The following message won't be a happy one, but it is right now a very necessary one...
It is with a great measure of pride for me, that the chatroom has so evolved over the last few months and absolutely does not need me to keep it going. At its beginnings, I needed to do a lot of pr and coaxing to bring many people over. indeed, I often only show about once or twice a week and beam to find over a dozen people there.
However, I think it is high time someone, in this case ME put his foot down and said what's what if we want this to continue.
First: I would think this to be completely obvious, but apparently it is not for many people. We have a few ladies who grace us with their presence on the chat, sometimes occasionally, sometimes regularly. When you log on to join us, would some of you kindly grow a brain and not start talking about other escorts/mps/whatever as a commodity!!! I mean, to NOT start posting that you will/want to see Hortense from the WhamBam agency and hope she will go medieval on your equipment, and hijack the discussion for a while in that direction...
Despite what some of you may think, the ladies do NOT appreciate it and are sometimes very discouraged from attending/posting.
Use your common sense!! would you at a party where women are in your discussion group suddenly start saying you hope the girl standing 20 feet away will fuck your brains out and start reciting a MENU OF SEX ACTS? Very doubtful.
Yes, we are on an escort website, and sexy talk is fun (I've been known to indulge once in a while

), but for god's sakes look at our roll call when you log in, and if some women are there do try NOT to act like we suddenly reverted to 15 year olds in a locker room!!
I'm not stopping anyone from having more hardcore discussions, but please use better judgment (can this type of talk be better suited for another temporary room/pm mode between the members who wish to discuss these things?)
Second: I've been too tolerant of this behaviour on the part of some members recently, and I think it is high time it was put to a stop. we sometimes have members who stop in (and that is always appreciated), but bring their board issues and jam it down everyone's throats. I'm not talking about, say, discussing the forthcoming party or someone's trip that was mentioned, i'm talking about any various feuds/grievances certain members are embroiled the last few weeks, some members on opposite ends of heated discussions have come on to the chat and promptly hijacked the discussion for many uncomfortable minutes as others watch from the sidelines, and start flaming each other/ another member.
Such soap opera discussions might at first be interesting to read (inasmuch as watching a car wreck would be), I personnally don't want the chat to become a battlefield. i don't want to be forced to request that Mod 5 show up every night (I'm glad he does occasionally, but I'm sure he sometimes has other things to do

) to eject the troublemakers.
Rant over...on a more jovial note, thank you all who chose to stop by, i'm always happy to see all of you!