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Long term arrangements


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
There are millions of people that live out their lives in a loving relationship, enjoying the love of a partner and the joy of a family that comes with it.
And many millions more who lead lives of quiet desperation, stuck in a marriage that soured long ago, but they stay in either for religious or financial reasons. You know the worst moment in most marriages? When the husband retires.

I once had a job in a resort area that catered to bus trips of retirees, mostly widowed women. These women were having the time of their lives, no longer anchored to a spouse who expected to be waited on hand and foot, as if their day raising the kids was any less exhausting than his day at work. And of course there was sex, sex usually for his pleasure and his alone. And she was expected to go along even though she tired of it years ago.

If you think that your happy marriage was the rule rather than the exception, you are deluding yourself. 50% of marriages today end in divorce. If not for financial or religious reasons or the stigma that still lingers, that figure would be much closer to 90%.

Inspector Renault's post pretty much nails it.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I don't believe that they are born with a survival instinct that is calculating and bent on milking you for all you have.
It's not about survival instinct or evil intent. It is all about cultural conditioning. Up until quite recently, women were expected to stay at home, raise the kids, while the men did the providing, whether that means going to the office or off into the bush to do the hunting. That continues today for the majority of the world. A man's ability to provide is what makes him desirable as a husband...or a sugar daddy. Romantic love is a luxury, food a necessity.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Sam, what you say is true on the coasts of North America. I think you'll find in "flyover" country that things have not changed as much as they have here.

My son-in-law's mother is still not happy that he chose his own wife. Things in India are pretty much still the way they were. Same for Indiana, Manitoba, etc.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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Has anyone used Ashley Madison website with success?

It's a scam. There are hardly any actual women on the website. You are enticed to pay to chat with a woman, but you are, in fact, receiving responses from an artificial intelligence program.

Perhaps worse, their security is awful and you may find your personal data and credit card information compromised.

I don't understand how they are still in business. There must be a fair number of masochists or people who never listen to the news.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I am very surprised they are still in business because there were numerous civil lawsuits filed against them for negligent failure to protect the privacy of the website users, negligent security of personal data entrusted to them, etc. etc. I think I even read that one of the lawsuits was filed by the Estate of one man who committed suicide after exposure of his affair, resulting in personal and professional humiliation and embarrassment directly occasioned by AM’s negligent failure to protect his personal data and information.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
BTW, you are probably right that 50% of marriages end in divorce.
How many SA arrangements go beyond 6 months or a fuck or two.

No use arguing with him, his mind or lifestyle is set that he has to pay to have female companionship. Mt ex was great until a shrink popped her full of pills and she bagan drinking, never asked for anything extra, majority of the time she was the one who wanted to have sex.
Just my opinion but someone who celebrates their second anniversary with a paid for friend and calls her sweety...... well you know they have been jaded on the past. Personally I could never pay for someone to be my friend, just wrong. Again, just my opinion.
Stop the payments and see how long sweetie sticks around.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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If Rumples can afford to pay for companionship and enjoys it, so what? We all do on some level and to some extent. Most women of any value do not hang with guys who are rank cheapasses whether on SA or in real life.

For me SA alleviates the boredom and monotony of single professional life. I long ago realized I was not a monogamous man and ceased all pretense of trying by my late 20s. Even on SA, I find it hard to stick with one woman very long. I feel eternally restless and yearning more and varied pussy. It’s hard to explain. It’s just who I am.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Seeking Arrangement is in Netherlands

Someone earlier in the thread asked about where Seeking Arrangement's servers are located. I noticed in my Credit Card statement a foreign transaction fee, and I had not travelled to Canada during the billing cycle, or anywhere outside the USA. Upon closer inspection I observed that it was related to the charge for Seeking Arrangement, which is billed by some company in NLD. NLD is Netherlands. That is why I had the foreign transaction fee. SA collects their money in, and I presume has their servers in, the Netherlands. It's a Dutch operation.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
If Rumples can afford to pay for companionship and enjoys it, so what? We all do on some level and to some extent. Most women of any value do not hang with guys who are rank cheapasses whether on SA or in real life..

Wrong on all levels, pay for companionship fine, think it is a relationship wrong.
Women of value? What is your definition of a woman of value?
Mine is someone who sticks with a man no matter what, does not matter how much money they make or the position they have.
Not hard to tell why you went the route of paying for sex.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Wrong on all levels, pay for companionship fine, think it is a relationship wrong.
Women of value? What is your definition of a woman of value?
Mine is someone who sticks with a man no matter what, does not matter how much money they make or the position they have.
Not hard to tell why you went the route of paying for sex.

Serious question: what are you doing on this board? This board is populated by members who pay for companionship and sex for myriad reasons. I have no idea what this post is supposed to mean or why you continue posting in this thread. All you seem to be doing here is trolling to no benefit of anyone in this thread.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Someone earlier in the thread asked about where Seeking Arrangement's servers are located. I noticed in my Credit Card statement a foreign transaction fee, and I had not travelled to Canada during the billing cycle, or anywhere outside the USA. Upon closer inspection I observed that it was related to the charge for Seeking Arrangement, which is billed by some company in NLD. NLD is Netherlands. That is why I had the foreign transaction fee. SA collects their money in, and I presume has their servers in, the Netherlands. It's a Dutch operation.
I don't know where there servers are located, but it's clear their card processor is in the Netherlands. According to Wikipedia, it was founded by MIT grad Brandon Wade in 2006, but is now headquartered in Las Vega.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Serious question: what are you doing on this board? This board is populated by members who pay for companionship and sex for myriad reasons. I have no idea what this post is supposed to mean or why you continue posting in this thread. All you seem to be doing here is trolling to no benefit of anyone in this thread.
Bingo. From what I understand, Sol's notion of intimacy is a 30 minute incall, which is about as intimate as 30 minutes with a blow up doll. It's pretty clear that his primary emotion in this thread is envy. And I can understand that. S. and I have a wonderful relationship, enriching both of our lives immeasurably. I'd be jealous too.

A woman of value is a woman whose companionship is beneficial, worthwhile, enriching, and stimulating to the assorted senses.
Again, Bingo. S. and I have been together every night this week and will continue until I take off on a bicycle trip on Saturday. There's been some sex, but primarily we've been attending the indoor events of the Cirque Complement Montreal every night. We've seen some eye bending stuff.

Tragically, she has no use whatever for baseball, but I'll get past that someday.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I jyst like to question things, one minute some here accuse people of having a low requard towards women and then all the sudden say the majority of women are gold diggers. And you with your cheap ass clims saying a woman of value will not stick with a cheap ass, make it sould like women need a man to spends lots of money on them to be happy, wrong, these type of women are not of value.
Giving my 2 cents so some newbie on here does not think they must spend money to attract a nice female.
EB, you seem to think that a person needs money and to spend lots of it to attrqct a woman of value, that depends on what your parsonality is like, many can attract a woman of value with just being a nice person. I know many coiples who are both of value and are cheap asses because they do not earn much, money is not everything in a relationship, if that is what you need to get a woman of value well she is worthless. As for Rump, he has posted a few times that women are gold diggers, perhaps he just attracts the wrong ones or they see a mark in him, not sure. He sure does like to accuse people of having a low reguard for women though, double standard maybe. Maybe having to pay for a companion is best for him.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
As for Rump, he has posted a few times that women are gold diggers, perhaps he just attracts the wrong ones or they see a mark in him, not sure. He sure does like to accuse people of having a low reguard for women though, double standard maybe. Maybe having to pay for a companion is best for him.
I have never, ever said such a thing. What I have acknowledged that there is a long history in western society of women choosing husbands based on his ability to support her, and of course, non-support has long been grounds for divorce. (Of course, this could change were women equally compensated for equal work, something long opposed by those of your political side of the fence, Sol.)

As for a low regard for women, there's nothing quite like a 30 minute incall to show one's view of women as nothing more than receptacles.

And as far as "paying" or providing support, or sharing the good fortune, if one in his later years wants the company of a younger woman, more likely than not, there's going to be a financial arrangement.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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EB, you seem to think that a person needs money and to spend lots of it to attrqct a woman of value, that depends on what your parsonality is like, many can attract a woman of value with just being a nice person

I never said such a thing, but more importantly, your posts completely ignore the typical Seeking Arrangement scenario, which is a 50 year old guy seeking to bang hot 20 year old college girls posing as his erstwhile mistresses. The vast majority of SA is just this situation. A 20 year old girl can date a 20 year old guy who has no money and will choose to do so, if she wants to date someone who has no money. A 50 year old guy has something she wants (money), and she has something he wants (young, fresh, unjaded pussy) This is the reality of the world in which we live, whether you ignore it or not. Even going back in time to use a historical example: Thomas Jefferson, an extremely wealthy American, who had a bit of Jungle Fever, liked to bang his much younger, hotter slaves. Why would the hottest of all of his slaves (Sally Hemings) choose to open her legs for him? Well, it probably had more to do with the fact that it elevated her living conditions and status very considerably, than the fact that she was fascinated by Jefferson's suave personality and enlightened political theories, brilliant though they may have been. Jefferson took care of her. And in return got some hot black pussy, which is what turned him on.

Your posts seem not to accept even the basic premise that most women on SA, save a few rank newbies, understand that their companionship is worth something, and that a SD will monetize that worth. Women on SA are not using it as a platonic dating service. While platonic dating sites may result in an average 50 year old guy hooking up with an average 20 year old, it cannot be counted on to happen. Women who are substantially above average usually know it, and monetize it, whether it's on SA or an indy escort. These are simply realities, ones which I choose to accept.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
...I have acknowledged that there is a long history in western society of women choosing husbands based on his ability to support her, and of course, non-support has long been grounds for divorce.

...And as far as "paying" or providing support, or sharing the good fortune, if one in his later years wants the company of a younger woman, more likely than not, there's going to be a financial arrangement.

Actually women in all human societies choose husbands or long-term partners who can support them and their children well. Women will sometimes cheat on their actual or potential long-term partners and seek to get inseminated by a man who may have better DNA but fewer resources to support her. "Better" means better looking, stronger, healthier, etc. But the woman will stick with the guy that can best support her and her children as long as he treats her right.

The idea that women selflessly fall in love and stick with men no matter what long term support the man can offer is a peculiarly western idea. Most traditional societies don't buy into the idea of romance and love as the most important reasons to marry. Even in western societies we pretend marriage is all about love and romance and is not a fundamentally economic partnership. But when is the last time you saw a beautiful, sexy high-powered female lawyer marry a male bus driver? :lol:

Women are absolutely driven by their biological and psychological makeup to trade sex for resources ($); and men are driven to trade their resources ($) for sex. That doesn't mean that there's no such thing as romance or love. But if you view male female relationships through the prism of evolutionary biology/psychology, you will better understand relationships between the sexes.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
...women...really aren't that different than us...

Sam, I'm sure you don't really believe that. If you do, then one of these days you're in for a very rude awakening. :D
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