplace. Great place to meet the arriving talent.

6- It is located one block away from Cresent Street (maybe 2?).

7- After failing to find 50, 60, 70, 80 or 90 single occupancy rooms at 3* hotel I can always find a room here for 99 bucks (or up to 110 on busy weekends).

8- Can`t find anything better.

Downside are:

1- The hotels key-cards do not work that well. They work but can be troubling or a pain in the ass. Sometimes the keys work fine. If you ever get a card that drives you crazy they will change the keys at anytime 24/7.

2- After 9 pm the elevators only work with your key-card. So You have to go down to the lobby to get your girl.

Most guys don`t like this but it can be good if you are unsure of who is coming.

One time sexyxxx fucked me over and told me a girl I had booked in the afternoon (and confirmed the appointment at 8pm) had called in sick that day. Bullshit I said and then he said she was tired and would not be making the late night appointment. The booker promised he had a great girl 5 minutes away. I took a gamble and the girl showed up and she was a pig. I got out of the elevator and got a look at her and just kept walking. Then I called the agency and said no thanks! Never had to deal with the girl. It also gives you free time to get to know the girl before your session starts (session starts when she gets to your room and she calls the agency). You can ask tc and 2-shot questions before you even get to the room. MontrealHotGirls promise all of that for 180 as part of the service but when I asked the girl (at the bar) she said no that is 100 more, then I said sorry that is not what the girl on the phone said and then I decided to I did not want to pay such a tip. This is really a story of me wanting to cancel but the tip thing gave me a reason to say I decline. If she had come back to the room before I learned of her non GFE service I may have banged her anyway even tho I wanted to decline.

That`s it for Europa on Drummond.

I wish I could find a better 3* hotel that fits my needs as well as Europa does but was available for say 60, or 70 (ok 80) a night for single occupancy. My main need would be free wireless internet connection and a close proximity to St. Catherine (preferably close to Le Club Downtown and that crazy little pizza joint).

Anyone have any input.



Nov 15, 2005
HarmonyNYC said:
..........3- it is around the corner from (imho) the best little pizza joint in Montreal.

Don't know the name but it is like a quarter block in on a side street just off of Ste. Catherine, Maybe Cresent Street. It is tiny and you actually have to step up off the street level onto a one foot wide stage to order your pizza. The store is not actually a store but more like a big elevated indented open widow that is 2 feet off the street level and is about 5 or 6 feet deep and 10 to 12 feet long and maybe 8 feet high..................

I think I know the place you mean - it is on de la Montagne, close to Europea, a French resto I like.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Doc is right, the Hyatt is without question the best 3 star hotel in Montreal. I have stayed at all of the downtown 3 stars offered on PL and Hotwire and it is by far the best.


New Member
Jun 10, 2006

Is the Europa hotel quiet? I ask because I stayed at the Holiday Inn on Sherbrook last year and it was the noisest hotel I ever stayed at. The people who stayed there came back drunk all night making noise. Also, the plumbing in the building made a huge racket any time someone used water (ie. took a shower, flushed the toilet, etc.)

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
EagerBeaver said:
Doc is right, the Hyatt is without question the best 3 star hotel in Montreal. I have stayed at all of the downtown 3 stars offered on PL and Hotwire and it is by far the best.

But a reminder to all that the Hyatt is a 4-star hotel on Hotwire.

Jan 27, 2006
Hey Freedom,

I've stayed at Europa before and it has its' postives and negatives. It's a nice facility with helpfull staff, honestly it is the nicest Best Western I have ever stayed in. Rooms at Europa are definitely smaller than the Holiday Inn on Sherbrooke, very small in my opinion. Liveable, but noticeably small especially for a 3 star hotel. It has the annoying need for key cards to use the elevator and the front door, similar to the Holiday Inn. The front door was after midnight I believe and the elevator was after 8pm :eek:. Not exactly discreet, but the staff was totally OK with having ladies come to the hotel(the girls behind the desk were actually smiling, catching me meeting 4 different ladies in 5 nights) . I do like the location a lot and the rate usually decent compared to others in the area. I have a preference to be close to the St. Catherine and Cresent St. area when I visit, though. Both times I have stayed there I did see many guests coming in with 12pks and cases of beer etc., but I slept well and noise wasn't a problem.

In general I think lower priced hotels, with a national chain brand and a good location tend to be often full of many "party" type guests. Lot's of people just use Expedia or and compare prices based on location and star level. Europa and Holiday Inn win out with alot of that crowd.



New Member
Oct 18, 2003
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I think I may have messed up the star rating of Europa. I think they may actually be a 2 star or a 2 and a half star.

One other downside to Europa is that the single occupancy rooms are very small.

Of my 4 stays at Europa 2 times I was in a single and 2 times I was in a double.

The single rooms are very small.

The double rooms are comparable to other double occupancy rooms, even bigger then one of the double occupancy rooms I had at the Delta on President Kennedy Blvd.

As far as the noise goes I have never had any kind of noise problem.

I have seen big groups of young kids traveling together. They looked noisy but you can not judge a book by it's cover and like I already said... I have never had any kind of noise problems.

The showers are great, never had a problem with the showers either.

But once the internet access sucked. I call and asked to change my room and they came up with keys for a new room and then all was well.

As far as the Hyatt goes it is only affordable if you can get it via Priceline and that takes a gambling nature. Unless you know how to use biddingfortravel.

Does the Hyatt have free internet wireless access like Europa or does it cost 15 bucks a day like Delta.

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