Who would a sex worker run into at Stella: More often than not: women who used to be sex workers, who have left the business working in an office. Who do you think? A bunch of active SW trying to convince her to see another John?
An addict trying to get back into mainstream society needs lots of help and support, the kind offered by groups who have experience working with addicts; often people who who work at these places are recovering addicts who have been there and done that.
As for Stella, when you go to their office you generally see a bunch of ex-sexworkers working in an office and if you did not already know that the were ex-sex workers there is no indication. Personally these are precisely the women who understand the difficulties involved in getting out. Better than anyone else. Most SW when they want out are very afraid of being judged. The stigma is powerful and frightening.
Why do you think that a girl who wants out would be influenced to stay in if she meets another SW who is there because she needs help with her problems? It is not like one SP is going to encourage another to do another trick! It is not like she is going to be offered a john! I just do not get the comparison to addiction!
Lou Simone>>>> YOu said it wonderfully! I had been avoiding jumping in here because EE has clearly never visited Stella's offices or been to any one of their public presentations or has a clear idea as to what they are all about.
They are women who have been there, done that, tossed the condom and moved on. They are women who have gotten out and can say this is how I did it, you can get out also. They are women who went back to school as adults after having dropped out before getting the skills and education to "get a real job". They are women who understand the frustrations, stigma, and pain. They are women who quit hard drugs and started a new life. They are women who have lived everything they have lived.
Why wouldn't the women at Stella not be ideally placed to help other women who want out get out? Because the supply condoms to those who are still active? Because the offer free anonymous STI testing and gynaecological services? Oh I know because they offer needle exchange to addicted SWs!
The vast majority of Stella's clientèle never come to the offices. They meet with outreach workers who are in the streets at night, talking to the girls on the corner, visiting the strippers in their place of work.
The ones who go to their GTs include EX-SWs who are there to support the ones who are still working.
I realize that most prostitutes do not have it as good as I do. I know I am lucky. I also admire those who got out.
You seem to think Stella is all about encouraging women to stay in the sex industry. What they are about is dignity for all. Human rights for all. and of course self-empowerment. Hmmm what did I forget? Of yes, assertiveness training. Respecting your limits and making sure everyone else does also (because if you do not respect your own limits: nobody else will!)
EE>>>> why do you have such a beef against Stella? NOTE

Sarcastic comment ahead

Because they encourage
I am getting myself worked up here so I am signing off now.