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MERB Suspensions: Check here for why

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Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007

Banned: G1GBallday

Reason: Flame posting in the Official NHL thread. Ignoring posted warning in that thread to keep it clean and on topic.

Duration: 1 week

A further warning regarding your avatar: As long as you choose to use that particular avatar, you are forbidden from posting in any Official sports thread. Either change it, or refrain from posting.

Each repeat offense will result in double the previous duration.

Mod 8

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Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007

Banned: Rumpleforeskiin

Reason: Attempting to start a flame war in the Official NHL thread.

Duration: 1 week

Each repeat offense will result in double the previous suspension.

Mod 8

Mod 12

New Member
Mar 17, 2012
super hiro

Banned: super hiro

Duration: 2 weeks

Reason: You can only post links to a non-advertiser in the context of a review. I usually give 1st offense warnings to members who do not follow this rule in the 411 section. However, they are usually relatively new members. You have been a member since 2006, with almost 500 posts and there just isn`t any excuse for not knowing the rules by now.

Mod 12

New Member
Mar 17, 2012
Darlie -AKA- Tony's Asian Agency

Advertiser: Darlie

Duration: 1 month (2 weeks for shilling, 2 weeks for posting false pictures in an ad)


1) The handle tony7788 has been found to be shilling for Darlie, otherwise known as Tony`s Asian agency. The moderators kept a close eye on things and tony7788 finally slipped up. No matter whether that member saw the girls or not, he is associated with Darlie in some way and this is a clear case of shiling.

As members have stated, you should be leary of any reviews on this agency coming from unproven posters. Unfortunately Darlie`s behavior will call into question genuine reviews from new members. You can shill and get away with it for a short time, even though members are smart and can see through it. The Mods are watching and eventually the shills slip up and we get them. Then the hammer comes down.

2) Posting false pictures in their advertisements which constitutes B&S. See here:

Some new agencies think they don`t have to follow the rules. If you don`t know them, familiarize yourself with them and upon your return we hope you decide to conform and adhere to Merb standards of practice.

Here are the MERB advertiser rules:
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Mod 10

New Member
Jul 24, 2009

Reason: Duplicate handle for banned member Ovniii. Aka Romanista, popey, dwight, dwight2, leftcoaster, rajelmouk, tony31, rossonero and so on. And he is banned since 3 weeks only!

Non mais, y a la tête dure le gars. :eek:

Duration: PERMANENT (Just as all the others, and the next ones will be permanently banned as well).

Mod 10

EDIT: Tony007 and Marrakchi are also added on the list...
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Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009

Suspended for 1 month: Montreal1988

Changed to PERMANENT.

Why: Montreal1988 conveniently "forgot" the rules and posted contact info outside a review thread, for a SP who is not a MERB advertiser. I edited his post and, to be nice, only suspended him 2 days instead of 2 weeks. I even noted this in his suspension notice he sees when trying to log-in.

To thanks me, Montreal1988 created a new user and posted a smart-ass reply, saying I should have warned him, (like if we don`t write it often enough when we suspend peoples and like it`s not clearly posted each time somebody does what he did.) again conveniently "forgetting" the rules once more, this time about duplicate users. He couldn`t even wait 2 simple days!

If Montreal1988 creates a new handle before the end of his new 1 month suspension, he will be banned permanently.


EDIT: There we go, the gentlemen really can`t take responsibility for his actions, it`s always other people`s fault, not his. He supposedly deserve special treatment, as far as he`s concerned.

He created a third account to again come back and say he didn`t deserve being bound by the rules. A big case of "it`s good for others but not me, cause I`m perfect, I just slipped once." Yet, he just slipped FOR THE 3rd TIME!According to him, it must be my fault he can`t follow the rules since he`s accusing me to be on a power trip for enforcing these same rules.Man! Let`s destroy all rules books, all those enforcing them are tyrants!
In baseball, Umpires don`t give you warnings, you get strikes. 3 strikes, you`re out, no matter who you are, no matter if they were mistakes. He`s done with his 3 strikes.

Here, we give warnings, TO OUR DISCRETION. He even originally got only 2 days suspension instead of 2 weeks but couldn`t take it like a man and be thankful.

He didn`t even select to contact me by email or by PM (with his newly created-in-infraction account), he preferred to be a smart ass in public.

Too bad, he`s gone now, for good.
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Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009

Suspended for 1 week: rumpleforeskiin

Why: When a moderator post a warning, it`s not done for the fun of reading himself, especially when the warning includes the mention "NO EXCEPTION".

Next stunt will be 1 month MINIMUM.

EDIT: This is rumpleforeskiin`s 11th suspension, mainly for the same reason every time. Thinking about it, next time will be MORE than 1 month...
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Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009

Suspended for 2 weeks (EDIT: 2 months): akogluva

Reason: 2) Forbidden Activities:

xi) Posting links to Craigslist or similar website advertisements of non advertisers, posting contact information of non advertising providers, or links to their web sites, in a 411 post will result in a 2 weeks suspension for a first offense. Repeated offenses will result in a longer ban. Such links are only permitted when posted in the context of a review.

EDIT: It took less than 5 hours for this person to create a second handle and post in the same thread that caused him/her to be suspended. Because of this, he`s now gone for 2 months. I wanted to simply add 1 month to his 2 weeks but, sucks to be him, vBulletin doesn`t have a 6 weeks option.
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Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009

Suspended for 2 weeks: Aramus

Reason: 2) Forbidden Activities:

xi) Posting links to Craigslist or similar website advertisements of non advertisers, posting contact information of non advertising providers, or links to their web sites, in a 411 post will result in a 2 weeks suspension for a first offense. Repeated offenses will result in a longer ban. Such links are only permitted when posted in the context of a review.

Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009

Banned permanently: hotboyxxxx

Why: He claims since the age of consent for sex is 16, there must be escorts between 16-18 and he`d like to meet some.
Legal age of concent for an escort in Canada is 18.
MERB doesn`t accept pedophiles. Not banning him would have ensured some more perverts hiding on MERB would be happy to fulfill hotboyxxxx`s request via PM.

Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009

Suspendu une semaine: Bgood

Pourquoi: Je pense que l`explication va de soit avec l`infraction.
Bgood said:
Je sais que les Mods n`aiment pas ça quand on discute des prix versus service rendus mais pour moi je vais passer sur cette Kelly. Je trouve ses tarifs trop élévés et son service est incomplet.

My 2 cents

Le plus comique, sa formulation en disant "Je trouve ses tarifs trop élévés et son service est incomplet." est parfaitement acceptable et ne lui aurait pas valu de suspension.
Ce qui est inacceptable est d`ouvertement défier un modérateur.


Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009

Suspended for 2 weeks: copus

Reason: 2) Forbidden Activities:

xi) Posting links to Craigslist or similar website advertisements of non advertisers, posting contact information of non advertising providers, or links to their web sites, in a 411 post will result in a 2 weeks suspension for a first offense. Repeated offenses will result in a longer ban. Such links are only permitted when posted in the context of a review.

Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009

Suspended 2 weeks: bcbg193

Reason: 2) Forbidden Activities:

xi) Posting links to Craigslist or similar website advertisements of non advertisers, posting contact information of non advertising providers, or links to their web sites, in a 411 post will result in a 2 weeks suspension for a first offense. Repeated offenses will result in a longer ban. Such links are only permitted when posted in the context of a review.

Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009

Suspended 2 days: Gentle

Why: Gentle was warned many times and I explained the proper use or the "reply with quote" to him many times, pointing him to the clear explanation clearly posted in the rules thread. Gentle decided he was too important to follow such simple rule and decided to defy the rule anyway. This is the result.

Next time he decide he can pollute the board by repeating what`s anybody with half a brain wouldn`t need repeated, he`ll get 1 week to think about his MERB status.

Mod 10

New Member
Jul 24, 2009
Banned: bakersdelight

Reason: Posting unproven and unprovable rumors about a retired SP. Attempting to cause panic among members who might have seen this SP.
Revealing personal information on the board. This is a serious breech of MERB rules and if it happens again, the next time will lead to a permanent ban.

Duration: 1 month

If you actually have some proof to submit to back up your claim, which is highly doubtful, you can submit it to any moderator by email and we will check it out.

And read the rules! You can`t post the content of a PM. Smarten up or you will be gone.

Mod 10

Mod 10

New Member
Jul 24, 2009
Suspended: nsssk11


First; Using MERB to post pictures of an SP. The said picture was showing her face, ie personal information. The lady & the owner of the agency are the only ones who can post such personal pictures of herself and you should have known she has a right to privacy. If you didn`t know, use your common sense and/or read the rules!

Second; logging in from a proxy.

Third; duplicate handles.

Duration: 2 weeks (i am giving you the benefit of doubt that you are just a newbie who didn`t feel like having to read the rules)

I am not sure what your game is but ignoring me when I attempt to talk to you will always land you in the suspension thread. Common sense should indicate that when a Moderator is requesting contact, he means it. I do check to ensure compliance. Failure to do so again will result in a much longer ban, i was very generous with the one I gave you but i won`t be that generous next time. Guide yourself accordingly.

And about your multiple handles/posting from a proxy: well, new member or not, with the 3 reasons i mentionned to justify your suspension, admits that you were putting me up to the deed. Try this nonsense again and you will be removed permanently.

I hope this gets your attention.

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Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009

Suspended for 2 weeks: beholder30

Reason: 2) Forbidden Activities:

xi) Posting links to Craigslist or similar website advertisements of non advertisers, posting contact information of non advertising providers, or links to their web sites, in a 411 post will result in a 2 weeks suspension for a first offense. Repeated offenses will result in a longer ban. Such links are only permitted when posted in the context of a review.
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