What you are trying to say is that Seeking Arrangement is a more socially acceptable and legal form of sex work. I agree on one level, but I really believe you cannot characterize all the women on SA as traditional sex workers because some are seeking non-sexual or non-traditional arrangements, and others are seeking quasi-sexual arrangements (like pics and videos), which in that sense makes those particular SA users more similar to OnlyFans. I have discovered on Tinder that many women on there are using a Tinder profile to link or advertise an OF site. The best thing we can say is SA and OF provide more legal/more socially acceptable forum alternatives to traditional sex work models.I find your post ridiculous. Of course I also find the Long-Term Arrangement subset of sex work ridiculous.
It is marketing, and a different delivery system. One can’t help but think of clear cola, which was regular cola without the coloring additatives.
Why Crystal Pepsi Was A Flop - Mashed
The story of why Crystal Pepsi failed is a weird one that involves consumer anxiety, a bit of corporate sabotage, and Nazis (for real).www.mashed.com
The very good writer Chuck Klosterman said that selling pet rocks in the 1970s was marketing to stupid people. Selling clear cola was marketing to stupid people while convincing those same people that they are smarter than those drinking the same product, minus the food coloring.
One cannot help but think also of the games at the County Fair where you pay to usually hook a prize with a a metal object that could be purchased elsewhere at a cost less than the amount you paid to play several games. Some of the prizes appear to be more desirable than others. Part of the fun is the unknown and the perception that skill is involved in some way. If you really analyze it, the fun is gone.
The problem I have with your post is that you look upon the Seeking Arrangement ladies as little bunnies capable of being taken advantage of. The Seeking Arrangement system is a marketing mechanism for the group of sex workers and johns who choose to participate in it. The primary marketing is conducted by those savvy ladies who are sugar babies. While some of us have contempt and bemusement for those fellow johns drinking clear cola (perhaps I should switch the drink example to kool-aid), let’s not forget who the marketers really are here. And don’t forget how many of those “little bunnies” as you perceive them consider themselves superior to other sex workers.
The only thing I like about the Long-Term Arrangement scene is that it makes sex work harder to prosecute in the U.S., since it is closer to legal dating with benefits than it is to statutorily illegal prostitution. And when you finally show the idiotic public the color grey, they don’t view the world in terms of grey and white as much.
On my Tinder date last night, my date informed me she was on Seeking Arrangement for a year as well as Tinder, and that she had always viewed Tinder as more of a hook-up site than SA. I was very surprised to hear this comment but, at the same time, it is very clear that many woman use all of these sites interchangeably for the same marketing purposes which could be the SA model, the OF model, or a more traditional dating platform model.