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MERB Badges


Active Member
Feb 6, 2006
Many other review sites (like TripAdvisor), assign badges to contributors. You achieve a certain badge level based on how much you contribute to the community.

For example on TripAdvisor:
3-5 reviews = Reviewer
6-10 reviews = Senior Reviewer
11-20 reviews = Contributor
21-49 reviews = Senior Contributor
50+ reviews = Top Contributor

I think it would be useful to have this kind of badge system on MERB (likely with a different scale). It happens often enough that there are long time members that have hundreds of posts and "appear" to be senior contributors to MERB, but after looking closer, 80% of their posts are chit chat, pontificating, lecturing, blabla, flames, bitching, etc, that contribute little to no value...besides being entertaining to read. This makes it difficult to know who's opinion to really trust.

Badges would be earned by the number of review points earned. These would have to be real "reviews". Posts that just ask questions, posts in 411, posts in the Lounge or baseball/hockey/sports etc threads would not count. To get the review vetted and to earn a review point, the reviewer could submit the review to the moderator for validation. If valid, the reviewer accumulates 2 points for a review of a new SP, MP, and 1 point for an existing SP/MP. Based on the number of points, a badge is awarded.

This would add significant value to the MERB community by filtering out the true credible MERB reviewers from the MERB "participants". Thread search filters could be added to filter out the blabla and display only valid reviews. This would also help in researching threads that are many pages long filled with useless drivel and present the review info...this would likely reduce the number of redundant questions asked by lazy newbies who don't want to read an entire thread to find the actual review info. Unfortunately this would add some responsibility/work to the MODS.

I know that technically this is feasible, just not sure if vBulliten can support this. I would think that there must be some un-used field in our user profile record that could be used to accumulate points and assign a badge. In a post the must also be some un-used field that could tag it as a vetted review.

Here is a suggestion
3-5 reviews = Newbie
6-10 reviews = slut
11-20 reviews = Horn dog
21-49 reviews = sex addict
50+ reviews = Porn star

Just a thought...I obviously have too much time on my hands to be thinking about this :)

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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Just a thought...I obviously have too much time on my hands to be thinking about this :)
I was thinking as I read this what a good idea this is, but who among us has the time to devote to keeping score. In the end, it appears you've thought of everything.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
I'm against this system if it only applies to reviews. There is no rule written anywhere which states that you must write reviews in order to be (and remain) a member. And how would you keep track of reviews?

For example, i've written over 50-60 reviews over the past decade. Probably more. However, for personal reasons, i've chosen not to leave a 'paper trail' and have deleted my reviews within a few weeks of writing them. So who's to say that someone who's written 50+ reviews & chose to late delete them isn't as worthy as some other guy who's written 20 reviews but choses to keep them there?

Personally, i have no problem with a contributing member who has few (or no) reviews, as long as he makes a positive contribution to the merb community. Among those i have in mind are the likes of Igna69 (a.k.a. Mister 69), Captain Louis Renault & Eagerbeaver. Even though you rarely see their handles listed next to a review, their contributions to this board over the years has been very valuable to many, and their assistance via b/c over the years has been very valuable in many cases.

Same thing goes with long-time members who rarely post reviews anymore, such as Special K & CS Martin, among others. Say & think what you want, but these guys have good taste in women. I value them as members as much as i value someone who may have posted 30 reviews in a single year.

And finally, if posting reviews is the only way to earn 'badges', then we might as well get rid of all the sections of this board not involving reviews, since in other words, we'd be pretty much saying that they're useless & that the members' contributions are worthless & unnappreciated.

p.s. Banger's reviews are also dearly missed by yours truly. He was an original.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I agree that Beav's contributions in the hotel and restaurant review threads are very valuable as is Louis Renault's keeping us on top of the news. This is, however, a review board and I do agree with czar that, if there were a practical way to do so, recognizing the contributions of reviewers would help steer occasional viewers to the more credible and regular reviewers, just as TripAdvisor helps steer people on their site.

BTW, I'm not quite sure that I understand how picking fights in the sports threads constitutes a valuable contribution. Please enlighten me.


Active Member
Feb 6, 2006
Hey Doc,

Well, this is a "review" board...The idea of the badge would not be to remove non contributors, but to better gauge the contributors from the participants. There is obviously value and entertainment in many of the posts, but when it comes to reviews, the main purpose of this board, it would be useful to better filter the reviews from the fluff when researching. It might even encourage reviews and TOFT.

In your case, having chosen to delete your reviews, how can I really count on your review/opinion being relative to me and bring value to me? Your reviews may have all been for young spinner sp's but my taste is in more mature, full figured ladies...your value to me in this case is not relevant. What you consider to be a star SP may not suit me.

With a badge and real reviews I can better assess if your experience and tastes are similar to mine and if your reviews add value for me.

Maybe for other types of contributions (guidance when traveling abroad, guidance for first timers, reviews of hotels, restos, etc...) a half point can be rewarded to acknowledge real valuable contribution.


Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
It IS NOT just a 'review' board. It's a board dedicated to the Montreal escort business, but considering it to be just a 'review' board is dead wrong. People are fooled into thinking that just because the word 'review' appears in the board's title means that it's strictly for reviews. It's just a name. Reality is that it ain't so & many topics unrelated to the sex business are allowed (and encouraged) to be discussed. Just take a look at merb's sister board, terb, and you'll see what i'm talking about. 70% of the topics listed don't even concern the sex business. It makes it a much more valuable board than one that would only deal with topics in regards to escorting, which may have been the downfall of other boards (e.g. Big Doggie).

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
BTW, I'm not quite sure that I understand how picking fights in the sports threads constitutes a valuable contribution. Please enlighten me.

You need two to tango. In my eyes, both parties are at fault & as responsible as the other when arguements/fights are started. However, someone such as Mister 69 has not only been valuable in the sports threads (the guy is a hockey encyclopedia if you as me....and he's one of the most knowledgable baseball fans i know), but in other threads & especially when it comes to seeing new escorts. Not only is he extremely popular with the escorts that he meets, but he's a very likeable person in private, as stated by most hobbyists who have had the opportunity to meet him privately, outside of the boards. Whenever i'm doing research on whom to see, Mister 69 is often the first person i'll check with. He has many contacts throughout the industry that cause him to be a mountain of valuable 'sp' information. Quite often when i meet a young lady recommended by Mister 69 (whom he's seen), her face will brighten up & an instant smile will present itself when she realizes who i was referring to. I must admit that i've been envious of the gentleman myself on a few occasions. He simply has that 'aura' when it comes to the young women in this business. :eyebrows:

(My guess is that you were referring to our friend Igna69 in your post)


Active Member
Feb 6, 2006
Doc, I never said it was JUST a review board.

You are missing the point.



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
No, Doc, it's not just a review board, but that's its primary function. Without the reviews, the board would disappear. That cannot be said of any other board topics.


Jul 29, 2011
In my opinion, I don't think "badges" are really necessary. I think most members of this board, who have been reading reviews for any significant amount of time, are able to determine who's reviews are more valuable to them in a fairly expedient manner. I think most of us quickly figure out which reviewers are credible, and more importantly who's tastes are similar to our own. Personally, I find that a positive review from someone who I recognize as having tastes similar to my own, and whom I have learned is credible, to be more valuble to me regardless of how many total reviews they have posted. So therefore, I don't really see the need for "badges".


New Member
Jun 21, 2003
Visit site
Badges for reviews might be a good idea on paper but in the end nobody will really care about badges that mean nothing in real life.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
I don't see the use of this scoring system, unless we gain unlockable super-powers with each new levels. I trust a first time reviewer as much (or as little) as an old one.

To be complete, we would need to quantify how many follow-up questions were asked and answered, how many readers found the reviews actually useful, how many happy/angry PM the reviewer received, etc.

Many of the ladies I reviewed are gone anyway. Most of my reviews are now as useful as the dead sea scrolls.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

Hey Doc,

Well, this is a "review" board...The idea of the badge would not be to remove non contributors, but to better gauge the contributors from the participants. There is obviously value and entertainment in many of the posts, but when it comes to reviews, the main purpose of this board, it would be useful to better filter the reviews from the fluff when researching. It might even encourage reviews and TOFT.

In your case, having chosen to delete your reviews, how can I really count on your review/opinion being relative to me and bring value to me?


I don't know why Doc got defensive on this since I didn't see you indicate anything that would go against members who don't write reviews. You are right that the purpose of this board is to enhance the escort meeting experience. Nearly everything on this board is geared to promote that purpose. To say it's not because there are features or subjects unrelated to seeing escorts is like saying Vegas isn't really about gambling because it now also has family oriented diversions.

It is an interesting idea Czar. I'm just not sure how rating by the number of reviews is going to account for the quality of reviews. As has been noted, there are those who write helpful reviews and those who say...she was hot, I give her a 10. The latter doesn't do much for anyone. Still I think it's an idea worth considering.

Whenever i'm doing research on whom to see, Mister 69 is often the first person i'll check with...He has many contacts throughout the industry that cause him to be a mountain of valuable 'sp' information..

It's been known, and now admitted by both of you, that Iggy has used this board for a selfish backdoor fountain for himself and pals.

I don't think there is any reason why people can't be a member on this board without writing reviews. If it's just for social interest why not have as many members as possible. However, conducting an underground of escort information without making public contributions is undermining the board.

BTW...mommy, why are you always defending him. Let him stand on his own two feet.




New Member
Jul 30, 2011
If someone does not post reviews, he's a very naughty boy, but who cares if he gets a "0 review" dunce cap? If he has no reviews I don't need to know if I should trust the reviews he hasnt been writing.

Ideally, we would have "like" buttons readers could click when they find a review useful. In real life people need to do their own homework when choosing reviewers, same as with escorts.

I suppose in practice, the easiest would be to have a kind of Hall of Fame. People could nominate "candidates" for induction and they would get a badge based on how many "supporters" they have. Or we could start as assistant reviewer and eventually move all the way up to tenured reviewer.

"Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges!" :)

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
No, Doc, it's not just a review board, but that's its primary function. Without the reviews, the board would disappear. That cannot be said of any other board topics.

Possibly. I'd also like to add that without the non-reviewers, the board would also disappear.

Actually, i'll correct myself. As long as there are people paying money to advertise on this board, the board will exist, even if there are no reviews. It's an advertising board, disguised as a review board. Without advertising, no Merb. No Doc, no Rumples, no Merlot, no Mister 69, no Techman, no Eagerbeaver, no Ned Nobody, etc.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
If someone does not post reviews, he's a very naughty boy, but who cares if he gets a "0 review" dunce cap? If he has no reviews I don't need to know if I should trust the reviews he hasnt been writing.

The fact of the matter is that reviews exist to help the agencies & the escorts. In most instances, it's a free marketing tool. That's why people are encouraged to write reviews. This is why we often see escort websites having links to reviews or copy/pasting them to their sites.

Of course, the popular belief is that reviews are there to help other hobbyists. This is a ploy in order to increase the number of reviews being written. It's all about selling sex, bodies & making money. The most valuable feedback on which sps i should see was received via back channels or while chatting with hobbyists (and escorts) over the years. To be absolutely honest, 70% of the time, posted reviews had no bearing on whom i should see.
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