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MERB Suspensions: Check here for why

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Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Claudiu - Escorts-Express

Banned: Claudiu

Posting false or stolen photos in a MERB advertising post. While we can not control what is posted on agency websites, we can control what photos are used in advertising posts on MERB. False and misleading pictures will not be tolerated.

Duration: 1 week

This is the second time you have been found to be posting stolen photos on MERB. If there is a third time it will be the last and you will be banned permanently.

If you can prove that the girl pictured in your advertising does in fact work for you, you may send me such proof by email and your ban will be lifted.

Mod 8

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Sarah Jade

Banned: Sarah Jade

Reason: Unpaid advertising. Spamming the board with advertising posts.

Duration: Permanent or until becoming an advertiser.

Advertising on MERB is not free but it is not expensive. If you wish to advertise here, pay for the right to do so like all other advertisers. Advertising information may be found here:

Mod 8

Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009

Banni en permanence: crilav

Pourquoi: Il est incapable de comprendre que les SP sont des êtres humains et affirme que les SP qui ne font pas tout ce que le client demande, peu importe les risques d`ITS, devraient quitter le métier. MERB n`a pas besoin de membres qui se fouttent totalement de la santé des SP, de celle des autres membres et de la leur.

Banned permanently: crilav

Why: He seems to be incapable to understand SPs are human beings and he state all SP who refuse to do all the customer ask, no matter the risks of STD, should find a new job. MERB don`t need members who don`t give a shit about SP`s health, other member`s health or even their own.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007

Banned: gohabsgo

Reason: Ignoring Posted warning about keeping the Hot Stove thread clean of trash talk and insults.

Duration: 2 Days

Next time it will be two weeks and I would not advise a third offense in the same thread as the new hockey season will have begun before you are posting again.

Mod 8

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007

Banned: mat73

Duration: 1 Month

Reason: Revealing personal information on the board. This is a serious breech of MERB rules and if it happens again, the next time will lead to a permanent ban.

Mod 8

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007

Banned: mabebf

Reason: Revealing personal information and totally disregarding Mod 11`s warning regarding this. After being warned both by PM as well as on the board about posting personal information on MERB, you went ahead and continued to post personal information in the same thread about the same SP.

We take posting such information very seriously and if you happen to think of doing it again, the next ban will be permanent.

Duration: 2 months - 1 for posting the information and 1 for ignoring a moderator`s direct warning about posting such information.

Mod 8
EDIT: Ban is now permanent due to this member registering a new handle,
mabebff, and continuing to post private and personal information. If you return, a complaint will be filed with your ISP regarding your actions.

Mod 8
Addendum, May 12 2012: This guy registered a new handle (
paulo2009) to complain about another girl. There`s no way we`ll leave him the time to start invading that girl`s privacy like he did before. An official complaint was sent to his internet provider since he was told to stay away from MERB and came back anyway. Mod 11.
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Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009

Suspendu pour 1 mois: busaca007

Pourquoi: Remettre un message avec des info persoellis sur une SP, environ une heure après avoir été averti que MERB ne permettait pas de poster des info persoellis et que son message original aie été effacé.

MERB ne permets pas de dévoiler des info persoellis sur quelqu`un d`autre. La personne en question ici n`est pas membre sur MERB et n`a jamais donné son autorisation sur MERB pour que cet information soit publiée. Poster des informations sans autorisation peut causer des problèmes à la fille, même si le membre n`a pas de mauvaises intentions.
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