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Montreal Escorts

Married or not?


  • Single

    Votes: 46 39.0%
  • With a girlfriend/boyfriend/blow-up doll...

    Votes: 20 16.9%
  • Married

    Votes: 52 44.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Big Daddy Cool said:
More than half the guys in the hobby according to the poll are with a girlfriend or wife. Disgusting, absolutely disgusting and than they don't understand why some single guys are frustrated with the stupidity of women picking guys who cheat on them. I know some have the ok from their wife or girlfriend and so that's their business, but I'm sure they are in the minority. Man some of these woman can sure pick them. O well I don’t feel sorry for you, next time give a decent guy a chance.


Are you serious? Do you really think that you're more decent than the married/attached guys here? Grow up and stop posting insults.


Big Daddy Cool

Emperor of Earth
Jul 20, 2005
69 Hard-On Ave
The answer to both questions is "yes". I've been in a serious relationship before and I was always loyal depite many tymptations including a hot BC Lion cheerleader who was visiting when i was living in Toronto.

As for insults, none intended, but I'm still disgusted.

Fat Happy Buddha

Mired in the red dust.
Apr 27, 2005
Ziggy Montana said:
Respect or not this poll is booby trapped. I would advise the members to keep their marital situation to themselves as it appears clearly that the poll's originator and his acolytes' intents are only premeditated and malicious.

Actually Ziggy, I have a confession to make. I can remember being in my twenties and early thirties and lecturing men my senior on how wrong their adulterous activities were. I actually even told a few that it would be better if they got a divorce.

When I think now of what an asshole I must have sounded like, half of me wants to laugh and the other half wants to cry. How I could have been so rude as to stick my nose in another couple's most personal matters and go so far as to suggest that divorce was the solution to their problem? Thankfully, they told me that I didn't know anything about their lives and that they would handle it in their own way. What a monumentally judgemental and blinkered dick I was! Of course, at that time I was single, so I had no idea what being married was about. Only a clueless nimrod with the sensitivity of a dildo could have been so conceited as to lay down the law on something he had no knowledge about. I wonder why those older men didn't just tell me the truth: I had less clue of the intricacies of male-female relations than a dog humping a cabbage-patch doll.

I'm glad I wasn't a member of Merb back then, otherwise I would have looked like an asshole to even more people.
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Feb 6, 2004
Visit site
beautydigger said:
To me, it matters!!! Sometimes I wonder how many board members are actually married and how many are not. If all hobbyists were single, it would become much more respectable, or even accepted.

Digger, I won't repeat what everyone else has said - you deserve it for such a comment. However, we don't need to justify our reasons for being in the hobby though I'm always happy to discuss it with a sensible person. What I don't get is why you criticize married guys with a completely senseless argument as you made - the stigma of the sex trade has nothing to do with infidelity of married men - it would still be there even if it was just single men. And married men would still be having affairs.

At the same time, I don't see anybody here criticizing single guys for paying for sex when they could easily go to one of the hundreds of bars in Montreal, and meet a woman to take home for free sex!!! Unless of course the amount of effort you put into meeting women is the same as you put into the above thought. I'm sure of one thing though - you and all other singles here see escorts for the same reason as married men and would be no more willing to reveal this to friends, family and colleagues. While you're talking with the escorts, have you ever asked her how many people she's told about her chosen profession or if she's in a relationship with a guy who doesn't know what she does (and I know they are out there). Does that also make you better than the women you pay for sex??? Get real and stop pretending you're better than everyone else - we're all the same in this industry. Its exactly your kind of BS morality that contributes to maintaining the stigma on the sex trade.


Feb 6, 2004
Visit site
Fat Happy Buddha said:
Actually Ziggy, I have a confession to make. I can remember being in my twenties and early thirties and lecturing men my senior on how wrong their adulterous activities were. I actually even told a few that it would be better if they got a divorce.

When I think now of what an asshole I must have sounded like, half of me wants to laugh and the other half wants to cry. How I could have been so rude as to stick my nose in another couple's most personal matters and go so far as to suggest that divorce was the solution to their problem? Thankfully, they told me that I didn't know anything about their lives and that they would handle it in their own way. What a monumentally judgemental and blinkered dick I was! Of course, at that time I single, so I had no idea what being married was about. Only a clueless nimrod with the sensitivity of a dildo could have been so conceited as to lay down the law on something he had no knowledge about. I wonder why those older men didn't just tell me the truth: I had less clue of the intricacies of male-female relations than a dog humping a cabbage-patch doll.

I'm glad I wasn't a member of Merb back then, otherwise I would have looked like an asshole to even more people.

FHB - With age comes wisdom:cool:


Candy Baby

New Member
Nov 20, 2006
Ce qui est bon pour Pitou est bon pour Minou...and vice versa.

Wether you are married or common law, have a girlfriend or boyfriend, or even just a playmate, I am a true believe in the above.

Let's pose another question, one that I believe is along the same line, but that leaves out, to a certain the degree, the morality issues behind the initial question. Most men all have the same be with two women...and would like nothing more than to have their wife surprise them with another woman in their bed. Most men would willingly accept the wonderful surprise. How many of those accepting men would also accept to fulfill their wife's fantasy of being with two men (I'm not saying that the men have to be bi-curious or bi-sexual here)? Keep in mind...Ce qui est bon pour Pitou est bon pour Minou.



Retired Ol'timer
Nov 19, 2006
Married here, for more than 20 years.

One day you take a look at yourself and ask: "Why am I hobbying?", and "What does it gives me to hobby?" In the same line of thoughts you also ask yourself: "Why do I remain married?".

When the kids are old enough and you are at the point of asking yourself these questions, it's more than time you stop and do a complete evaluation of your relation, where it leads you if you continue, if you stop, your goals in life, etc... Not easy.

Sometimes a divorce is the only solution if you want to be true to yourself (and your family, wife included), and restart on a new ground...

Too many things are superficial with this hobby. People get bored, many relations are fake. Better to invest in something real, honest, than continue to screw yourself up (in our head, much worse than with our dick).


Fat Happy Buddha

Mired in the red dust.
Apr 27, 2005
Candy Baby said:
Ce qui est bon pour Pitou est bon pour Minou...and vice versa.

Wether you are married or common law, have a girlfriend or boyfriend, or even just a playmate, I am a true believe in the above.

Let's pose another question, one that I believe is along the same line, but that leaves out, to a certain the degree, the morality issues behind the initial question. Most men all have the same be with two women...and would like nothing more than to have their wife surprise them with another woman in their bed. Most men would willingly accept the wonderful surprise. How many of those accepting men would also accept to fulfill their wife's fantasy of being with two men (I'm not saying that the men have to be bi-curious or bi-sexual here)? Keep in mind...Ce qui est bon pour Pitou est bon pour Minou.


Uh....I don't think it would work. My little Pitou always plays dead whenever he's sees another little Pitou.

But who knows? Many of my friends did that in university, but it was never something I felt I wanted to do.

Maybe if there was a trade-off. Like you say, everything should be equal.
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Nov 19, 2006
In a stable society men have usually been polygamous. For example after a war which is usually accompanied by a large number of male deaths, the surviving males have to take care of all the women. Also, women outnumber men even in peace time as far as I know. Hobbying could be considered as preparation for future polygamous duties ... TIC (tongue in cheek).


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Big Daddy Cool said:
More than half the guys in the hobby according to the poll are with a girlfriend or wife. Disgusting, absolutely disgusting and than they don't understand why some single guys are frustrated with the stupidity of women picking guys who cheat on them. I know some have the ok from their wife or girlfriend and so that's their business, but I'm sure they are in the minority. Man some of these woman can sure pick them. O well I don’t feel sorry for you, next time give a decent guy a chance.
This is offensive to us married men and to our wifes. Please have this post removed.

Why us seeing SP get some single guys frustrated? Afraid there won't be enough women left? Or seeing peoples finding a way to be happy make them jealous? It's not like these ladies we're seeing are woman any of these single frustrated guys would proudly allow in their family. Don't forget some of these frustrated single guys classify these ladies as very close to "things" they can slap around if they feel it's desserved. Now would you present "that" to mommy? At least, us immoral married perverts, we respect these ladies.

So, we're not causing any problems for these frustrated single guys: they're creating a problem themself, for themself, from a situation that doesn't relate to them in any way. If they would choose not to see a problem on something that doesn't concern them, simply ignore a situation they have no need to get involved into and, not try to impose their new-found problem on others, then life would be better for them and everybody else.

Mod's deletion in 5,4,3,2,1...

Thanks for the guy who quoted BDC or I would have missed this other gem from one of our star member. (he's on my ignore list) Exactly the opinion I knew he would have, even without seeing his post! Damn I'm good!
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Fat Happy Buddha

Mired in the red dust.
Apr 27, 2005
Ziggy Montana said:
Rhetorically speaking, the above exercise of self-flagellation reveals best the irony of this pointless flubwib and even more the imposture of its condescending animators. The humour is refreshing but also to the point: attached or single and be the object of gratification a street walker, a high-end companion, an inflatable doll or a baboon, at the end, it all comes down to how one`s able to live through his own scruples and remorses, should he have any.

Ziggy, I knew that if anybody would see the rhetorical intensions of my post, it would be you. Can`t get suspended for calling myself a dildo, can I.


May 9, 2005
Decent Guys

Big Daddy Cool said:
Man some of these woman can sure pick them...... next time give a decent guy a chance.

Sorry BDC, decent/nice guys always lose. Maybe if you can learn to be the “decent” jerk then you will get all the women.

Marital status…unlisted



New Member
Feb 25, 2005
MakeIt said:
...I don't see anybody here criticizing single guys for paying for sex when they could easily go to one of the hundreds of bars in Montreal, and meet a woman to take home for free sex!!!...Its exactly your kind of BS morality that contributes to maintaining the stigma on the sex trade.


You have hit the nail squarely on the head. The question of why married men resort to Sps is a no-brainer; it does not merit discussion. To even entertain the question is to lend it unwarranted credibility, especially when moral considerations are thrown into the mix. The infidelity issue is much more complex and only indirectly related to the social legitimacy of prostitution.

A much better and infinitely more interesting question to ask is “Are you single?” If yes, then why don’t you satisfy your desire for casual sex in the usual manner rather than calling upon Sps? Or, if we want to continue in an accusatory vein, we might simply ask “What’s your excuse?”

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
what's your excuse?

Rexroth said:

You have hit the nail squarely on the head. The question of why married men resort to Sps is a no-brainer; it does not merit discussion. To even entertain the question is to lend it unwarranted credibility, especially when moral considerations are thrown into the mix. The infidelity issue is much more complex and only indirectly related to the social legitimacy of prostitution.

A much better and infinitely more interesting question to ask is “Are you single?” If yes, then why don’t you satisfy your desire for casual sex in the usual manner rather than calling upon Sps? Or, if we want to continue in an accusatory vein, we might simply ask “What’s your excuse?”

Bravo to both Rexroth and MakeIt. These are two wise posters as demonstrated by their responses.


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Wisest advice of all

CoolAmadeus said:
Too many things are superficial with this hobby. People get bored, many relations are fake. Better to invest in something real, honest, than continue to screw yourself up (in our head, much worse than with our dick).

This is the wisest advice of all. When it comes to your emotional capital, better invest it with someone who truly cares about you for who you are, not what you can offer her.



Just ask 'em
Feb 10, 2006

Here is my perspective on this:

First we must admit that sex does not equal love. Meaning, have you ever had sex with someone you did not love and have you ever loved someone and did not have sex?

So now the question is about being honest, faithful etc... Well that is a huge endeavor. If you are single and have sex with an SP and do not tell your loved ones about it, i.e. mother, brother, grandma etc... that in effect is being dishonest. You are hiding it from others. If you are married/attached and masterbate to porn then this is also dishonest if you do not tell your better half about it but does that mean that you should leave your wife/gf???

You see, humans have been conditioned to think (due to religion) that sex and love go hand in hand. But it simply does not and will never. Not telling your wife/gf about having sex with another person is like not telling her that you spoke to another girl at the office. Speaking and sex are actions performed by humans, the difference is that we have been conditioned to believe that sex is equal to love.

That said, it does not mean that having sex with someone you love is much more pleasureable (is that a word?)


Jul 26, 2006

I was just thinking. If you single guys had it your way so that somehow ALL married men and people with gfs and relationships didn't call SPs or go to strip clubs.... a lot of SPs and agencies would pay good money to have your head on a stake... hehehe... I clearly don't know what the % of customers are in relationships... but I can probably comfortably guess from looking at this poll say about 50% of their customers are in relationships... IF these 50% stopped hobbying... that'd be a real big problem to their industry... or better yet.... it might be GREAT for the single guys cause then the industry would have to lower their prices to $110 since they only have half the amount of customers and need to get what little customers they can get. :)

But here, simply put. Calling an SP and doing it with another person other than your gf/wife is wrong. I never said it was the RIGHT thing to do. In a perfect world, the women would have a perfect bf/husband that doesn't cheat and loves them with all their heart. But also, in a perfect world, my gf would allow me to cum on her face and swallow every drip of it then let me butt fuck her then give me head again till i blow my load and this would happen 10x a day.... but that's not gonna happen either. So... you blame the guy for cheating and that the girl DESERVES a bf/hustband that doesn't cheat... BUT... the guy who works 8 hours a day, brings food home, puts a roof over his wife's head... shouldn't HE be getting all the punani that he wants?

But in reality, women don't do/give that to their men, so men have to resort to a different way of getting it. I love the gf I have at home that cooks and cleans for me and I treat her great as well. But instead of me forcing her to give me sex and fulfill all my wild sexual fantasies and probably her saying no and then getting into an argument, I opt to pay $160 to get my jollies and stay happy. She's happy cause she doesn't have to swallow my cum, and i'm happy cause I don't have to convince/force her to do what I like.

In the end... or currently... we are both happy. So why you single guys gotta bust my balls if both me and my gf are in a happy relationship? :rolleyes:
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Just another fool
Dec 27, 2006
On a big ROCK
Can't believe I missed this thread

Ok so I'm married and I'm what you may call a realist. So let me say it plain and simple


So all you married/involved people trying to convince everybody and yourself that your not doing anything wrong, wake up and smell the coffee. If you weren't doing anything wrong then you wouldn't have to hide it.

That said, who cares. It's not hurting anybody. See the longer your married the less important sex becomes. You build a relationship around trust, love and mutual respect. I can't imagine living with out my wife, she's very important to me. She also satisfies me in bed and I would say I have a great sex life with her. That said, I'm a pig. I really do enjoy going to an MP and the rare but occasional SP. It's fantasy playing for me and an escape from the real world. I do it but I know what I'm doing is wrong, I just chose to still do it.

I think therefore I am. I cheat therefore I'm a pig


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
If you are single and have sex with an SP and do not tell your loved ones about it, i.e. mother, brother, grandma etc... that in effect is being dishonest. You are hiding it from others.

Why is it being dishonest? The only people who have any right to know about my sex life are the people who are part of it. Do you always discuss your sexual habits with your family? Does anyone? It's none of their business.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
dirtierasigetolder said:
That said, who cares. It's not hurting anybody. See the longer your married the less important sex becomes. You build a relationship around trust, love and mutual respect. I can't imagine living with out my wife, she's very important to me. She also satisfies me in bed and I would say I have a great sex life with her. That said, I'm a pig. I really do enjoy going to an MP and the rare but occasional SP. It's fantasy playing for me and an escape from the real world. I do it but I know what I'm doing is wrong, I just chose to still do it.

I think therefore I am. I cheat therefore I'm a pig

I have to admit, even though you're a pig, your honesty is refreshing!:D But honesty is overrated, and some things are best kept to one's self. Hurting a loved one by telling them the truth is more despicable than prancing around with SPs to escape and enjoy life.

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