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Logging in to MERB

HG Hunter

Active Member
May 24, 2005
Has anyone been having quirky little problems when logging in to MERB lately?
Things like:
1) Being redirected to a page that suggests the log in failed, but when you click on the banner, everything is ok and you`re fully logged in.
2) Similar to the above, but your handle appears up top , but you get sent to a page suggesting that you may have forgotten your password or some other problem like that.

I`ve been having these issues lately. I always get in, but sometimes with a bit of a detour.

HG Hunter

Active Member
May 24, 2005
Thanks everyone. At least I now know I'm not alone.

Note to TOman. I believe the terb server is being maintained today. Was supposed to be back at 9pm, then a new notice for 10pm, but nothing so far.


Jan 27, 2006
Between a rock and a hard place
Same here and I refrained from posting about it thinking that it was because I use Browzar!

By the way I noticed it started doing this when Merb got this stupid publicity banner type on the right side of the page.
Really crappy!

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
The banner only exists on the main Forum page and if you click on the arrow on the top right corner, it will disappear if it bothers you that much. I rarely look at the main page as my link takes me directly to the What's New page.

The log in problems are probably related to ongoing server maintenance. I have had no problems at all logging in.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Actually the mods had nothing to do with the banner or any other advertising being put up.

If you hate seeing advertising so much, maybe you would prefer MERB to become a paid membership board so that we could eliminate all that advertising that you seem to have such a problem with? If so, how much would you be willing to pay per month? I will be happy to present your idea to Fred if you can get enough people to make up the lost revenue.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Hahahaha, I am FINE with the advertising! :D

btw I am still not having one single problem logging in at all, just hit the "remember me" box and you will stay logged in each time you come to this site. (I can see where the guys who are cheating or dont have a second computer might not wish to do that tho)

Actually the mods had nothing to do with the banner or any other advertising being put up.

If you hate seeing advertising so much, maybe you would prefer MERB to become a paid membership board so that we could eliminate all that advertising that you seem to have such a problem with? If so, how much would you be willing to pay per month? I will be happy to present your idea to Fred if you can get enough people to make up the lost revenue.

Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009
Advertising? I don't even see it anymore! (Oops!!!)

Seriously, I've been having logon problems since the last upgrade, months ago. Pretty easy to bypass: on the first screen you get the logon prompt, don't enter anything and click as if you did enter your info. You'll get a second login screen then log as usual. That's what I do!

Firefox used, latest version. Win 7 or WinXP, no difference, same issue.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I have a glitch when I log on with IE9 or IE10. It gives me an error and looks like I'm not logged on because the name and password boxes at the top are empty. But when I click on the what's new or forum link, I go right there and I find that I'm logged on. Firefox works fine.


Jan 27, 2006
Between a rock and a hard place
Actually the mods had nothing to do with the banner or any other advertising being put up. If you hate seeing advertising so much, maybe you would prefer MERB to become a paid membership board so that we could eliminate all that advertising that you seem to have such a problem with? If so, how much would you be willing to pay per month? I will be happy to present your idea to Fred if you can get enough people to make up the lost revenue.

Why such remarks!:rolleyes:

Did I complain about the advertising ..I just said that it seems to me it started at around the same time that the banner was put on.

In my line of work I fix things, so therefore I expect things to be fix from others too!

That being said Mod 8 instead of wasting yor time on cute remarks, why don't you just advise the right person to fix this, afterall there has to be someone taking care of these things namely the Webmaster!:amen:
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Humonguous Member
Aug 13, 2005
Have to login twice, all the time. First always says "invalid redirect".
- happens with Safari + Mac
- happens with Firefox + Mac
- happens with Safari + iPhone 4s running 5.0.1
- happens with Safari + iPhone 4s running 5.1.1
- happens with Firefox + WinXP
- happens with IE 9 & 10 + WinXP
- happens with Chrome + WinXP
- happens with Firefox + Win7 32 bit
- happens with IE 9 & 10 + Win7 32 bit
- happens with Chrome + Win7 32 bit
- happens with Firefox + Win7 64 bit
- happens with IE 9 & 10 + Win7 64 bit
- happens with Chrome + Win7 64 bit

Cookies On or not, "Private Browsing" or not.

Nope, it can't possibly be something to do with the server or the forum software, it *MUST* be user-error... Ya right...

Perhaps - just a theory here - the webmaster is too busy exchanging banner sales for personal services, and that's keeping him real busy [wink][wink][nodge][nodge].

Hell that's what I would do! Just not brag about it - cuz then that's shilling.

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Humonguous Member
Aug 13, 2005
The problem has been fixed!


However, if it was fixed in part because of me, a PM at least would have been nice, and just delete this thread.


Jun 25, 2003
Montreal, South Shore
Visit site
After you've entered your password and the error message appears, just click on the "today posts" button on the left; it will change to the usual "new posts" button and the new posts list will also appear.
Good luck.
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